P1L – Week beginning 11th of May.

Our new weather map!  We have fantastic weather forecasters in P1L – they tell us about all the different kinds of weather we will see in the next couple of days! They are very accurate because they always include “sunshine and showers!”

11th May - 3

11th May - 4

We are making great progress spotting colour patterns in maths. Have a look at our washing lines of sock patterns. 

Patterns 1

We are identifying sounds and blending them together in phonics – it is hard work but we are improving all the time. We are able to spot words in sound streams and highlight them.

Phonics 1

Phonics 2

We are also working hard using our word mats to make keywords. We sound out each sound and then blend them into words before we tick each word box. We are becoming speedy at this!

Phonics 3

Phonics 4

Ruby enjoying some free time after working hard. 

11th May - 5

P1L enjoy making masks during “Soft Start”.

11th May - 6

11th May - 8

Shelbi and Jackie enjoyed playing with the house after their work tasks.

11th May - 7

It was Zara’s Birthday this week. She was very excited about it and got lovely presents to play with. Happy Birthday, Zara! 

11th May - 2

We hope everyone has a good week! 
“Article 28 – Right to an Education”.

P1L – Week beginning the 4th of May.

We started work on symmetry and looked very carefully at half pictures so that we could copy the missing half. Both sides of the picture had to look the same. We used dots on grids as guidelines to make a symmetrical flower and a butterfly. Here is some of our work.

Flower 1

Butterfly 1

Butterfly 2

4th May - 1

4th May - 4

Our P7 Buddies helped us to complete a “cut and paste” activity in maths. We had to decide if a picture was symmetrical or asymmetrical and then paste it into the correct column. It was quite tricky but our buddies were on hand to support us.

Poster 1

Poster 2

4th May - 2

4th May - 3

4th May - 6

4th May - 5

We hope everyone has a good week! 

“Article 28 – Right to an Education”.

Tractor visits Class M

This week we were all very excited that a real farmer, called Jamie, brought his tractor in to the playground for us to look at. We were amazed at how big it was. The tyres were taller than Mrs McLean! We enjoyed asking Jamie questions about the tractor and finding out what it does on the farm. On Tuesday we learned how to write thank you letters as it was very kind of Jamie to come in to school.

Gabriel – The boy was talking about tractors. He said there was bailers. The bailer puts hay down on the grass.

David – Tractors have big wheels. I’m writing a letter. The letter said thank you.

Joe – We made a tractor with boxes. We painted them. Jamie brought his tractor. It has an engine to work.

Jayden – My tractor was colourful. Tractors have two big wheels at the back and two small wheels at the front.

Lewis – Jamie the farmer came to school with his big green tractor. The tractor has big wheels. I wrote a thank you letter to Jamie.

Yolie – Thank you letter for Jamie, for bringing his tractor.

Dylan – We had to put our address, date, who you were sending it to and your name so they know who the letter came from. It was a thank you letter to Jamie for bringing in his tractor.

Jake – Jamie had a tractor. It was green.

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P4m (18.5.15) What stuck with you this week?

Jack, Murray, Paige, Emma and Mark: We enjoyed outdoor P.E this week- we practised our basketball, football, and throwing skills at 3 different stations in teams.

Lauryn, Harry, Stacey, Fiona, Gary, Aidan, Katie, Luca, Jordan, Tobin and Archie: We loved learning about line graphs in maths this week! We plotted the average annual temperatures in Edinburgh and in Egypt and compared them. We noticed that Egypt is a lot hotter than Edinburgh!

Robyn, Michelle and Skye: We found maths quite challenging this week!

Jamie: I learned about half and quarter fractions this week.

Casey: I liked going to the netball after school club this week.

Gabriel, Lewis and Cameron: We enjoyed learning about Egypt. We learned about Islam and how to say some words in Arabic.

Steven: I found spelling difficult this week.

We also learned a bit about India this week and loved doing some Bollywood dancing with P4g.

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Article 13: the right to finding and sharing information with others.

How do we share our learning?


We have been being busy like Cassie Communicator this week in P1h.  We have been learning about the life cycles of frog, butterfly and plants.   To learn the stages for each of the life cycles we watched a video.  We then in small groups decided on how we would display the main steps in the life cycle.  We all used our printing skills, that we have been practicing in art, and had to write the labels.

One group was sligthly different, in Health and Well being we are thinking about healthy eating.  We read the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’.  This group started our display by showing what the caterpillar.

We would love to show our  families the displays at our Shared Start on 26.05.15.


Indian Delights in P4g

This week in P4g we have been learning about india as part of our topic ’80 Days Around the World’. On Wednesday, we had an Indian afternoon. In P4g we tasted indian food; mango chutney, poppadums, raita, chapattis and saag aloo and in P4m we did Bollywood Dancing with Miss Mowat.
I enjoyed tasting the India food. I liked all of it! – Brooklyn
I really enjoyed the raita. I has mint, cucumber and yoghurt and a bit spicy – Lennox.
I loved the Bollywood Dancing. We learnt different moves that I wouldn’t have learnt at my dancing. – Sophie
I liked doing the dancing in Miss Mowat’s class. – Yasmin
I liked doing the dancing and we got to make up our own dance. Our dance was called Hot! – Abbie
I enjoyed learning about Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She was a nun and a teacher in India who went to help the sick, the homeless and orphans – Lucy
In Maths we have been doing fractions. We learnt about halves and quarters. – Lennox


On Tuesday we planted tomato plants with Mrs Waddell. We took them home and are looking forward to getting delicious tomatoes later in the year. We also learnt about the life cycle of the plant.

tomto plant

In P.E. we are learning to play netball and we learnt about stepping and passing the ball. (Mrs Collings is very pleased as this is her sport!) We also learnt the differences between netball and basketball.

Pupil of the week – Ciaran for excellent work during problem solving bingo.

Article 28 – the right to an education

P1L Playground Fun!

P1l have had a lovely Friday morning with our visitors from the nursery.

We had a chat about the things we like to play in the playground.

These are some of the things we like to do:

“We like playing hide and seek” (Alistair).
“We play different game, like duck, duck, goose” (Keilija and Ruby-Anne).
“I like running around” (Dionne, from the nursery).
“We like playing spy tig with Cameron” (Rory and Owen).
“I like playing catch with my friends” (Zara).
“I like playing tig with Aaron and Ben” (Kiera, from the nursery).
“I like playing chase with Jamie” (Brandon).
“I like playing ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ with my friends” (Charlotte).
“We liked playing with the nursery boys and girls today” (Lucas and Owen).
“We like playing an animal and chopping game with my friends” (Brooke, Ruby and Ammie-Leigh).
“I like playing spy tig and duck, duck, goose with my friends (Cameron).
“I like playing superheroes” (Charlie).
“I like playing ‘Mum and Dads’ with my friends” (Callum).
“I like playing ‘doggies’ with Brooke” (Mia).
“I like playing ‘horses’ with Zara” (Annie).
“We like playing dinosaurs and firemen” (Liam and Kyle).

*Just a reminder to parents/carers that P1 Shared Start is on Tuesday 26th June 2015 at 8.55am.


We have had a very busy week learning more about the farm. On Monday we had a visit from Caitlin’s brother who works on a dairy farm. He brought down his huge tractor to show us. He told us about all the different parts of the tractor and what it is used for.

On Wednesday we went on a trip to Mill Farm. We had a fantastic day. We started off by looking round the visitors centre and we got to see what it would be like to go into a real mine and then we went to the machinery barn. There were lots of different farm machinery which they used to use on the farm. Afterwards we split into our three groups and we went around the farm. We went to see all the different animals. We saw goats, cows, donkeys, chickens and geese. We also seen a pig who was trying to lose weight. We had a talk in the wartime garden where a lady told us all about growing vegetables. We learned how to make compost and how important worms are for the soil.

After lunch we went to play in an indoor play barn which was great fun. Then we headed over to the outdoor play area where we got to play on the trampolines, the jelly belly, go-karts and dig for fossils!

Before we went home we got to go for a tractor ride around the farm.

We had a fantastic day!

Right to an education: Article 28


Class Dojo: Mya

Pupil of the Week: Robbie

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Fight for Survival!

Another busy week in P5m…..

Here are some things we’ve been learning…

I’ve learned how to multiply by a single digit in decimals and how to play The German Tune on the double base. Lexis

I learned how to dribble with a hockey stick. Ella, Scott, Madeleine & Roan

I learned how to solve a decimal puzzle. Gemma B

I learned about fractions with Mrs Drummond. Ellie

I have learned what similes are. Cameron M

I learned how the world was created! Sarah

I learned my 7 times tables off by heart! Jane

I learned how to multiply single digit decimal numbers. Ben

I have learned how scientists believe the world began. Declan


We also learned about seed dispersal and the ‘Fight for Survival’.

Here are some photos from our dispersal experiment.


We used our knowledge of recording data to record the number of seeds on a tally chart and then displayed the information on a bar chart!


And some news from outside school…..

Kiera H’s guinea pig fell on his back and got a fright!! Oh no, poor piggie!

Annie learned how to do a back walkover on a beam in gymnastics! Wow!

Olivia learned how to do a cartwheel back tuck of the beam in gymnastics! Wow!

Have a great weekend! Remember 10 gem points for everyone who comments on the blog!!




Week beg 11.5.15
This week in maths we revised fractions. We were reminded about halves and quarters. A half is when a shape is split into two equal pieces. A quarter is when a shape is split into 4 four equal pieces. We used our knowledge to sort different shapes under the headings halves and quarters.

Yesterday we had our Celebrating Success Ceremony. For our class performance, we sang the song ‘Bring it all back’ by S Club 7. This song is about never giving up. We were reminded about trying our best to achieve our dreams. Well done to Sophie, Jessica, Grace, Reece and Rachael for receiving certificates. 

In art we drew a still life image of fruit. A still life picture is when you draw a still real-life image. It is important to draw what you see. We used our observational skills to sketch the outline and then use appropriate use of colour. We used darker colours for the shadows.

Next Wednesday we are going on a trip to Mill Farm. We are very excited about this!

Week beg 18.5.15

On Monday Caitlin’s brother brought a tractor to our school! It was green and yellow and had very large wheels! The farmer told us what different parts of the tractor are called and what they are used for. For example, there is a hook which can attach trailers to carry heavy equipment. He told us that it was one of the biggest tractors he had. We were excited watching the tractor drive off.



On Wednesday, we went to Mill Farm. First we went to see the old machinery that was used in farms in the past. It is very different from todays. We saw lots of animals including; sheep, pigs, horses, donkeys, rabbits, goats and chickens. We also listened to a talk where we learned lots of useful information. We learned that worms are a gardens friend and that farmers collect manure, leave it for a year then use it as a fertiliser to feed the plants. After lunch we played on the jelly belly and went to the Adventure Zone. It was so much fun! Before, going home we went on a short tractor ride around the farm.
Here are our highlights:
‘My favourite part was the tractor ride.’ – Gemma
‘I liked the go-karts.’ – Calvin
‘I liked the jelly belly trampoline.’ – Daniel
‘I liked the Adventure Zone because there were lots and lots to play with.’
‘My favourite was the talk.’- Eva
‘I liked holding a worm!’ – Rachael
‘I liked playing in the big house.’ – Liam

Article 28- Right to an education
Article 24- Right to nutritious food

Reminder- Shared start on Wed morning- parents/carers welcome 


We have had a busy week in 6H with lots of learning happening.

The week started with our Sports Elective at the Sports Centre.  We have seen our skills improve whatever sport we  chose, and are sad that there are only two weeks left. In Health & Wellbeing we started learning about how our bodies change in puberty and what that will mean for us.

In other news, Joe won our float design competition and is currently munching his way through his prize!

Joe – My heart was pounding and I was like YES!

Sophie B learned a lot of new skills in Art this week.

Sophie – I learned how to use different line and shading techniques.

Ava – I liked learning new drawing skills.

While Josh learned about negative numbers in maths.

Josh – It was fun figuring out the answers.

Jordan – I liked subtracting negative numbers – it’s like you are almost counting backwards in a weird way!

Lily – Learning about millilitres in maths helped me make my potion in science!

We have also been reading Harry Potter as our class novel and using this to help us learn right across the curriculum.


Lots of learning in P2bg

This week we have been experimenting. We were testing materials which would be good to use to make an umbrella. We enjoyed putting water onto different materials and finding out what would happen. We learned that paper and cotton would not be very good materials to use but plastic would be very good. We discussed the fact that although some materials like metal and glass are waterproof they would not be suitable to use to make an umbrella but they are good for using at other times when you need something to be waterproof, for example when you are cooking using water or drinking water.

We have also been learning how rainbows happen. Campbell gave us a super explanation of how rainbows are formed and was awarded our pupil of the week certificate for doing so. We know that rainbows are not a type of weather but they happen when you have rain and sun at the same time. We made some tissue paper rainbows which have brightened up our classroom. 🙂

In writing this week we were learning about onomatopoeia. Although this is a BIG word, we know that it has a simple meaning – a word that describes a sound. We enjoyed listening to a Dr Seuss story with lots of sound words in it and then we listened to some weather sounds and thought of good words to use to describe them. We then created posters showing onomatopoeia weather words.

We look forward to sharing our learning in school with our parents and carers on Wednesday 27th May @ 8.55am.

Have a lovely weekend!

Article 28 – The Right to an Education

Class O….Growing Up and Keeping Healthy

This week we have been very busy learning more about the body and how to look after ourselves as we grow up. We have been focussing on making positive and healthy choices and investigated hearing and the lungs.

I have been learning about smoking and why it is bad for you. Smoking can damage your lungs even from being around the smoke. Your lungs will disclour with yellow and black. I really enjoyed the epxeriement and activities. They were very interesting. (Josh)

We investigated hearing and why it is important. We learned about how the ears work and how sound travels to the brain. I really enjoyed the Brainpop video we watched. It was fuuny. It talked about having cheese instead of a brain. I carried out a sound walk. I could hear lots of differnt sounds. (Cary)

We have been learning about the human body. We have learnt about the lungs and how they help you to breathe. We also looked at the ears and how they are importent for hearing. We learnt all the different parts of the ears and what their job is. (Caitlin)

I really enjoyed learning about ears and lungs this week. We had a model lung made out a bottle and a balloon which helped us to learn about how we breathe. We learned about what we could hear by going on a sound walk around the school. (Adam)


This has been a busy week in P5d.

We had the second of our rugby taster sessions and were invited along to the sports centre to learn how to play short tennis. Here are some of our comments and pictures….

Aaron – in our P.E. lessons with Mr Jeffries we have learned about quick reflexes and we had to use quick reflexes at the short tennis. We also had to use what we have learned about balance and agility to help us.

Viggo – I could see that the things I have learned with Mr Jeffries helped me to play short tennis.

tennis 002

tennis 004

tennis 014

tennis 064


We have been learning about evolution, different species and habitats this week. We are creating a new species and building a habitat for it then we will take all this information and create a fact file about our new species. Pictures will follow over the next couple of weeks.

We are also watching caterpillars develop into butterflies. Our caterpillars are now at the chrysalis stage and will be transferred to their butterfly home on Monday to complete the change into a butterfly.

tennis 087

James – We have watched the caterpillars shed their exoskeletons …..it was very interesting to watch.

To help us with our next writing piece we have been learning about personification –

Aidan – The old boat crawled across the waves.

Emma – The sun glared down on me.

Daniel – The black car screamed along the road.

Brooke – The waves ate the boat.


Have a great weekend……5 weeks to go !!!

Our week in p7b


On Monday we had a visitor from the Health department of West Lothian Council who taught us about what’s in the drinks we drink:

Lauren C: “We learned that caffeine is a drug which takes calcium out of your bones and people think it makes you energetic but it just makes you hyper.”

Finlay: “Caffeine can be found in coffee and almost all types of sugary drinks. Out of Irn Bru, Coke and Pepsi, Irn Bru has the most caffeine. We learned that caffeine dehydrates your body as you need to go to the toilet more often.”

Jack: “I learned that energy drinks have lots of caffeine and some of them I didn’t know had that in them.”

William: “We learned there is lots of sugar in energy drinks and other fizzy juices.”

Paul: “There are 9 teaspoons of sugar in a 330ml can of Coke or Pepsi! It also costs a lot of money. A cheaper alternative is to drink water!”

Flyn: “Energy drinks like Relentless and Rockstar can have up to as much as sixteen teaspoons of sugar in them!”

Callum: “That much sugar is bad for you because it will rot your teeth and it isn’t the best type of energy because our body uses it too quickly. We get better energy from carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta which release sugar slowly.”

 On Wednesday we had the second visit from the Tobacco Education department. Here’s what we learned:

Chloe: “We learned that smoking can damage your lungs. We saw that it can turn your lungs black.”

Jay: “We did an experiment using a bottle with a little water in it to represent someone’s lungs. We attached a cigarette at the top of the bottle which symbolised the mouth…”

William: “We squeezed the bottle to symbolise the lungs smoking the cigarette. Afterwards we saw that the filter doesn’t filter very much…”

Olivia: “Because the water went all yellow because of the tar. The cotton bud went yellow as well and this symbolises the damage done to the cilia (little hairs on your tongue and nose) by the cigarette.”

Paul: “We looked at the chemicals inside a cigarette. There is trace amounts of poo, bleach, nail polish remover, fertiliser, formaldehyde, ammonia and over four thousand others!”

Who has impressed?

Finlay: “P2m impressed me by doing very well with their assembly this morning.”

Flyn: “I’m impressed with myself, Kendal and Harry for getting onto step 5 this week.”

Jay: “I’m impressed with my care class (p4m) because they are remembering to sign up for their lunches in the morning.”

Flyn: “I’m impressed with the football for being unbeaten at the football festival and having two wins and two draws.”

Antonia: “I’m impressed with Lauren K for getting 80 out of 80 in Big Maths Beat That.”

Harry: “Taylor impressed me by being one of the winners of the Frozen art competition. She drew a fabulous picture of Olaf.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m impressed with the high standard of debate the class had about a potential smoking ban when they were working with Mrs Waddell on Thursday. They wrote very detailed discursive essays which I enjoyed reading.”



What makes a good friend?

We are preparing for our class assembly which will be on Friday 5th June. We are learning more about what makes a good friend. We made a FRIENDSHIP TREE and we use it to help us understand how to be the greatest friends!


When we see someone being a good friend we write their name on a leaf and write why we think they have been a good friend. Then we stick it onto the tree.


We think that our tree looks like a winter tree just now because it started off with no leaves and now it is slowly gaining some more.

We hope that our tree will look full like a summer tree very soon because we are trying to be better friends. Hopefully lots of names will be added very soon 🙂


Article 15: We have the right to choose our friends and be safe.

Star Writers!

It’s A Wonderful World Class B have been learning about endangered species. We’ve been reading current scientific literature and watching news clips about endangered species. We’ve taken a special interest in Giant Pandas and have been studying these animals this week.

Humans and animals are both important so it’s hard to explain. If they didn’t chop down the forest the humans might not have anywhere to live. Maybe the humans could find somewhere else to live. Aiden

Endangered mean the animals are losing their homes not getting any food and they would be all extinct if they keep dying. Cameron

People are cutting down trees in forests; some animals like pandas need trees to be sheltered. Callum

China needs to cut down trees so they can build new houses. It’s not fair because the pandas can’t get any food like bamboo. If pandas become extinct there would be none left absolutely none. Some people kill pandas to get their fur and also make rugs out of them. It’s not a nice thing to do because pandas are really cute and it’s not nice to kill animals. Cody

Some Pandas lived in the zoo and some pandas live in the forest. Tian Tian and Yang Guang live in Edinburgh Zoo. Liam
blog 2


This week, we are using our knowledge of Giant Pandas to write reports about these endangered animals. We want to share our reports with Class O, so that other people can learn about Giant Pandas, why they endangered and what is being done to help.

We had lots of fun in the sensory room learning more about Giant Pandas and creating a wonderful shared writing plan.

blog 1

We’ve been working hard to include important features of report writing.

A title and a factual first sentence is important so the reader will know what it’s going to be about. Aiden

A report is like non-fiction because it has true facts and information. Cody

We were all star writers this week!

blog 3

How do we learn in P3/2 ?

We learn in lots of different ways by reading, talking, writing and by presenting and making….Let’s here about our Learning this week.

Charlie- I ‘ve enjoyed learning about the fruit from different places.

Ben M., Megan, Erin, Alfie, Oliver, Aaron-We like learning at PE with Mr. Jeffries and we got our last fire ball.

Sophie- I liked doing my class talk in dance.

David, Emma- We are looking forward to doing our class talks.

Connor, Robert- We are enjoying learning about volcanoes.

Ben W., Mia, Lauren, Demi Leigh, Isla- We are enjoying Mathilda…because it is dramatic. She is smart and can do magic.

Sophia, Liam- We liked writing my Apple story.

Suvi-I liked doing my class talk on holidays.

Ava- I liked helping Sophie at her class talk when we danced to ” a star is born.”

Sam- I liked doing the volcano pictures, where we had to use hot colours, with Mrs Clark.

Jason- I liked doing symbols in my maths.

Have a great weekend.


we have the right to find out things and share what you think with others by talking , drawing, writing or in any other way.











P6s – Hogwarts School of Science – The Second Experiment

This week in Hogwarts School of Science we were learning about the terms soluble and insoluble. We learned the meaning of tricky terms such as solute, solvent and solution. We then set up experiments where we were trying to find out which materials fitted in to each category. By adding the material to warm water we found out whether chalk, sugar, coffee, gravy granules, rice, flour and  sand were soluble or insoluble.

Here we are trying it out:

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We then recorded our results in our jotters and wrote a summary of the experiment.

As a Home Learning task we had to make up our own magical potions with different ingredients. We got some interesting concoctions which are now on display in our classroom alongside our very own P6s Book of Potions. We think they look great! 🙂


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