Class M

This week we started our new context for learning which is all about Scotland. We thought about what we already know and then talked about what things we would like to learn. Dylan is very excited as he loves all things Scottish. he want to learn new Scots words. In literacy we have been trying to read some Scots poems and figuring out what the words mean. We have been writing them down in a Scot’s dictionary. To introduce the topic we had an explore bag full of Scottish things for us to touch, taste and look at.

Here are some of our thoughts on the week:

Adam – We were eating tablet. We were wearing kilts.

Aiden – This week we have been learning about the Scots. We were drinking some Irn Bru and eating some shortbread and looking at some of the materials from Scotland too. I was trying to blow the bagpipes but they didn’t work because they were too old.

Dylan – I want to learn more about Scottish castles. I already know loads of stuff. It’s my favourite country. The bagpipe music is good.

Joe – In the BBB we did some questions about playgrounds. I said a see saw wold be good in a new playground and I said football.

David – I was reading a book, it’s called Tiddler. I’ve got tartan on.

Yolie – This week was icy in the playground. There was snow.

img_1573 img_1574 img_1576 img_1585 img_1589


Last Friday we took part in the second Big Balbardie Blether of the session.  We got into our vertical learning groups to discuss our views on our playground.  We shared our opinion on whether we loved, liked or disliked our playground and stated how we think we can improve it.  The adults will collate our ideas and feedback the results in due course.

In writing last week we wrote our own fable.  A fable is a short story with a moral.  (Morals teach us a lesson.) Normally in a fable the main characters are animals and the setting is outside.  Before we wrote our own, we listened to the stories ‘The Wolf and the Crane’, ‘The Ant and the Dove’ and ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf’.  We used all the information to create our own stories.  We will redraft our work and read our stories to our buddies.

Last week, we were given a series of word problems.  They were catch phrases which enabled us to develop our thinking skills.  For example, on the board the letters MCE MCE MCE were displayed.  Meadow figured out that this represented Three Blind Mice because the letter I was missing from each word!  We enjoyed this problem solving activity.  There are some examples below for you to try at home!  We will reveal the answers next week 🙂

9                     head       funny funny words words words words

cumulous            heels


secret <——–          give give give give get get get get




is is is is is is is is is is        m1llion      vad    ers

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t v w x y z


Have fun and good luck!


Article 28- Right to an Education

Row of the week- rows 2 & 5

Class dojo winner- Millie

Pupil of the week- Zoe


Answers- On cloud 9, head over heals , too funny for words , top secret , forgive and forget , tennis , one in a million , space invaders and missing you!


This week we got our Scottish poems to learn for the competition a week on Monday. We read through the selection and then chose the ones we wanted. We looked at the difference in words between Scots and English and tried to guess what they meant. We also used an online dictionary to help us. We tried to write our own Scots poem and found this to be very tricky.
We learned about Robert Burns and why he is still remembered today. In art we learnt about the history of Tartan and then wove our own tartan mats. We then used these mats to make our bagpipes.100_3632
Don’t they look great?!
In maths we were learning how to interpret data from bar graphs and have also started learning about subtraction. We are learning about different strategies and also sharing which strategy we used to work out our answer.
Enjoy the weekend.

Class O


Class O have enjoyed having a party this week to celebrate Caitlin’s birthday. We all enjoyed playing the different party games and the party food. We have been learning about homophones and nouns and practicing our Scots poem. We have had lots of practice with chimney sums and learning tens, hundreds and ones.


Liam – I like to go in the caterpillar it is awesome. I liked playing Caitlin’s birthday party games. I played musical chairs I sat down when the music stops. I also played pass the parcel, I won this game and musical corners it was fun.


Jayden – I loved to play outside in the snow. As I liked to build tiny snowmen. I was also doing the silent k words for spelling. I played a computer game to help.


Cody – We played a good old game of monopoly  to help with money subtraction and addition. There was  snow in the morning that Mrs Mallin brought in to play with and this was real fun to do.


Caitlin – I have enjoyed my birthday party and I have being practising my jack and the beanstalk for my pantomime with p7 and I am wearing a pink tutu for my show.


Cameron – I have enjoyed Scottish dancing. I had fun at Caitlin’s birthday party and I won the musical bump game.









We have learned this week just how lucky we are to be living just now and not during the Victorian times.  Children then did not have rights and were often put out to work instead of going to school.  Thankfully Queen Victoria’s Government passed some legislation (these are rules) to support children and stop them being sent down mines, and working as chimney sweeps.

In maths we have been learning about division and have been using thinking boards to help us come up with different strategies.

Liam – awesome because it helped us understand the times tables and division.

Sam – thumbs up because it helped me learn different strategies.

Ava – they helped me work out tricky maths problems.

We enjoyed our Big Balbardie Blether this morning which was all about our playground. We came up with lots of ways to make our playground better and are excited about this!

PATPALS is on Wednesday morning for any of you who can make it – don’t forget to return your opinion wheels!


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 9.1.17

We have had a bonnie week in P2/1.

This week we started preparing for our assembly and so we have been learning lots about Scotland, Scottish history and Scots language.  Here are some of the things we have been learning:

Rio – I learned the word ‘ees’, it means eyes.

Regan – I liked saying the word bahookie, it sounds silly.

Cameron – I liked reading Room on the Broom, it taught me new words.

Emily – Making tartan at buddy time was lots of fun.

Ellie – I like to learn about all the different words.  My favourite word is lugs.

Rory – Bahookie is a Scots word for your bottom.  It made me laugh.

Breaghannon – I liked the story of Robert the Bruce.

Poppy – Our assembly is about Robert the Bruce.  He was a King.

Griffin – I liked the story about Robert the Bruce, it was good because he had a growth mindset at the end of the story.

Max – There are lots of different tartans because there were different clans.

Liam – A clan was a big family in Scotland.

Leah – I liked learning Scots language.  My favourite word is bahookie.

Millie – I like learning about Scottish words.

Jonah – I liked making Scots word posters for our assembly.

Leila – I like the songs for our assembly.

Marley – I like to learn about Scotland.  I learned about the spider story.

Keegan – I liked painting posters for the assembly too.


We can’t wait to share our learning with you next Friday (20th at 9.15am).  Please remember that we need something tartan/Scotland themed to wear for our assembly (can the ‘craws’ and the ‘spider’ please bring in a black t-shirt instead – Emily, Regan, Rory and Cameron)


Thank you,

Primary 2/1


P3a news…

We have been learning new things in P3a this week, here are some of them…


We have been learning subtraction this week and have  started this in our number talks too, we are really enjoying the challenge.

We have also been learning more about money and we really enjoy the interactive game we play to get our brains working.

Nathan has been working really hard on his numbers to 30 and can do this all by himself now!



In French we have been learning all about the months of the year and also different types of weather.

Mrs Aitken worked with our class and we learned about colours and coloured in a French flag- this was really fun!



The Tigers and Lions were working on saying and spelling words with Snake and Ladders.  The Zebras, Monkeys and Koalas started reading new passages and answering questions about them independently- we really enjoyed the challenge.


In science we learned all about inheritance and we know this means that we inherit things from our parents and we have things in common with our siblings such as; hair colour, eye colour and skin colour.


Brooke received the Star of the Month for Drama

Pupil of the week- Maisie

Table of the week- Mia, Blaire, Kai and Ellis


Further Achievements


Ellis received his black stripe from Tae Kwon Do.

Tamsyn won a football medal.

Samuel has designed a big hotel on his minecraft.

Ruby built a rocket on minecraft.

Charlie is becoming very good at playing WWE.





Here are our highlights of the week:

Caitlin – “We have been drawing a picture of Vincent Van Gogh’s sunflowers. We had to copy the picture”
Kyle – “We drew it first and looked at the shapes and then we painted it”
Hamish – “We painted it different colours like gold, yellow and orange”



Noah – “We played a game where we had to try and stay on the tape”
Kyle – “We had to try and not fall”
Lily – “We worked in a group of 3 and had to listen to each other”
Maksim – “We were working well in a team”



Marcus – “This morning we went to different classes”
Jacob – “We went in our house groups and talked about if we liked things about the playground and things we didn’t like”
Gracie – “It’s called BBB which means Big Balbardie Blether”
Caitlin – “We are going to see if we can improve the playground”

Article 28: “We have the right to an education”



This week we have been learning about the Vikings. Here are some things we have been finding out-

Mia – there are five Viking gods

Suvi – Odin is the chief god and the most important

Megan – Loki is the god of mischief

Kiara – Freya is the god of beauty and war

Lauren – Thor is the god of thunder and he is the most popular god

Jason – Frey is the god of fertility

Alex – Vikings travel in a longboat

Suvi – Vikings came from Scandinavian countries

Megan – they invaded parts of the UK

Mia – the countries they came from were Sweden, Norway and Denmark


In maths this week we have been doing algebra! We have been learning to identify the missing number in a sum. Some of us have been working with function machines and although it was tricky at first we soon got the hang of it.

In HWB this week with Mrs McKenzie we were learning about being cool in school. We learned about the different responses we can have to situations. Here are some examples –

Denholm – an aggressive response is when if someone kicks you then you kick them back instead of going and getting a playground supervisor

James – a weak response is when you let people hit you and you do nothing about it

Alfie – a cool response is when someone hits you and you ask them to stop and say that if they do that again you will tell an adult


In P.E. this week we played the bubble game. It helps us to learn about spatial awareness.

 Have a good weekend!



Growth mindset in P3/2

We are learning about Caterpillar Boogie for our P2 show.We don’t know it all yet-Sophie S.,Archie,Nina

We watched the Tortoise and the hare.The Hare thought he’d win over the slow but steady tortoise but he didn’t !-Jess,Harris,Dylan,Ross

Growth mindset means you are continually learning-Grace,Eva,Lily,Sophie M.

I liked learning about the snowy owl with Jess-Zara

We liked being out in the snow today-Florence,Max,Luis

We are enjoying learning about the Forth Rail Bridge. One fact we learned was 200 trains go over it every day-Katie,Niamh,Eden

I liked getting Pupil of the Week on Growth Mindset-Isla

Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control our excursion to the Forth Bridges Visitor centre has been postponed until Tuesday 31st January 2017..We are so looking forward to our visit there.

Keep practising your Scottish poems and add a few actions in if you can !

P4b begin their Viking adventure!


This week we began exploring Viking life. We took notes as we watched a video about Viking longships. We were amazed at the number of facts we were able to jot down! We then used our notes to create a labelled diagram of a longship, trying to include as much information as we could. We also began to prepare for our Viking assembly; we were learning songs and discussing parts, props and costumes. We hope you’ll enjoy watching us on 3rd February.


This week we have been focusing on multiplication and using arrays to help develop our understanding. We are becoming very good at creating multiplication stories to match our arrays.

We also investigated what happened when you multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000.

Health and Wellbeing

We began our Being Cool in School focus and explored, through drama, how to deal with tricky situations that may arise in school. We discovered that there are three types of response we can choose to use:


Weak and


Our drama sketches showed the negative consequences of using an aggressive or weak response. We’ve all decided that we’ll work hard to use cool responses when dealing with difficult situations.

From the Blog Post Box

This week I learned…

…that 120 Vikings could fit in a Viking longship.                  Nathan

…to have a cool response when something goes wrong, not an aggressive or weak response.  


…how to make an array.               Jason

…joined up writing and I find it quite tricky!          Jacob

…how to do hard cheerleading stunts.                     Lucy


Pupil(s) of the Week: Ela and Rayen – for making such a positive start in their new school. We’re delighted to welcome you both to Balbardie.


Senior Staff from Bathgate Academy will be hosting an information roadshow at Balbardie Primary School on Tuesday, 17 January at 6.30pm.  All parents and pupils are invited to attend this event where Bathgate Academy staff will provide information on timetables, curriculum and other useful information re starting at Bathgate Academy.

There will also be time for questions at the end.

Please come along and support this event and help make the transition from primary school to secondary school as easy as possible.

Junior Choir Update

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday.

For your information – Choir will start back on the 24th of January. A letter will soon be issued to the children involved in the Junior Choir with the rehearsal dates up until the Summer Holidays, this has to be returned by 20th January giving permission for your child to attend the rehearsals after school.


Any P4-P5 children wishing to join the choir can speak to Miss Owens or myself.




Mrs Mansfield

Welcome Back Class O

Class O have enjoyed listening to what everyone done during the holidays.

We are looking forward to learning more about Scotland.


Cailtin – I have been quite tired when I have came back to school this week. I have been in class o all week and I quite enjoy been here in the afternoon. I have been making Scottish thistles as I have been learning about Scotland.


Cody – i have been making comics and drawing some characters like toxic waste of time and the gym instructor as well as learning aboot Scotland and the words like dug mammy and caw for call.



Jayden –  I enjoyed playing Lego and building houses and cars. I,ve been leaning Scottish word like dug,doon and aye. And i also made a Scottish thisel with little paper squares.



Cameron – I enjoyed playing with my friends. this week. I kinds of like learning Scottish words like DUG COOTTING CANDY AND DINE KEN.


Senior Choir

The Senior Choir will begin again on Thursday 12th January – parental consent letters have been issued, and should be returned as soon as possible. Our extended time is 3.25 – 4.30p.m., as we are beginning our performing arts ‘musical’ experience!
We will be working towards a performance of, ‘The Jungle Book’. Pamela Logan, dance choreographer, will also be involved in this opportunity, ‘to reach for the future, explore what is to to come and dream about the path that lies ahead’. What a wondrous and nurturing place to grow!

This will be performed towards the end of the summer term.


What a good week we’ve had. We will tell you about some of our learning.

Hope, Skye and Haley – In maths we enjoyed learning about symmetry.

Guy, Katie and Jason enjoyed learning about taking more care with our detailed colouring work related to winter time.

Dani and Ella – In our dance/movement session this morning we enjoyed learning more about ribbon work and creating our own movement sequences.

Louie, Ben and Elliot enjoyed the effort and thought that went into creating their own Loch Ness Monster. The learning stimulus for this was that we read about Hamish McHaggis and his friends trying to find the monster!

Charlotte enjoyed our Golden Time this morning. The children had ‘free choice’, and we had a number of ‘babies’ in our classroom!

Cameron, Isaac, Jacob and Nathan enjoyed being back to school and looking forward to this term’s learning.

Have a good weekend!


Welcome back everyone!

We have had lots of fun this week. We started off by talking and listening about our holidays and what we got as presents for Christmas. We are very lucky because we got lots of things and had fun in the holidays. We used this information to make Bar Graphs of what we got and then asked and answered questions about the Bar Graph.

We have set our new targets for this term and are looking forward to learning lots about Robert Burns and the Ancient Egyptians. We have chosen our poems for the Scottish Poetry Competition and will begin learning them next week.

Have a great weekend!


Happy New Year from P2A!

We hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday 🙂 We have been busy thinking about what we could have as New Year Resolutions and we had a lot of great ideas… ‘Getting up earlier for school’, ‘trying to save up more pennies for holidays’,’ getting more sleep’…to name but a few 🙂

We have been busy writing our thank you to Santa letters and we had some lovely things to say, we haope Santa has a nice rest!

We have been busy improving our mental maths this week and adding and subtracting our numbers.

Achievements this week:

Kyle for MVP in P.E

Emily has been practising her coordination skills

Elena has learned to swim underwater

Archie has been practising his swimming skills

Rosie has been practising her gymnastics


Happy New Year -P3/2

Happy New Year to all-Grace,Lily

I was delighted to get the MVP from Mr Jeffries-Harris

This year I am looking forward to going out with my uncle David-Dylan

We are looking forward to our trip on January 16th to the Forth Bridges visitor centre-Nina,Eden,Max,Sophie M, Rory,Sophie S

We are really excited  about going on our trip-Jess,Eva

We want to do more work in 2017-Florence,Ross, Niamh

I am looking forward to visiting Florida and Belgium this year-Isla

We are going to go on our xbox less in 2017-Luis,Archie

Last year I enjoyed exploding my volcano with my gran and this year I am  looking forward to going to Nina and Holly’s parties-Katie


Thank you for all my lovely presents. I loved opening them all on Christmas morning 🙂

We start this year preparing for our trip to the Forth Bridges Visitor Centre on Monday 16th January 2017…It will be a wonderful experience as 94% of the new bridge called The Queensferry Crossing is complete. We will be able to see all three bridges on our visit and learn about them all.


Good luck everyone preparing your Scots poem before the Competition on Monday 23rd January. We will practise them every day in class so lots of practise at home will be most helpful.





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