Tag Archives: Social subjects

P1 Scottish Topic

Food tasting p1b 2 Food tasting p1b IMG_3154 IMG_3157 IMG_3159

Primary 1 have been busy learning about Scotland. On Monday, we got to taste shortbread, oatcakes, cheddar cheese, Tunnock’s caramel wafer, Irn Bru and Mackies haggis crisps! I think the majority of us liked Irn Bru and caramel wafers the best!!

Katie Morag writing p1b


We have also been doing lots of writing about Scottish people and places. Here are some examples of p1b’s writing about Katie Morag! We hope you enjoy our stories!!

Roman Shields and Helmets in P3 and P4/3

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002P3 and P4/3 have been extremely busy this week making equipment for Roman soldiers. They learned about the differences between Celts and Romans then had to design their own shields. The shields had to use Roman colours, have arrows, a centre gold piece to protect their hands and be symmetrical. Then we used silver and gold to create our own Roman soldier helmets.



Primary 3 have just started their new topic on the Romans.  They have looked at how Rome got its name through the story of Romulus and Remus.  They have also found out that Rome is built on seven hills.  They created paper mache models of the seven hills and the River Tiber and painted them.  They think they look very effective.


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Wild About Scotland Bus

P4/3, P4 and P5 were learning all about Scottish wildlife last week. All P4 and P5 had the chance to go on the wild about Scotland bus where they were finding out about beavers and Scottish wildcats. The bus is an initiative run by Clydesdale Bank and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. Staff from the zoo were on the bus to teach pupils all about native wildlife. They learned about different habitats, compared fur and paw prints and tried to build an effective dam. While not on the bus, other groups were doing activities such as creating labelled drawings of beavers and drawing beaver habitats.

A Field of Poppies

Last week Primary 3 took notes from the Poppy Scotland website during writing time. This activity helped them appreciate the significance of the poppy.  During an expressive arts lesson they recreated their own fields of poppies using a dabbing technique with their paintbrushes.  Their finished pictures were fantastic.

Remembrance Day

This week in p1a we have been learning about Remembrance Day. We found out why we buy poppies and where the money goes. Miss Foote showed us the ceramic poppy display at the Tower of London and we wanted to know how long it would take for us to get there. When we looked on the map we saw how far away it was and that it would take us nearly 8 hours to drive there! We made some poppy art using our finger prints. Take a look and see how fab they are!

Weather Freeze Frames

In Primary 2 we have been learning about weather. We created freeze frames of different types of weather.