P2/3 – Monday 23rd March 2020

Good Morning P2/3.

I hope you are all ready for some exciting new learning this week. In your work packs that were made for you leaving school on Friday are 2 big grids with lots of activities and work. Week 1 grid is for this week, and week 2 grid is for next week ( these grids will be added to this blog for any child who did not receive a pack)Week 1 + 2 grid complete and  Week 1 + 2 grid CIRCLES. You can choose 5 activities per day which you would like to do. Reading books were not included in the packs therefore reading activities should be based on a book that you are reading at home. A book of your choice :). All other work should be completed in the jotter provided or on paper/printable worksheets.

In your pack you will find log on details for Sumdog and Studyladder where you will find lots of additional learning which can be done on an iPad or laptop. I am able to see who is doing what learning which gives me a good idea of how you are all getting on with your learning.

I am available to be contacted through the school twitter page if there are any questions.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Remember to take breaks during your learning, go outside and get some fresh air and keep being ready, respectful and safe like you all always are.

Miss Hamill.


Master Minds week 1 spelling

Bright Sparks week 1 spelling

Genius Gems week 1 spelling

Missing Punctation

r blend worksheet – bright sparks



3 Times Tables – triangles and squares

100 Square

2 thoughts on “P2/3 – Monday 23rd March 2020”

  1. Good morning Circles. I hope you are all well. When doing the 100 square activity, ask an adult to cut up into sections for you to then piece it together like a jigsaw puzzle. You could also get someone to challenge you to find a number, numbers before and after, or even what number comes between. Have fun and stay safe!
    Miss McLuckie

  2. Hi P2/3, hope you are all keeping well.
    I’m just sending a message to let you know
    I am available to help out and answer any question especially
    on The Five Minute Box and the work sent home in the pack.
    Look forward to hearing from you
    Mrs Anderson

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