Tag Archives: learning

World Book Day

In the run up to World Book Day ASD1 have been looking at the story of “Alice in Wonderland”. This book was written in Victorian times, which fits in beautifully with our IDL context. This week we have used ICT to research the book and its author, made a Mad Hatter style hat and coloured in characters from the book for our door display.

On Friday we joined a “Where’s Wally?” search with Miss Cleland and other pupils from various classes before coming back to class to make sandwiches, complete some Alice themed activity sheets and decorated cup cakes all ready for our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.
This was fun! We put on our hats (or ears) and then enjoyed all the food we had made – there wasn’t any to take home!

Let’s Get Fizzy!

Pupils from Primary 3 and ASD1 enjoyed a visit from Generation Science on 28th February.

The title of our workshop was “Get Fizzy” and we were using a combination of liquids (“Sloshy liquids”) and solids (“Tough Solids”) to make a gas (“Gas that goes everywhere”).

First of all we learned how to identify a solid, a liquid and a gas and then we tried to decide which category familiar objects fit into.

Then we were shown the equipment we would use and our safety equipment – the pupils all wore a protective apron and goggles to protect their eyes. The pupils worked in pairs and took turns at measuring out different liquids or solids and mixing these in different combinations to see which had the best chemical reaction – the BEST FIZZ! Once we had discovered the best combination we were allowed to try the experiment again on a bigger scale, which made a bigger fizz.

Finally the people from Generation Science made the biggest fizz of all using some special chemicals – we could only watch this and they used a safety screen to stop the class from getting messy. This was a fun start to our day and we can’t wait to carry out more experiments soon.