
What a great week!!!!

We have been working hard in P5a this week. We have been learning about letter writing. We used the death of Alexander 111 as a context for this task. We have all adopted Scottish names which we will use as we travel through the various contexts for learning over the coming weeks.

In maths we have been using loop cards to sharpen our recall of multiplication facts. Mrs Drummond will time us each time we do this and our aim is eventually to answer all the questions within one minute! We have also been learning about measure using millimetres and centimetres. Some of us found it tricky to measure using parts of a centimetre, eg. 2.7cm, but we got there in the end!

In science this week we have learned lots. Here is some of what we now know …..

Rowan – there are three types of matter they are solids, liquids and gasses.

Eva – a solid is when atoms are tightly packed together and they can’t move so the stay in that shape.

Scott – the atoms that make up liquids are not as tightly packed together as solids and that means they can move around.

Sophie – gas atoms are able to move around and can fill up any space.

We did the cola and mentos challenge. When the mentos mixed with the cola a chemical reaction took place. It was amazing. Here is a picture….


In P.E. this week we focussed on smart running.

Ty – we did games that helped us to work on our speed. It was really good.


That’s all for now folks, have a great weekend!!!!!


Class O go Out and About!


This week Class O were practising their road safelty skills. We walked to the ice-cream shop, where we had to think about busy traffic and safe places to cross. We discusses the dangers of crossing between parked cars as well as the safe use of pedestrian crossings. We all demonstrated excellent road safety skills.
We were also consolidating our money skills from last term. We were all able to order an ice-cream which we had enough money for and callculate any change we should receive. When we go Out and About again we will continue to practise our road safety skills and will hopefully visit some other places in our local community that will help us develop skills and learn more about our topics.

“I enjoyed going to the ice-cream shop. I have been there with my family too. I was able to independently choose, order and pay for an ice-cream. I chose my favourite flavours – white chocolate and bubblegum!” (Cameron)

“I decided to chose a snow cone. I chose a zombie flavoured one. It was very sour but I really liked it. I paid for it by myself. I was very good at helping the group look for dafe places to cross the roads.” (Cody)

“I was confident calculating how much my ice-cream would cost, deciding if I had enough money and working out how much change I should get. I chose two scoops in a waffle cone – mint choc chip and white chocolate. It was delicious!” (Callum)

“I walked very well to the ice-cream shop and helped look for cars coming so we knew if it was safe to cross or not. It was hard to choose an ice-cream becasue there was lots of flavours. I chose bubblegum. It wsa blue. It was very cold but yummy.” (Liam)

“On the way to the ice-cream shop I help look for cars to see if it was safe to cros over the road. I chose a chocalte waffle cone with chocolate ice-cream and chocoalate sauce.” (Yolie)

Settling in to P3/2

Since coming back to school we have been settling in to our new class and making new friends. We have been learning about our rights. We have the right to play and have had time to play within our classroom and have made suggestions of things we would like to play with over the school year. We learned about our right to be kept safe from harm and thought about some adults in our life who help us to have this right.

We have enjoyed PE with Mr Jeffries and Drama with Mrs Hay and we have been enjoying our Maths work on numbers and counting. We are going to spend some time this term looking at rhyming stories and poems and Mrs Gallagher is encouraging us to bring in any examples of these from home, as well as bringing our own books or comics to read in class if we wish too.

Next week we look forward to starting our learning theme ‘Wallace and Gromit’s World of Invention’.

Pupil of the week for this week was Lucas for an excellent start to P3 and our Class Dojo of the week was Ross. Well done to you both and well done to everyone for such a good start to P3/2.

Welcome back to Class M!

This is our first week back at school after 7 weeks holidays!!

We all had so much fun during the holidays. Here is how we were feeling about coming back:

Dylan “It didn’t feel that good coming back to school because I have to do a lot of work”

Joe “I didn’t miss school over the holidays. I was too busy having fun and playing outside with my shorts.”

Adam “I was feeling fine about coming back to school.”

Cary “I was really, really looking forward to coming back to school. Sometimes spending time with family can be too much! ”

Caitlin “I was feeling sad about coming back to school, because I have to do a lot of work and I was enjoying my holiday away.”

Aiden “I had so much fun playing with my friends in the holidays I didn’t want to come back to school.”

Miss Robertson “I was looking forward to coming back to school and seeing all the boys and girls.”

Mrs McLean “I was so happy to see everyone when we came back to school. I enjoyed my summer holidays, but wish the weather had been a bit nicer.”

In class M this week we played with the sticky goo at activity table. Joe “Aiden was putting the goo all over my hands.” “It was very very sticky and it was stuck to my hands.” Said Caitlin. “The goo was messy” Said Adam.

On Thursday we had P.E. Caitlin thinks it was fun. We played tig at the end of P.E but at the start Mr Jeffries explained the rules of the gym. We also played “do this, do that” which helped us practice out listening skills. “I am looking forward to doing do this do that again and doing obstacle courses in P.E” Adam. “P.E was okay this week, I enjoyed being the leader and making people do the wrong thing!”

First Week Back

First week in P7

We have enjoyed our first week back to school and our new P7 responsibilities.

Care class

On the first day of Primary 7 we were told our care classes and went to introduce our self to the class. So far we have had lots of fun helping out the teachers and playing with the younger kids.


Before we went into Primary 7, we were introduced to our new Primary 1 buddies. We took them out to the playground for break to get to know each other. This week we have been going down to buddies to take them out for break and lunch. We all had fun with our buddies.

Written by Emma B and Emma T

Article 28- Right to an Education

Class Dojo winner- Robbie

Summer Stories and Looking Ahead in Class O!

Class O were very excited to be back at school this week. The enjoyed sharing their stories about what they did, where they went and who they spent time with during their summer hoildays. Everyone designed and created a personalised postcard to share with a friend about their holiday. This helped us recall writing in phraes, writing addresses and why addresses are important.

As well as looming back, Class O were keen to think about the whole term or their whole school year and discuss what they are looking forward to learning about.

Here are Class O’s thoughts:

Yolie: I hope we can go Out and About in the town and learn about the diffrent places and how to go there safely.

Jamie: I am looking forward to learning new strokes and techniques in swimming and learning to play new games with Mr Jeffries at PE.

Callum: I can’t wait to learn lots of new things in PE, at Out and About and during topic.

Cody: I am going to the Lowport with my P5 class. This will be fun. I hope I learn how to do lots of new things there. Swimming will be fun too.

Cameron: I am going to be learning lots of new things in Class O and in my P4 class. I enjoyed Maths yesterday with my P5 class. I hope Mr Jeffries teaches us lots of new games in PE this year.

Liam: I like reading books in Class O. I would like to read more books and learn about the characters and their adventures.

We are all looking forward to our first full week of school next week. We hope you enjoy reading our Blog each week. 🙂

Our first week in P4b!

What a great week we have had back at school!

We have enjoyed creating our class charter and art this week! Freya, Karys, Lucy M, Keira, Aidan and Isla.

We liked maths this week. We practised our times tables and learned how to work out the area of shapes. Olivia, Lucy and Eva.

We enjoyed playing with friends during Golden time! Breanna and Robbie.

We have really liked making new friends in P4b! Emma, Finn, Sophie, Baillie, Kai and Liam.

We enjoyed writing about our summer holidays this week. James, Demi and Grace.

We hope you enjoy our pictures!

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New Teacher and Pupil in Class G

We have had a very exciting week. In our class we have had a new teacher and a new pupil. Miss Garland is going to be our teacher this year and our new friend in our class is Logan. This week we have all been getting to know each other. We had a fun art afternoon making salt dough name plaques and faces and making our helping hands.

We are all happy to be back at school. Here are some of things we have enjoyed about this week:

Lewis – I enjoyed making my name out of salt dough and making a cat mask. I am happy to be back at school.


Jayden – I loved doing a name plaque and making faces from salt dough. I liked painting my face.

Jake – I made my masterpiece. I made Jake out of salt dough.

Gabriel – I like bowling on the choose board.


David – I am in Class G and I am happy. I liked reading the bear hunt book.

Logan – I liked Golden Time.

Welcome to Primary 4/3

Everyone arrived excited about being in Primary 4/3…We have been very busy and learned lots already !

We have enjoyed our first week at school….Sophie, Erin, Ava, Lauren, Teighan and Emma

We had a great holiday and we are glad to be back at school….Alfie G. and Jess

We are enjoying the minions in the class…Sam, Megan, Denholm and Euan

We have liked everything …Ben, Robert, Oliver and Suvi

We liked drama…Mia and Liam

We enjoyed making the figures with our targets…Kiara, Gemma and Jason

We liked Golden Time as we brought  spy stuff and everyone played with it…Sophia and Connor

We liked playing with lego  for Golden Time..Alfie B. and Kay




Have a super weekend ! See you all on Monday…Remember to return the forms and pay  your milk money …Thank you

Mrs. C. Aitken



Welcome to P1c

What an exciting week it has been! Mrs Laidlaw and I welcomed a wonderful group of Primary 1s into P1c on Wednesday. They have all worked really hard to learn the new routines for school and are starting to remember where places are and what they need to do at the beginning of the day, at playtime, at lunchtime and at the end of the day.
These are the children’s thoughts about their first week at school.
I like play dough – Maddison
I love the puppet shows – Isla
I like the cars – Evie
I like going outside to play – Harris
I like my buddy, Ray – Nina
I like playing with my buddy and drawing – Keira
I like playing with the playdough –Ryan
I like playing with the castle – Daniel
I like playing with my buddy, Sasha – Alysheeya
I like playing outside – Elise
I like having lunch with my buddy – Esther
I like playing with the cars – Liam
I like playing with my buddy – Kayden
I liked having lunch with my buddies – Dionne
I liked it when it was playtime – Jess
I enjoyed playing with the puppet show – Grace
I enjoyed playing hide and seek with my buddy – Emma
I liked playing insde and outside – Noah
I liked drawing – Skye
I liked playing everywhere – Ava
I liked playing with the playdough – Alex

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to welcoming you all back next week!

Article 28 – The right to an education

Our first days at school!

We have already been very busy in school.  Here are some of our thoughts so far…

Sam loves the dolls house.

Charlotte likes the sand tray.

Jude likes playing with the cars on the play mat.

Eilidh loves her new Frozen pencil and writing cards.

Archie M likes going outside with his buddy.

Archie G loves building pyramids in the sand.

Keegan has been busy practicing his drawings.

Rhianna has had fun colouring in.

Luke favourite thing in school is playing in the sand pit.

Sophie M can’t decide if she likes the sand or the cars the best.

Grace M likes drawing, doll houses and the sand.

Grace Q likes playing with her friends and buddy.

Artjom likes going outside.

Max likes the lego.

Sophie S liked the number and phonics work we have started.

Hollie loves her buddy.

Emily loves the story corner and the dolls house.

Fearne likes playing with her buddy.

Sara likes going outside.

Lilyrose likes playing with the lego.

Miss Holwill is so proud of all of her boys and girls…they are going to be great Balbardie pupils.

Welcome to Primary 1!

Welcome to all the children who have started in Primary 1 this week! We have had such a fun time in school and Miss Wilson is so happy with how well everybody has settled in.

Here are some of our favourite parts of the week:
Rowan – Playing with my friend, Eva
Kyle – My favourite part was playing with Brandon
Eden – Playing in the sand
Eva – Playing outside
Lexi – Playing with my buddy, Joe
Teigan – My favourite part was playing with the play-doh
Lily – I like playing with my buddy, Sophie
Jonah – I like my buddy
Orlaith – I like playing with Rosie and my buddy
Tiana – My favourite part was playing with my buddy, Lucy

We have all had a really good week and are looking forward to learning more next week. Have a lovely weekend!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1A


Hello and welcome to our first blog as P6B.  We thought this week we would share our first impressions of P6.


James – Been really good, teacher’s funny.

Iona – I like P6.

Emma – It’s fun.

Meadow – Still getting used to it but so far it’s great.

William – I have had the best time.

Viggo – I am looking forward to learning about the Carribean Island.

David – I can’t wait to learn about the Rainforest.

Zoe – I am excited about the P6 show.

Evie – I hope we get the plants from space and we can learn about them.

This week we have learned about our Rights and Responsibilities, and came up with our class charter.

Our first few days in P5b…..

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely, relaxing holiday!

It’s been a really fun few days in P5b. We have made our Class Charter, learned about Solids, Liquids and Gases, been reading Billionaire Boy and doing lots of cool art activities.

What we think about P5b so far…………………


I like being in P5b because the task we did on Billionaire Boy was really fun. Murray

I really enjoyed science when we did the coke and mentos experiment and I really enjoyed when we did the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Jack

I like being in P5 because we do fun stuff in science. Darja

I like my teachers and I like enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy. Jamie

I like all of P5! Paige

I liked the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Katie & Colin

I liked coming back to school because I can see all my friends. Gabriel

I like P5b it is so fun so far you couldn’t have nicer teachers. Casey

I enjoyed doing the 3d hand optical illusion drawing. Michelle

I like our project science when we did the mentos and coke experiment. Aiden

I enjoyed seeing all my friends. Kamron

So far I enoyed art with the teacher and seeing my friends. Katya

I thought putting mentos in coca cola because it was really cool even though we didn’t put the mentos in ourselves. I wish I could do that at home. Anyway it was really cool I am looking forward to other cool stuff like that in P5b. Stacey

P5b is so fun because you get to do so much fun stuff. Lewis

I like P5b it is fun I like the teachers and I liked when we did the mentos experiment. Callum

I really liked the David Williams Billionaire Boy friendship task. Harry

I liked all the teachers in P5b. Steven

I really enjoyed drawing Bumfresh Towers and our teachers can’t get any nicer. Skye

I like p5b because the teachers are very nice. I also like p5b because the science is really cool. Fiona

My favourite thing in P5b is Solids, Liquids and Gases. Cameron

I enjoyed science because we learned all about matter and I am looking forward to the rest of the year. Luca

My favourite part of P5b was drawing the 3d hand drawing. Mark

I enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy. Jordan

I enjoyed learning about Billionaire Boy and doing the 3d hand drawing. Robyn

I liked doing the friendship sheet. Gary

I really like the teachers. Archie

I really enjoy being upstairs in P5 because there is a nice view out of the window. Lauryn

I like being in P5b because we get more work. Tobin

I like learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases and drawing the 3d hand. Noah


Have a great weekend!

Week beginning 22nd of June from P1L.

We completed our “Lifecycle of a plant” work for our “Profile Jotters” this week. We all achieved our “careful cutting” success criteria for neat presentation and we knew how to order pictures into the correct cycle.





We made picture gardens using collage materials; it was our chance to be very creative and use our imaginations. We had squirrels climbing trees, picnic tables, brown mountains and dark nights falling in our gardens.











In the afternoon we used different colours of plasiticine to create colourful figures as a fun activity. We were very inventive creating detailed characters.






















For fun –
Zara’s joke of the week – “What do witches wear on their head?…..Scarespray!”
Annie’s joke of the week – “What do you call an alligator in a vest?….An investigator!”
 Happy holidays everyone! 
“Article 31 – You have the right to play and rest”.

Our last blog in P5m….what I will remember…..

What I will remember about P5m

Mrs McClafferty attempting to sing ‘Let it Go’, the Victorian School day and the Victorian assembly. Roan

I will remember all the laughs me, Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs McClafferty and the whole class had! I will always remember singing ‘Still I fly’ when we released our butterflies. Scott

I will remember the Victorian topic because we did an assembly on it and I will also remember Mrs McClafferty singing, ‘Let it Go’. Ella

I will remember going to Lowport because it was really fun! Olivia

I will remember everything including the Victorian school day, Victorian tea party, assembly, sports day, the teachers, play time, lunch time, golden time and choose time! Annie

I will remember New Lanark. Connor

My favourite thing was going outside and doing outdoor PE. Louisa

I will remember Freedom! The Scottish Wars of Independence topic. Ramsay

I will always remember when Mrs McClafferty started singing ‘Let it Go’ and I let my milk go (down the front of my uniform) because I got a fright! Zoe

I will remember the fantastic assembly and our wonderful teachers. Lucy

I will remember Mrs McClafferty because of her COOL singing! Ben

I will remember when we planted our sunflower seeds. Andrew

I will remember the time when Mrs McClafferty was singing ‘Let it Go’ and Zoe got a fright and spilt milk all over her top! Casey

I will always remember running with a sack on my head at sports day and 2 lovely teachers. Kiera H

I will always remember the library and all its bookie gloriousness! Jane

I will remember everything especially Mrs McClafferty singing ‘Let it Go’! Clara

I will remember doing drumming with Mrs Drummond and learning about the Victorians. Ellie

I will remember the Victorian topic because of the assembly. Cameron M

I will remember the Victorian assembly. Madeleine

I will remember EVERYTHING. Especially Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Mackenzie! Freya

I will remember Jimmy (the teddy bear)!. Declan

I will remember the lovely teacher s and all the fun we had like; Lowport, the assembly, the Victorian tea party, Victorian school day, Golden Club event, New Lanark and Musical Theatre (Grease), violin, art and getting into the Golden Club! Jessie

I will remember my wonderful teachers Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs McClafferty. Gemma M

I will remember Lowport because I enjoyed the Jungle Bashing! Gemma B

I will remember the teachers because they are awesome. Sarah

I will remember Jimmy and being the first person in the school to get into the Golden Club! Lexis

I will remember Mrs McClafferkenzie, Jimmy and Lowport. Geo

I will remember the time at Lowport when I got my foot stuck in mud and then Gemma M got struck trying to help me out! Cameron B

I will remember inventing Rowena (poor Roan)! Isla

I will remember Lowport and all the amazing experiences with it! Louise


A huge congratulations to Connor and Ella on sports day for winning both the sprint race and overall award.


P5 winners!
P5 winners!

Finally, have a fantastic summer. It has been a pleasure to teach all the children in P5m this year and I will miss them all. I wish them all the very best for P6!


Fabulous Garden Designers in P1L!

P1 were set a home learning task, to create and design their own garden. They did a tremendous job! They were all unique, with lots of effort and hard work put in to them.

A huge thanks to the adults who helped out.

Below are a few photos of the children with their masterpieces.  Well done boys and girls!

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