Primary 7


This week we have been learning to solve problems using maths operations. We have worked well on this but a majority of us feel that we need to spend some time learning our tables.

Mums and Dads  can you help with this.

We have also been learning to use a protractor and ruler accurately drawing triangles. We hope to get outside soon to investigate angles in the playground.


Our class novel at the moment is Charlotte’s Web. We are enjoying reading through the story and completing all the tasks.

Keeley “It’s interesting so far”

Brooke “I think it’s really enjoyable”

Ava “It’s a great story”

The class have been working hard preparing the assembly for next week. Hope to see you all there.


With Ms Taylor on a Tuesday we have started to write narrative stories. We will put examples on the blog when they are completed.


This week we have been organising an itinerary for the holiday we are planning.


With Mrs Lockhart on Wednesday we were doing a challenge to assess how much we have learned so far.

Congratulations to Nicole and Alannah for getting the star award for collaborating well in science.

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