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Learning Outdoors

ASD1 are looking at a variety of Scottish Habitats this term and this will mean lots of Outdoor Learning.
We started by exploring our school grounds to find out what wild plant life and animal life we could spot there and what evidence we could gather.
We spotted things we expected to see, like the jackdaws that we regularly feed, but we also spotted an oystercatcher in the playground.

We also looked for mini-beasts in our sensory garden, lifting logs and plant pots to see what we could find and photographing them. Do you know what these are?

We brought these things back into our classroom to look at in more detail and to start an entry in our Nature Journals.

On Wednesday 3rd May we focused on the different types of mini-beasts that we could find. We searched on plants, in the soil, under bark, logs and leaves and various plant pots, as well as the container and eaves of the outdoor classroom. This time we collected various mini-beasts in bug spotters and recorded them on our spotting sheet.

We then carried our discoveries into the outdoor classroom where we finished recording our data, before we looked at each mini-beast up close using the bug spotters. The two creepiest were definitely the leatherjacket and the big spider! However we all liked the little ladybird.

It was such a lovely day it was nice just to relax in the outdoor classroom after we had let all our creatures back into their habitat.