I hope you have had a relaxing break and managed to have some fun time together. This weeks blog will be a little shorter as we have only been in school for a few days.
This week the children have been writing about their holidays. They have been writing independently and trying to include some of the common words we have been learning. Some pictures below.
“n” sound
New sound this week was “n”. The children used newspaper cuttings to create the “n” shape.
Today we have been focusing on partitioning numbers to help create number stories. Some pictures below.
Health and Wellbeing
On Wednesday the children explored different emotions. They watched an extract from upside down and identified a number of emotions and how each made them feel. They really enjoyed expressing different emotions through drama. Today we read My Big Shouting Day” and used a guided draw to create Mr Angry. They drew some super pictures!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will post more updates next week.