We have some success to share from home.

Kyle Has won a medal and received a trophy for sparring and patterns in Tae Kwon Do.

Aaron has won lots of medals and trophies for Tae Kwon Do.

Orla was given a certificate for Amazing Vocal Projection in her Singing Club.


We would like to encourage parents/carers to register with the on-line payment system which is now operational throughout West Lothian.  The system allows parents to make payments for school lunches, school trips, etc.  It reduces the risk of money going missing and allows you to keep a record of what you have paid.  It is also beneficial to the school in that it reduces the amount of cash handling that staff need to do.

Ordering meals is also very simple using this system and meals can be ordered daily or for a whole week at a time.

Below are links to parent guides which will guide you through the process.

If you have any further questions, please talk to one of our Admin Staff.




Primary 3’s busy busy week!

It has been a crazy and eventful week in Primary 3, this is some of the things we have been up to…


Maths & Numeracy

Pentagons- We have been adding 2 two-digit numbers and have been trying to work the answer out in our heads using strategies we have learned in class.

Pyramids- We have been learning how to add on a teens number to a two-digit number and have also begun adding 2 two-digit numbers too!

Spheres- We have been learning how to add on multiples of 10 to a two-digit number and have also began adding a teens number to a two-digit number.

We really enjoy our number talks at the beginning of maths everyday 🙂


We have been doing spelling check-ups on our words every week and we have been seeing an improvement already!

We also completed a reading activity and wrote about what our characters from the BFG would do if they came to our class.

Christmas Enterprise

We made safety labels for our candles we made for the Christmas Fayre.

We decorated the votives for our candles by glittering them and also poured the scented wax into them afterwards.  We then wrapped them and put our decorated ring around them to tie them.

It was a great success and all candles were sold!


The Balbardie Factor

We had our final show of The Balbardie Factor in which Ellis from our class was participating in.  Ellis played a piano part which was great and he won the trophy for P1-P3.


Well done Ellis, we are so proud of you!!


Step awards

Kaycee and Callum moved onto step 2

Lily, Evan, Erin, Cameron, Brooke, Maisie,Aarran, Lucas, Ammie-Leigh, Kai, Mia, Ellis, Blaire, Charlie, Jodie, Tamsyn, Shelbi, Lucas K,  Luke, Samuel and Farrah all moved onto step 4!


Super work everyone and thank you to everyone for coming to the Christmas Fayre.




Christmas Fayre Success

Last Saturday the pupils at Balbardie Primary School held their annual Christmas Fayre.  P7b chose to sell snow globes and confectionery.  We worked hard to decorate our products and made a profit, which will go towards our school funds.

To make our snow globes, we decorated Christmas pictures to place inside the clear dome.  We then filled it up with water to create our snow globes.  They looked fantastic when finished and we were proud of our products.

Thank you to the manager at Mrs Tilly’s for your generous donation of fudge, tablet and macaroon.  We decorated the products by wrapping them in cellophane and tying them with a Christmas ribbon.  We then glued on googly eyes and a red nose.  We sold all 94 bars and we hope everyone enjoyed their delicious treats!

fudge 100_3556

Pupil of the week- Christopher

Class Dojo Winner- Iona

RRS- Article 28- Right to an education


This week we have been very busy with making candles for the Christmas Enterprise Fayre. We decorated them and then made the candles. The candles have different fragrances.

We learnt about fire and candle safety. We also learnt how to make the candles and decorate the votives. It was hard work but they smell beautiful! Come and see them tomorrow at the Fayre!

The Fayre is at 10am – 12pm



Getting Creative!

Class G have had great fun this week making their sleighs for the Christmas Fayre.  We really enjoyed putting the sweets and chocolate into Santa’s sleighs.  We have also been working hard in Literacy and Numeracy and have been working on acrostic poems in writing and addition in Numeracy. This week we began a new context for learning and have been looking at electricity.

Jake – I liked making my sleigh.  I used tape and paper.  I want to buy it.


Logan – I put stickers on my sleigh with gold glitter and candy canes.


Erin – There is chocolate in my sleigh.


Shea – I have Christmas chocolates.  I like Sleigh.


Gabriel – It was very, very, very good making the sleigh.

P6a 25.11.16

We have had such a great time putting together our show. We feel we have learned so much from doing rehearsals and finally being able to perform in front of our family and friends.  This week we have also been learning new skills in Numeracy and Literacy.

Rowan: I enjoyed performing in the show and creating maths games to demonstrate our knowledge of addition.

Jack: I really enjoyed maths. We were adding four digit numbers.

Lucie: I enjoyed maths this week. I feel I am getting better at subtraction.

Tom: I enjoyed spelling this week. We were working at different stations. I enjoyed the scrabble station.

Harvey: I also enjoyed spelling this week. I liked creating my words with play-dough.

Special person: Lucy M



Shared Big Start next week!

Please remember that our Shared Big Start on ‘Mindset’ takes place next week –

Primary 1, Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 – Tuesday 29th November

Primary 3/2 and P3 – Wednesday 30th November

Please enter through the main entrance of the school at 8.55am to first meet together in the Upper Hall for a brief information session on Mindsets.  The introduction session should last no longer that 10 minutes and you will then be invited into your child’s classroom.  The Shared Big Start session will end at 9.40am when the children will tidy up and prepare for the remainder of the school day.  It is important that you leave via the main entrance at this time.

We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Guest editors – the red table!

Guy-I enjoyed Reading Comprehension.
Rose-I enjoyed SRA.
Emma- I enjoyed gymnastics in PE.
Jason- In PE, I learned how to jump into a bigger space.
Aryan –I like making the cardboard car.
Maisey – I enjoyed PE.
Emily – I love PE.
Lucy – I like making the cars and monsters.
Katie- I liked drawing my monster.
Isaac- I liked making the cars.
Ben –I like the cars that we are making.
Luke-I liked making the rubber band car.
Charlotte-I liked making the rubber band car.
Hope-I liked making the rubber band car.
Jacob –I liked making rubber band car.
Jack –I liked maths.
Nathan –I liked turbo tables.
Jaime-lee- I liked drawing my moshi monster.
Thank you to the red table who were are guest editors for this week.

From Mrs Collings
It’s been a busy week, getting ready for the Christmas fair and starting to think about the festive season.
Emerald’s purpose on earth is a little clearer this week – please do ask P4b why she came!
The children enjoyed making rubber band cars in Technology. We learnt that energy can be stored in the elastic band as it is wound up (potential energy) which is then released to make the wheels go around (kinetic energy) The race wasn’t a long one but the cars did move!

We are very proud of all our class who are making big strides towards the golden club. We now have 4 children in the golden club with another handful edging ever closer.
MVP – Jason

Pupil of the Week – Elliot

…for persevering with his Maths and making good progress with his subtraction skills.

Table of the week

Article 28 – the right to an education

Enterprise in Class O

Class O have had a busy week making gifts to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We have also been learning about money, how to budget and using money the correct money to buy items from our shop.


Jayden – I made a reindeer from salt dough I enjoyed it. I also made a Santa’s sleigh. I put chocolate coins and chocolate bobbles in it you can buy these at the Christmas fayre on Saturday for £1.



Cameron – I made a Santa sleigh that you have to buy at the christmas fayre and it cost £1. In my integration class I have made a PowerPoint called ‘Cameron’s Crazy Stuff”  it has random photos and words in it.


Cody – I made a Santa sleighs with edible cash money. I painted art in p6 of caribean island and a lizard.

Caitlin – we have being making things for the Christmas fayre this Saturday and I have being doing excersing at pe with p7 today


As part of our Sergeant Stubby and Friends topic, we have been learning about a famous carrier pigeon called Cher Ami.  This means Dearest Friend.  Cher Ami was involved in over 12 flights over the WW1 battlefields, carrying messages and taking photos of where the soldiers were positioned.  We made super Cher Ami masks which we are going to display in class.

We have been learning new games in P.E with Mr Jeffries, ‘Unicorn Tunacorn’ which is a tig game and ‘Shipwreck’ which is a team building game.

We have been busy making posters in our writing this week to show at the Christmas Fayre, they look great!

Achievements this week:

Well done to new step 3,4 and 5 people

Pupil of the week-Sarah

Emily has moved up to level 5 in swimming

Hollie and Luke are going to be dance teachers/helpers for the day

Rowan, Luke and Hollie have been busy practising their cheerleading

Daniel has got his red stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Lexi has moved into the Green Caps in swimming

Lois has into into level 4 in swimming

Remember to keep reading your books for the READATHON challenge!

Our week in P1b

Caitlin – We read the story “The hot air balloon” and then we had to draw our favourite part of the story. Miss Wilson is going to put our pictures in a competition and someone will win.
Ava – We were reading a book and drawing pictures




Kyle – We drew mittens
Lily – We were colouring them in and drawing shapes. We made patterns
Reiss – We had to challenge ourselves and try to make both our mittens symmetrical




Hamish – The sounds we were learning this week were “r” and “l”
Max – Here is a picture of my rabbit


Article 28: We have the right to an education



In our writing this week Mrs Little was very happy to see that we are all using adjectives and adverbs correctly. We have writing about an alien who visits earth to learn about how we look after our planet. He asks us to go back to his planet to help him teach them how to reuse, reduce and recycle. This has given us plenty of opportunities to show how and when to use adjectives and adverbs correctly.


This week we have been learning about deconstructing two and three digit numbers to help us add mentally. First we started with the written method before moving onto calculating mentally. If we had to add 47+32 we know to add the tens numbers first then add the units and finally add them together.


This week we have been learning to follow the pulse/beat of the music. First we listened to a piece of music then we discussed what type of music it was. Next we did some vocal warm ups then we sang the song. We also had fun doing actions to the song and because we did them in a set pattern this made it easier for us to identify the beat pattern.


We have been making posters and setting out rules for our Christmas enterprise at the school fayre tomorrow. We are working with P4b to raise money using fun games. We had to learn the rules for the three games and decide how much to charge. We also have been learning about giving change as we might need to do that!


This week with Mrs McKenzie we were learning about what to do if we get hurt or if someone else is hurt. We discussed who could help us and what the number 999 is used for. Lots of us thought it was just for the police so it’s good that we now know if ever we need to call an ambulance or the fire-brigade that’s a number we can use.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 21.11.16

What a week!!   This week the Friendly Dragon has been very busy in our class leaving notes, challenges and even a couple of presents!!!   He left us the Fairytale ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’ which we have read in our brand new Castle tent in Cosy Corner!   He challenged us to draw what we think he looks like and the Primary 2 practised moving like a dragon and thinking of words to describe what the dragon looks like!

The best bits of our learning across the curriculum topic this week have been:

Brandon – “Learning about feelings and making a dwarf to show how feelings show on our body”

Rory – “Reading fairytales in the cosy corner castle tent”

Cameron – “I like sitting in the castle, it is cool”

Ellie – “We decorated cookies after reading our Fairytale”

Regan – “Learning about stranger danger and knowing not to accept sweets from a stranger”

Max – “Snow White took an apple from a stranger, this was very dangerous”

Marley – “I liked building my castle and looking at the different rooms”

Keegan – “I liked making the cookies too, it reminded me about stranger danger”

Poppy – “When the dragon came and ask us to draw him, it was tricky to draw the wings”

Leila – I liked learning about stranger danger.  I want to be safe”

Breghannon – “Mummy let me eat my cookies when I went home”

Teigan – “I liked making the apple for the top of my cookie”

Griffin – “I liked using the coloured icing to decorate a dwarf face biscuit!”

Millie – “The stranger danger stations were the best bit”


We have been challenging ourselves in maths and literacy too:

Emily – “I have been learning about ‘buy one get one free sums’, I can do them now!”

Jonah – “I liked doing adding sums at stations, I liked using the number bond boards”

Rio – ” I liked creating an invite for our Christmas fayre, I am excited!”

Max – “We got some new games at stations, I liked the snowball words”

Leila – “Fiddly fingers was good this week, we had to practise moving magic beans to make sums”

Leah – “We made a lion in phonics this week, I am getting good at sliding words”


What a busy week!!

Remember that the Christmas fayre starts tomorrow at 10.00am.  We have some lovely Hot Chocolate Reindeer to sell (£1 each) and Reindeer Food (50p each).  We hope to see lots of you there tomorrow!!!



Primary 2/1


Learning in P3/2

What was your most exciting learning this week…?


Eva – ‘My most exciting thing this week was learning about how to make a reindeer photo frame’

Sophie S – ‘I enjoyed making a reindeer gift bag’

Jess – ‘The most exciting thing this week was learning about volcanoes in the Science Lab’

Archie – ‘The most exciting thing was writing instructions to make a Christmas photo frame’

Nina – ‘Everything!’

Zara – ‘I liked the P1 assembly this morning.  It taught me about friendship and to be a good friend’

Isla – ‘I liked studying the Science Lab. We studied magma, lava and not to drink anything in the Science Lab’

Katie – ‘I liked doing the little Lotus flowers this week in Art’

Grace – ‘I enjoyed music because I liked the songs. I remember ‘Happy Christmas”

Ross – ‘I enjoyed the Gathering this week, learning about St Andrew’s Day’

Rory – ‘I liked testing lava in the Science Lab – it felt hard. ‘

Harris – ‘I liked studying Obsidian – it’s the black stuff inside lava’

Max – ‘I found it exciting to look at the real crystals in the Science Lab’

Niamh – ‘I found music exciting and learning new songs with Mrs Innes’

Lily – ‘Cosmic Yoga was exciting because we did a kangaroo move’

Sophie McG – ‘I also liked Cosmic Yoga – it was exciting because we went in a cave and found the other kangaroos’

Dylan – ‘I liked jumping onto crash mats in PE’

Luis – ‘I liked playing games at playtime’

Florence – ‘I liked planning the Pompeii story for my writing’

Eden – ‘I liked pretending to show others how to write about making photo frames for the Christmas Fair.

We also talked about books that we are reading at home for the Readathon – well done to all!

Congratulations to our Step 4 and Step 5 boys and girls! 🙂



Christmas Fayre

This week were we getting ready for the Christmas Fayre in Class M. We had to make santa sleighs and the write down the instructions for other people to follow. It was important to write all the steps in the correct order and to keep the steps short and simple.

Yolie – I made a santa sleigh for the Christmas Fayre. Christmas Fayre is tomorrow. I’m going to the Christmas Fayre.

David – I was building a red box. Chocolate and snow is in the box. It costs £1.

Dylan – I made a poster to sell the santa sleighs. I’m going to go to the fayre with my family. I might buy one.

img_1278 img_1281 img_1286 img_1287

We hope to see you all at the Fayre on Saturday from 10 till 12 and look forward to selling all our nice things!

P6a Lights, Camera, Action!

We have been extremely busy in P6a preparing for our show- The Pirates of The Curry Bean. As the show is fast approaching, we have been reflecting on the importance of it and what we have learned over the past few weeks.

Why is it important to be part of a show?

Yasmin- it helps you to become confident

Tom- it helps you to get over stage fright

Who helped you you practise for the show?

Abbie- Miss Mowat, Mrs Paradies, Mrs and Mr Innes, friends and family

What have you enjoyed most about the show?

Rowan- practising with the microphones and costumes

Sam- I liked practising scene 2 because it is funny

What skills have you developed?

Lucy M- learning how to design props

Caitlin- listening to others performing

Samantha- performing skills such as projecting your voice

What have we learned through doing the show?

Eva- to be aware of the audience during the performance

Lennox- to learn and understand a new story

Jennie- to listen and watch to know when to go on stage

Paul-  to read a and understand the features of a play script

Ciaran- to work with different people

Cole- to work hard to learn my  lines and the dance routines






Primary 6 have been very busy preparing for the school show. If you haven’t already you can buy tickets at the school office for £2 each.

The children have been learning lots from taking part in the practises:

Jack – I’ve learned that if you try hard you can learn your lines and enjoy the show.
Noah – I’ve learned to change the expression of your voice. That means changing to high notes and low notes.
Katie – I’ve learned to listen to stage directions.
Aidan – I’ve learned to be patient because you need to wait until it is your turn to go on stage.
Emma – I’ve learned to act like another person. My character is a Health and Safety Officer and they have to be strict.
Jamie – From doing the show I’ve gained more confidence in standing up in front of others.
Kamron – I have a learned a new skill of puppeteering because usually I’m just a character and I’ve had to use a puppet.
Callum – I’ve learned to say my lines and when to say them.
Harry – I’ve learned that if say the wrong line you just need to keep going. This is called improvisation.
Archie – I’ve learned how to take on the character and be funny. Our show isn’t like any other p6 show.
Skye – I’ve learned to use props and know when and how to use them. Once I brought the wrong prop on and after practises I now know what I need.
Casey – I’ve learned that when you step on stage you need to change into your character so even if you are feeling tired you need to be ready to perform for your audience.

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