Author Archives: Miss Preston

P5A Reminder

A reminder that each Tuesday P5A will be participating in outdoor PE and Outdoor Learning lessons.

This will be happening regardless of the weather, so please be mindful of the clothes your child wears in our unpredictable Scottish climate!

CHILDREN SHOULD WEAR THEIR PE KIT TO SCHOOL.  They are NOT required to bring school uniform to change into.

Miss Preston

P1 – P3 Family Learning Activity

Good morning!

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well 🙂

Rainforest in a Bottle

This week’s Family Learning idea is to create a terrarium in your own home!  I will add these instructions to your class Seesaw!  Good luck!

Miss Preston

What you will need to create your terrarium:     

  • an empty, clean 2 litre bottle
  • sharp scissors/knife
  • stones/gravel
  • soil
  • some form of vegetation (i.e. moss, grass, daisy, leaves)

Watch this information clip before you start:

Step 1 You will need an adult to help with this part.  Mark your bottle approximately 1/3 from the bottom. Using the sharp scissors/knife ask your adult to cut around the bottle so you end up with 2 parts.
Step 2 From your garden or when you are out for your daily exercise collect some small pebbles or stones. These should then be placed in the base of the bottle.
Step 3 Collect some soil from your garden, a plant pot, the park and place it on top of the stones.  The soil should be moist but not too wet.
Step 4 Pick some vegetation for example grass, moss, daisys etc.  Place on top of the soil.  No need to press it down or ‘plant it’.
Step 5 Now you need to make your terrarium air tight! This can be done using cellotape or by making four little slits around the top part of your bottle and placing it inside the base.
Step 6 Place your completed terrarium in a warm place that gets lots of sunlight for example on a window sill, conservatory.

Keep a weekly record of any changes that happen within your terrarium.  This could be in a table, as a cartoon strip with drawings, a photo timeline.  Share your weekly updates via See Saw for your teacher to see.

P4 Assembly


A reminder that the P4s (from both classes) are hosting tomorrow’s assembly to share our adventures and experiences from Lowport and Alternative Activity Days.

Assembly will start at 11.45am sharp.

We hope to see you there!

P4, Miss Preston and Mrs Bethell

P4 Some additional snow day activities

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 🙂 

The snow is still falling so here are some more ideas to stop you getting bored.

  • Build an igloo!   Then research how an igloo keeps you warm.


  • Write an acrostic poem using words such as Snow, Snowflake, SnowDay


  • Measure how deep the snow is – remember to include the unit of measurement i.e. cm, inches etc


  • Conduct a science experiment by collecting snow in 3 similar sized tubs, wrap one securely in a towel, one securely in tinfoil and leave one uncovered.  Leave over night and see the difference in the morning.  Record any changes and suggest ideas as to why you think these changes have happened.

I hope you are all making the most of the snow and having fun outside!

Send any Powerpoint Files, Photographs etc either via your Glow account or direct to my email:

Miss Preston

P4 Snow Day Ideas

I hope you are all staying safe and warm!

Here are some ideas of what you can do during the snow days.

Miss Preston


  • Logon to Sumdog and get some practice before our Sumdog competition next month!
  • Practice your timestables using Hit the Button
  • Look for 2D and 3D items around your home


  • Continue to work on your homework challenge to research and create a factfile, a poster or a model about Grey Friar’s Bobby


  • Complete the attached fun worksheets
  • Write an imaginative story about a snowman that comes to life


  • Draw or paint a poster of the view from your bedroom window – try to think of some WOW adjectives to describe what you see
  • Using your mobile device take some photos over the next couple of days to create a collage or timeline of the snow days


ECO Group Recycling

We hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

A reminder that that ECO Committee will be collecting Christmas cards and paper for recycling.  Members of the ECO Group will be going round the classes and nursery when we return next week.

Please support our recycling campaign by sending in all used cards and paper.

Best wishes for 2018!

Boghall Primary ECO Committee