News for Primary One

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. I have noticed that children have been making and sticking rainbows in their windows and chalking them on pavements. A rainbow has always been the sign of hope and children have been doing this to spread a little happiness at this difficult time.  Click on the word rainbow below it will take you to a link, you can print the rainbow,  colour it and put it in your window or draw one yourself. You can find lots of pictures online to help with the colours.


Activity One Literacy  – I hope you all had a go at our new ee sound yesterday. Please continue to practice it. I would not normally introduce 2 sounds so quickly however, there are activities I can post to support both sounds. Give it a go, challenge yourself. New sound is oo. oo is the sound the ghost makes. He lives in the top right window of Inky’s vowel house and makes this sound because the light won’t go on.



L.I. To understand that two letters make can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound by joining two letters

S.C. I can spell words with this sound

Practice saying the sound and blending it with others (as I said yesterday it maybe useful to have individual alphabet letters and ee and oo sounds on pieces of paper or card). Try to make the words – m-oo-n, b-oo-t, h-oo-t, f-oo-t, c-oo-k, h-oo-k, b-oo-k, l-oo-p, h-oo-d, f-oo-d, b-oo-m etc. You can write them, make up your own bingo game, draw a picture to match each word whatever helps you to recognize them. Good luck!

Activity 2 Numeracy – Continue to practice counting collections, extend the number in your collection. Are you estimations becoming more accurate? To support counting on and back it maybe a good idea to create your own number line. We use lots of different kinds of number lines in the classroom, it can be 0-10, 0-20, 0-30 or however may you feel comfortable with.

L.I. To add and subtract numbers

S.C. I can recognize numbers on a number line

S.C. I can say the number that is one more and one less

Practice saying the number that is one more and one less e.g. point to 11 ask the question what number is one more?, what number would be one less? extend by asking what would be 2 more, 3 less etc. Can you write the sum to match the action e.g. 11+1 =12

Activity 3 – Yoga. We all know how important it is to relax our body and mind try this 30 day Yoga Mindfulness Challenge. Start today!!

Hope you all have a great day, keep safe



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