Author Archives: Mrs Thacker

Great Big Bug Hunt 2020

Why not get involved in this competition with a chance to win a digital microscope!  All you need to do is research and create a piece of work on a mini beast of your choice.  Please remember to follow the latest Government advice and maintain social distancing.  You’ll be surprised with what you can find in your garden or even in your house!  Entries should be emailed to by the 12th June.

Please follow this link to get further details!

Design a Super Bear Competition

John Lewis have launched a competition to find a superhero teddy bear, and they need your help designing it! The winning teddy will be sold in John Lewis shops, with 100% of the profits going to the NHS!

Try and incorporate unique elements through colours, patterns, capes, masks – whatever feels exciting for you, but please avoid using any recognisable icons in your designs, such as the ‘NHS’ lettering or Superman logos.

f you need a bit of help getting started, then please download the teddy bear drawing template from their website.
Share your superhero teddy bear design with John Lewis by 5pm on 8 May 2020. An adult over the age of 18 should submit a photo of your design in one of the following two ways:
Share your designs by email to
or posted through a public Instagram or Twitter account with the hashtag

BBC Bitesize Live Lessons

We are very impressed with, and would highly recommend a visit to BBC Bitesize and their fantastic Home Learning activities.  All you need to do is click on the suitable age or stage of your child and you will be directed to a huge range of lessons.  They are doing 3 live lessons a day, complete with appearances from some famous faces.  Just click on the attached link to go straight there.



Start a Nature Diary

What can you see, hear, smell???

 The weather has been so beautiful lately, and is set to be sunny and dry all week.  It’s a great time to start a nature diary.  Look out the window each day, or go out into your garden and draw or write what you see. Birds, flowers, the weather.  We’d love to see some of your work.  You can either post here or send to