Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been a very short and quick week in Primary 1B but we have still managed to squeeze in lots of fun learning, here are some of our highlights.


On Wednesday we were all excited to be back in school, seeing our friends and chatting about our holidays. We shared with each other all the fun things we got up over the October break and we drew pictures to go alongside our reports. We are getting very confident with using the sounds we know to help us in our writing.

We have also been learning all about sound ‘n’. It is a long stretchy sound, which we use the tip of our tongue on the roof of our mouth to help make the sound. We have been making the shape of the sound using play-dough and practising writing it in our jotters. It is very easy to get n confused with m so we need to think about what our mouth is doing to make the sound.

Health and Well Being

This week we have been talking about emotions. We watched some clips from the movie ‘Inside Out’ and we had to guess which emotion was being portrayed by the character. Below is the link if you want to have another go at home. We had to share why we chose which emotion and then we shared times when we felt that emotion. We found that we had lots of things in common, one being we are mostly all scared of spiders and we feel sad when somebody gets hurt.

We had a go at using our drama and miming skills by playing emotions charades. It was great fun and we had some very dramatic emotions portrayed. One of our favourite characters was ‘Anger’. We practised our listening skills and pencil control by following instructions to draw the character Anger. We were pretty proud of our efforts and they looked fantastic in the end – we will add some pictures to the blog next week when they are completely finished.


We have been continuing to develop our knowledge of numbers up to 20. We are currently learning about teen numbers and today our magic number was 11. We have been investigating all the different ways to make and display 11. We have been counting forwards and backwards from different starting points and finishing at 11 and we have been making collections of 11 and practising our counting skills.

We hope you enjoyed reading about our week.

Happy Weekend everyone.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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