Fairtrade Fun

We have had another great week in primary 1 and 1/2.

We are really proud of our Fairtrade posters.  We included lots of detail including the Fairtrade symbol. We are getting really confident at spotting and sorting products that are Fairtrade.

Aayan and Arthur brought in Fairtrade wrappers to share with us and were able to talk about the logo and what it means. Harrison and Brendan brought in lots of examples to show on our Fairtrade wall. Well done boys!

Finlay- We worked really hard on them.

Elkie- I worked hard on my poster and I really like it.

Lucy- I liked drawing all the food especially the strawberries.

Charlie- I like my poster because I made myself buying a Fairtrade cookie.


We have even been making Fairtrade farmer faces from our loose parts. Lots of fun!!

Chloe- I liked the prickly things for his eyes. He is smiling because we are supporting Fairtrade.

Sophie – I drew a Fairtrade pineapple. It was really tricky especially the jaggy bits.

We have had a twit twooooooo  book week. We have been enjoying books about Owls. We have read Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and The Owl who was afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. We decided to write about things that we are afraid of……..mostly spiders! Darby and Sarah- Louise included lots of detail in their story.   We had a really good discussion about our school values and what made us feel safe in school. The boys and girls were able to share some lovely examples of what and who made them feel safe in school. We also drew some amazing owls, we think we could illustrate our own books!


Lucy- I liked the illustrations in the story book.

Roman- I liked using crazy colours for the owls . It made them really cool.

Maison- I think it was really fun to colour them in.

This week we have also been reading with our buddies. We were reading in the gym hall. We can read anywhere!!

Lexie-  I enjoyed sharing my story with my buddy.

Sophie- I liked reading my favorite book’ The Gruffalo’ with my buddy. It was fun reading in the hall but the floor was a bit cold.

Elkie- It was good to talk about the story with my buddy.

Joseph- My book was cool because it was funny and I could read the Title by myself.

We also took our buddies to our class to show off our amazing new toys and resources. We think the Primary 7’s enjoyed playing with them just as much as we do!

Aayan -enjoyed playing with his buddy and our new fire engine.

We have enjoyed playing Fire Fighters this week and unfortunately our house went on fire. Luckily we had lots of firefighters who knew what to do in this emergency and we had built our own firestation… PHEW!

We had a new teacher this week. Levente taught us how to say hello in polish         ‘dzien dobry’and to say some numbers. Well done Levente for leading the learning.

Levente- It was fun.

Homework Star of the Week- Skye

Well done Skye, what a lot of work and learning at home!!


Primary 4

This week our class have enjoyed working with pupils and teachers from different classes. They have been learning about different aspects of Egypt such as Tutenkhamun, timelines, hieroglyphics and how we find evidence from the past. Those pupils who attend homework club also drew pictures of Egyptian jewellery. We look forward to more sessions next week.

We have started work on fractions and have been learning about the related vocabulary such as numerator, denominator, sharing and grouping. We have been able to buy some new maths games and resources which pupils have enjoyed using.

Education City has been updated with new fraction and grammar activities, your child should have brought home an updated password for the site at the beginning of the week.



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