What happens if…….

This week has been week of very varied weather and we’ve certainly been kept on our toes updating it on our french board!

Our thoughts on our learning this week –

Ben – I learnt how to read time on digital and analogue clocks.
Maisey – In music we learnt how to interact with different types of music.
Charlotte – I learnt how to feel the music when we were learning some songs.
Luke – I learnt about Darnley’s murder with 3 items beside him.
Hope – I learnt tricky words in spelling.
Emma – I learnt how to make a circuit.
Callum – I learnt how to join 2 circuits together.
Guy – I know how to make a circuit and I answered a question about making a circuit.
Jason – I have learnt to do tricky maths, especially doing my bronze tables test.
Nathan – I have learnt more about saying the days of the week in French.

We loved the song and you can too!

Jack – I learnt about the days of the week in French.
Camaron – I learnt about Mary Queen of Scots.
Isaac – I learnt how to nmake a circuit with 2 batteries.
Jacob – I learnt that if you put something non metal into a circuit, it doesn’t go on fire but the circuit didnt work either.
Lucy – I learnt tricky words in spelling.
Katie- I learnt that electricity can flow through metal.
Rose – I learnt to put 2 batteries into a circuit.
Hayley – I learnt how to make a circuit.
Louie – I learnt how to add a buzzer into a circuit.
Elliot – I know what happens if you connect a battery to a pen.
Aryan – I learnt how to add 2 batteries into a circuit.

In Science, we asked a lot of questions about circuits. We then tried to find out the answers.






We also enjoyed investigating electricity on this website.

Pupil of the week – Hope for being helpful to her classmates and being a good friend.

Table to the week blue with 690 points!

Murder Mystery week!


We have been learning how to write a newspaper article this week. We used a writing planner to take notes before transferring the notes into a full article. We had to make sure we had the correct layout and an appropriate headline. Some of us included quotes in our article and Miss Drummond was impressed with our ‘have a go approach’ with punctuation we weren’t sure of.

Mia– I enjoy writing and I like trying new kinds of writing and different punctuation

Euan – I enjoyed doing the newspaper article and I think I had a good headline – Murder Mystery


We have been learning about the 24 hour clock this week. It really is extremely tricky because there are 24 hours in a day but that’s actually day and night. A.m. is the part between midnight and midday and pm is between midday and midnight but pm gets 12 hours added on but you don’t say 13 o’clock you say thirteen hundred hours …easy ! There is so much to remember however we are getting there.

Connor – I really enjoyed learning about the 24 hour clock.

Jason – It was tricky at first but I kept trying and that’s our growth mindset


We have been discussing the death of Lord Darnley and who the possible suspects are, and if he was indeed murdered.

Suvi – I thought that Elizabeth killed Darnley because she wanted Mary to marry one of her friends

William – I think the Earl of Bothwell killed Darnley because he knew everyone hated Darnley and killing him could mean that everyone would want him to be king for killing him

Sophia – I think Mary killed Darnley because she said she was at a masked ball but no one would know if she was there or not or she might have sent someone else in her place . She wanted Darnley dead because he was horrible to her.


Have a great weekend!!!

Junior Choir

Wow!  What talented children we have here at Balbardie!  Both Miss Owens and I were blown away by the standard of singing at the choir auditions on Tuesday.

We know that some children weren’t able to attend because they were at Lowport, if your child is one of these children could they please come and speak to me (Mrs Mansfield) on Monday and arrangements can be made to hear them sing.

A reminder that all permission letters need to be returned by Monday at the latest.




Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 26th September



In this week’s Circle Time we focused on Changes.  We realised that we have changed a lot since the beginning of the school year and that we have learned lots of new information and developed skills to help us as we grow.  We spoke about the thing that we have improved the most:

Max – “I have got better at counting and writing numbers.  I can sometimes do the red level!”

Liam – “I can do my best work now because my friends and teacher can show me what I have to do”

Leila – “I know how to read some words now and am starting to be able to write some words”

Emily – “I have learned how to use a ten frame.  They help me to learn my numbers”

Breghannon – “I learned about ten frames too! I like moving the counters to build ten”


We have also had a great time learning in other areas of the classroom!  Here are some of our best bits:

Teigan – “Counting with Pete the Dragon”

Marley – “I liked playing with new friends at the number station”

Cameron – “Mixing colours was really fun! It was funny when Mrs Mansfield rubbed paint on her hands to show us what happens when we mix colours!”

Regan – “I liked playing at role play, I liked using the real-life superhero puppets”

Ellie – “When we went outside to have some fun learning numbers and counting”

Keegan – “When we went outside and got to draw number bubbles on the ground”

Poppy – “When we got to play PE games with Mr Jeffries”

Leah – “When Mrs Mansfield took us for PE, I liked the new Shark Attack game where we practised travelling”


We spoke about keeping ourselves safe and using medicine properly, here are some of the things that we have learned:

Brandon – “Only adults that we know and trust should give us medicine because it can be dangerous if we take medicine that we shouldn’t have”

Rio – “Medicine can look like sweeties, we shouldn’t pick up things off the ground and eat them”

Rory – “The wrong medicines can make us very sick, we should only take medicine if a grown up that we trust tells us to – sometimes we don’t need medicine, we might just need a rest”.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Thank you!


Primary 2/1

Class O Multi-Sensory Learning

Some pupils from Primary 5 went to school camp at the Lowport Centre. Cameron really enjoyed this.

Cameron: I took part in lots of activities. I went canoeing on the canal, tunnelling, walking around the loch, swimming and we had a disco. My favourite part was canoeing becasue I had never tried it before and it was really fun. I will definitely try it agian.

Cody, Caitlin and Jamie worked well as a team playing Monopoly to develop addition, subtraction and money skills.

Caitlin: It was fun playing with Jamie and Cody. I was trying to buy lots of houses to help me win.

Liam and Jayden used a variety of materials to complete multiplication calcualtions this week.

This week Class O refelected on the class novel we have been reading by recreating some of the main scences through role play. We have been reading Gansta Granny by David Walliams.

Cody: I enjoyed trying to steal the crown jewels from the Tower of London after swimming up the River Thames.

Liam: I loved dressing up as the Queen and pretending to be Ben while eating biscuits and playing Scrabble.

Jayden: Dressing us as granny and playing Scrabble with Liam was fun. I tasted cabbage and It tasted good.

Lots of Writing in Class G!

We have had a very busy and short week.  Class G has been doing lots of reading and writing this week.  We have been reading ‘A Big Bag of Worries’ and writing about a time when we were worried.  We have been learning about lots of different emotions and how we can deal with different emotions. We have also been learning about the letter k and we had great fun making kites.  We were playing k games on the computer and writing about k. Here is what we have to say this week:


Erin – I liked making my kite. I liked playing with it.


Cameron – I liked the BFG. I also liked reading Mr Big.


Jake – I made a good cupcake pattern.


Logan – I enjoyed everything. I liked making a kite.


Last week there was an incident at the school. The janitor was called to the school as the burglar alarm was going off. He found Mrs Dunbar’s office had been broken into and her laptop had been stolen. The police were called to the scene who sealed off the office until the crime scene investigators arrived.

P7a and P7b our CSI team went to investigate the crime scene. The room had been taped off and they found different things which could important evidence. There was a muddy footprint on the floor, a hair and some fibre from someone’s clothes on the desk. After closer examination they also found a note scrunched up in the bin containing Mrs Dunbar’s username and password. The CSI team noted down all the evidence and returned to class ready to crack the case.

We looked at the motives of all the suspects and began to think of different theories. Throughout this term we are going to test the different evidence we found at the crime scene to find out who committed the crime!

This week we have been learning about evidence found at a crime scene and the different roles of people during an investigation. We have also been learning about fingerprints. The three types of ridges are arch, loop and whorl. We are going to use our knowledge of this to   to compare the fingerprints of our suspects to those found at the crime scene.


P6a 23. 9.16

Rowan: I enjoyed learning how to estimate in maths. We were placing  numbers on an number line.

Jennie: I enjoyed learning colours in French. Rouge is red!

Cole: I enjoyed learning more about space. We were learning about the relationship between the moon, sun and earth.

Zoe: I am enjoying reading our class novel the BFG.

Lucy: I enjoyed learning more about space. We were learning about the planets and that Jupiter is the giant of the solar system.

Paul: I have enjoyed reading my group novel- The Dancing Bear by Michael Murpugo.


P3A’s News!

We have had a busy couple of weeks in P3a and we wanted to share some of the fantastic work with everyone…



We learned how to make a mind map for our class novel The BFG.

In our writing we wrote how we would feel if we saw the BFG for the first time.



In maths we were learning how to write numbers in words up to one hundred and one thousand.

We were learning about 3D shapes with Miss Holwill.



We made playdough shapes with Miss Holwill and tried to see if we could turn them back into their original shape afterwards.


Learning Across the Curriculum- Our Community

We learned about the different jobs that people have in our community and why they are important.



Pupil of the week- Samuel

Murray won a Subway medal for running- well done Murray!

Luke, Ammie-Leigh and Mia moved up a level in swimming- Super!

Charlie competed in a race and won a medal!

Kaycee won a Judo medal at the Bathgate Academy Judo Rumble.

Maisie won a golf trophy at Woodhall Spa.

P7b Update

It has been a short week at school this week; nevertheless it has been a busy one!

This week we completed art work where we drew the outline of our side profile onto coloured paper then cut it out to make a silhouette.  We then wrote three facts about ourselves and stuck them underneath our silhouette so that others can guess who is who by reading the facts and looking at the shape of our faces.

Yesterday we revised our learning so far about 2D and 3D shapes.  We learned the different names for different triangles (equilateral, scalene, isosceles and right angle.)  We also looked at the art technique called perspective.  This is where objects look smaller when they are further away.  To create perspective art, you have to include a vanishing point and ensure that all corners meet at that exact point.  We transferred our learning about quadrilaterals and triangles by incorporating them into our art work.  Our 2D shapes now look 3D as a result of the vanishing point.  They will look really effective on display in our class.

As part of our CSI context for learning, we examined finger prints.  We learned that there are three main types of fingerprints- loops, arches and whorls.  Approximately 60% of people have loops, 35% have whorls and 5% have arches.

‘I discovered that I had a plain whorl.’ – David.

We looked at our own finger prints and next week will be lifting our prints.  We will also compare the finger prints found at the crime scene in school and compare them with our 6 suspects.

Have a lovely weekend,


Dojo Winners- David and Millie

RRS- Article 28- Right to an education


P2A’s week

Important Assembly Date Change

Please note our class assembly date is now on Friday 28th of October and not on 11th of November as previously stated.

This week in P2 we were very excited to get a visit from Diana the optician.  She told us a lot of information about her job, how our eyes work and what we can do to help our eyesight. We tried on lots of different glasses and lenses and had fun with all of the games.

We have had fun this week learning the days of the week in French and we will try to practise them every day.

In maths this week we have been busy practising our BIG numbers in our mental maths and next week we are looking forward to our Number talk activities.

Mr Bremner the minister,came to visit during assembly and we listened to his stories about the bible.

Achievements this week

Kyle has achieved his red belt in Tae Kwon Do

In swimming Lexi moved up to a higher level

Archie has been practising hard on his electric scooter

Lois has been practising her tennis skills

Luke and Hollie have been improving in his drama class

Emma is on step 4 in dancing





Class O


Caitlin – I enjoyed playing and watching the orbeez growing in the water and they feel really slimey. I am exited to be going to p7 for golden time and i have chosen hama beeds.


Cody – I enjoy playing with the I pad in the tent because it smells really good it smells like clay. I am really excited about golden time today because I show my friends my city on bloons monkey city.


Jamie – I had fun playing in rainbow room and building a tower. I also finished ‘The Demon Headmaster’ book I really enjoyed it.


Jayden – I enjoyed outdoor maths. I was working with Cody and  was throwing and catching a ball shouting out my 2, 3 and 4 times table.


Cameron – I enjoyed being in the library with Cody watching him play a game. I am very excited because I am going to Low port next week with my primary 5 class and Mrs Mallin. I am looking forward to going swimming at the Mariner Centre and going to the disco.


Liam – I had fun working with the red magnetic numbers with Mrs Mallin

Artists in P1B

Caitlin – Yesterday in Art we were making fish using celery sticks and paint
Noah – We were painting
Zara – We were dipping the celery sticks into the paint
Kyle – We were making rainbow fishes
Caitlin – Our technique was called printing
Lewis – Printing is when you use something other than a paint brush to make a picture
Maksim – You can use celery sticks to do this
Emma – We were painting fish by dipping celery sticks into paints and we took lots of photographs

Article 28: We have the right to an education






P3/2 are learning in a fun way !

Fun learning in lots of ways… Reading with others, Golden Time is fun, Art is fun and so is Outdoor PE. Planning and writing stories is also fun to do.

Here are our comments this week:-

Harris,Sophie M.-Planning the key story was fun

Archie-Story writing at different tables was fun

Rory-Outdoor PE is fun learning to work together and share equipment

Ross- I loved being Playground pupil of the week

Max- I think finishing sentences off myself is fun

Lily,Katie,Eden-  Golden Time is fun when we bring things from home

Dylan-  Golden Time is fun  and I had ipads this week

Isla- Golden Time is fun when you cook

Sophie S.- Golden Time art is fun

Jess,Niamh, Eva- We loved painting a beautiful picture at Golden Time using the glittery paints. That was fun

Grace-  Reading my new reading book is fun

Zara- Reading my novel The Monster crisp guzzler is fun

Nina-I loved the aboriginal art. I loved using the cotton bud to paint my picture that was fun.

Congratulations to:-

Grace-Secret Student

Ross- Playground pupil of the week

Table of the week- The Sharpeners

Star Writer P2-Jess

Star Writer P3- Rory


Have a super weekend everyone !

Remember it is THE MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING is Friday 30th September …Come and enjoy a cake and a cuppa 🙂


Junior Choir

Just a reminder that auditions for the Junior Choir will take place on Tuesday 27th of September after school.

I have received lots of reply slips from new members wanting to audition for choir, a reminder to anyone else wanting to audition that Monday is the last day I can accept choir letters.

I am aware that some classes are away to camp, if there are any issues about this please let me know!



Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19/9/16



We have enjoyed having a short week at school this week and have liked telling everyone about our adventures over the weekend.  We have learned about writing postcards, our new sound ‘i’, using ten frames and dot patterns to help our counting, 2D shapes and their properties and we have also had a circle time to extend our learning about feelings and way to express these.  In our ‘Balbardie Superheroes’ lessons we have been learning about what to do in an emergency!  We identified the real life superheroes that work in the emergency services and the Primary 2s were able to think about what equipment these people need for their jobs and how they keep us safe.

We spoke about what qualities real life superheroes must have to do their job.  This is what we spoke about:

Regan – “Firemen, policemen and ambulance drivers save the day, every day!”

Poppy – “The vet is a superhero because they help the animals when they are not well”

Leila – “The nurse is amazing because she helps people”

Millie – “The vet helps the animals, that is cool”

Brandon – “The dentist is a hero because they check your teeth and keep people’s mouths healthy so they don’t get sore”

Rio – “A doctor is the best real life superhero because they can help you when you fall or get really sick”

Ellie – “A policeman or policewoman is very brave.  They can help if a wee boy or girl gets lost, they can get them home safely”

Cameron – “Firemen put out the fires.  This makes them a superhero because they must be very brave”

Liam – “I like ambulance drivers because they help people in an emergency, grown ups too!”

Teigan – “Policemen help people.  They helped me when I got lost”

Breghannon – “Firemen help in emergencies like when there is a real fire.  There wasn’t a real fire at school this week”

Max – “The emergency services are very fast, they must be healthy!”

Marley – “Maybe when I grow up and work in McDonalds the firemen will need to come and put out the fires, the firemen will have jobs for years!”

Rory – “The lollypop man is an important superhero because they keep people safe when they cross the road”

Romeo – “Policemen can keep the roads safe – if someone goes too fast they can tell them to stop!”

Rocco – “Firemen can climb up ladders to help people if they are stuck.  They can’t be scared of heights”

Jonah – “Doctors are a special superhero because they help people and save lives”

Keegan – “Teachers are real life superheroes because they teach us everything we know!”

Leah – “A vet is my favourite superhero because they look after animals.  I would like a hamster, the vet would look after my animal”


Even though it has been a short week we have learned lots!  We are all looking forward to more exciting learning next week!



Primary 2/1

Boat Challenge

This week in science we were given a challenge to design a boat. First we had to do a practise design using only paper and sellotape. Then we worked in groups to choose the best design and build a final boat out of tin foil. The boat had to be able to carry at least 5 marbles and not sink. Dylan remembered the important word ‘buoyancy’ and he said the boat had to be buoyant to make it a successful boat.

David- The boat is sailing on the water. It’s got marbles. I’m doing floating.

Yolie – I make a boat to go on water. It float on water. Marble put on back. Lots of marbles.

Adam – I made a boat. Our second one could hold nearly all the marbles, I think about 80!!! It was made of tin foil. This means we had a good design for the boat. I think mines was the best.

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Joe was at Armadale when we did the experiment so he decided to tell us what he did when he was there:

Joe – I was doing art at Armadale. We were painting from the year 1973, April. There was a bridge built in England. We painted the bridge.


This week started with a long weekend.

Grace: I tried the paper challenge at home, I didn’t manage it yet.

Dadirayi: On Monday I got my hair done by my mum.

Leia: On Tuesday I went to deep sea world and we searched about for half an hour to find tarantulas and there was none there.

Kayleigh: On Tuesday I went to swimming lessons.

Robyn: I rode my bike.

Sophie: I went to my Grandmas and visited my cool aunt.

Aaron: I went to Eliburn Park.

Ava: I went to Deep Sea world with Charlie and I liked to see the seals.


Next week most of us are going to Lowport this is what we are looking forward to most.

David: I am excited to go in the swimming pool.

Emma: The disco.

Evie: I am excited for kayaking.

Annabelle: I am happy excited to sleep with my friends and go to Beecraigs.

Isla: I am excited to go to Lowport with my friends.


Those not going shared what they are looking forward to most

Demi- Leigh I am going to the shows I am excited.

Reece: I got to see my Dad.





Hi Everyone!

We have been busy navigating our way around Didbook this week in preparation for us using it to record our learning journey.  We are excited about all the different things we can put on it, and will be using it this year instead of our Profile Jotters.

Next week we are off to Low Port and we have been talking about what it will be like, what we will be learning and of course, the best clothes to wear to the disco!  An important reminder that on the Monday all children should bring their own packed lunch but Tuesday and Wednesdays are provided. We also asked Mrs Aitken a few questions we had –

We  should not bring technologies – no devices of any kind.

We can bring a hairdrier but not straigtening irons.

We do not need sweets for nighttime.

We meet at the shelter for 9am – the children know where abouts!


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