

In our writing this week Mrs Little was very happy to see that we are all using adjectives and adverbs correctly. We have writing about an alien who visits earth to learn about how we look after our planet. He asks us to go back to his planet to help him teach them how to reuse, reduce and recycle. This has given us plenty of opportunities to show how and when to use adjectives and adverbs correctly.


This week we have been learning about deconstructing two and three digit numbers to help us add mentally. First we started with the written method before moving onto calculating mentally. If we had to add 47+32 we know to add the tens numbers first then add the units and finally add them together.


This week we have been learning to follow the pulse/beat of the music. First we listened to a piece of music then we discussed what type of music it was. Next we did some vocal warm ups then we sang the song. We also had fun doing actions to the song and because we did them in a set pattern this made it easier for us to identify the beat pattern.


We have been making posters and setting out rules for our Christmas enterprise at the school fayre tomorrow. We are working with P4b to raise money using fun games. We had to learn the rules for the three games and decide how much to charge. We also have been learning about giving change as we might need to do that!


This week with Mrs McKenzie we were learning about what to do if we get hurt or if someone else is hurt. We discussed who could help us and what the number 999 is used for. Lots of us thought it was just for the police so it’s good that we now know if ever we need to call an ambulance or the fire-brigade that’s a number we can use.


Have a great weekend!

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