Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 30.1.17

This week has been a jumbled up week – and we have had lots of fun with Miss Holwill while Mrs Mansfield was off ill.

These have been the best bits of the week:

Poppy – “My best bit of the week is maths”

Cameron – “I liked doing the pointillism bears for Katie Morag”

Rory – “I liked the bears too”

Keegan – “I liked learning about Katie Morag.  I learned the story of Tiresome Ted”

Max – “The best bit has been learning more about Katie Morag”

Liam – “I liked maths.  I did a good job”

Ellie  – “I liked learning about Katie Morag.  I liked the learning about where she lives”

Teigan – “I like Katie Morag, she is funny”

Leila – “My best bit of the week was when we got to go to different activities”

Emily – “I liked reading the story about Katie Morag”

Leah – “I liked learning about maths this week”

Rio – “I liked doing the bears”

Marley – “I liked doing the bears.  I did lots of dots”

Jonah – “The teddy bears were very cute”

Breaghannon – “I liked picking Pokemon pictures for Golden time”

Millie – “I liked the bit when we did the bears”

Regan – “I liked giving Tiresome Ted a make over”

Griffin – “I liked doing my writing, I got moved up the rocket”


From Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Thank you for your understanding with homework being a day late this week.  I am now feeling a lot better and have had a fab few days with your children this week.  There were quite a lot of homework bags missing when I was sticking in the homework grids – can these please be returned on a Monday.  Homework this week includes preparing a 1 minute talk about family, all children should prepare this!  It could include family names, jobs, special memories, where you live etc.  We will hear these in class next week as part of a listening and talking progression.  I can’t wait to hear them!)

Class O

This week in Class O we have been learning about comics. We worked as a team to identify the key features in a comic and then designed our own using what we learnt. We have also been developing our social skills to use at a party becasue it was Cody and Liam’s birthdays.
As part of our Scotland learning focus we have been researching Highland Games. We found very interesting facts about they types of events, how to play them and the history of them.
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Jayden: I have been learning about Scottish games this week. I researched the Hammer Throw and found out that you have to twirl round with your feet on the ground and then launch it. I have been learning about addition in Maths and practisng adding numbers up to 1000. I wrote a comic about a cake giant.

Caitlin: I enjoyed being in Class o to celebrate Cody and Liam’s birthdays. We had a small class party and we played Haunted Statues, Musical Statues and Musical Chairs. I enjoyed integration with P7 becasue I was learning about China and Chinese New Year. In Maths I have been learning to add with carrying. I am becoming very good at it. I have been developing my self-assessment skills by checking my answers with a calcuator.

Cody: I really enjoyed designing a comic about a foot soldier who cannot do anything right. I was finding adding with carrying quite tricky but now I think I have mastered the techniques. I enjoyed celebrating my 11th birthday with my friends in Class O at a party. We played a few games of my choice and used ‘I’m a Gnome’ music.

Cameron: I enjoyed making my own comic strip. It was called Food inspector and was about a guy with a shop that when the Food Inspector came in they had a row. Cody and Liam’s parties were fun. We tried some new games. I was keen to show off my dance moves. I have been revising subtracting this week in Maths and I am doing very well with it.

2B Scottish Projects and News

We have been working on a project at home. We could make something Scottish like a famous animal, some delicious food or a famous landmark like the Forth Rail Bridge. Everyone was very proud of their projects. Thank you to Mums and Dads and family members who helped us at home.

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Other news from our class – In spelling we’ve been learning about ‘oo’ and different ways to make this sound in spelling, like blue, or tooth. There are lots of wobbly teeth in our class just now!

In French we are counting up to 20. We have a song that can help us to keep improving.


Evie, Ava and Ehan

Spelling Fun!

We have had a great week in Class G.  Our phonics this week has been sh, qu and j.  We had great fun making shark hats and we all looked great in these.  We also had jelly for the letter j and we planned and had a jelly party.  Everyone had great fun!  We have also been enjoying reading and spelling this week.  We got to go outside for Spelling and use a water spray.  It was so much fun!


We have also been doing time in Numeracy and have been looking at Days of the Week.  We have also been doing number work all the way up to 1000.  We started our new topic this week which is Castles and people in the past.  We did a KWL grid and are looking forward to learning information about castles.

Looking forward to next week!


Last week was a busy week in P7a. We attended our annual Burns’ Supper where we were joined by our peers in P7b and important members of the community.During the Burns’ Supper we recited poems, sang Auld Lang Syne and danced the Dashing White Sargent.

The next day we performed our pantomime of ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ after months of rehearsals.It all went well and Mrs Innes was really impressed at how we took it upon ourselves to learn dance routines, lines and songs. I had to learn how to work the lights and sound for the panto alongside Madeleine. Connor and Andrew were supposed to control the power point but Andrew was off so Lucy from P7b had to step in. Thank you Lucy, Callum and Aaron for stepping in for our absent classmates!

Last week in class we wrote a Scottish play script for Jack and the beanstalk.We were aloud to add our own twist to it

Written by Scott and Sarah

Class dojo winners: Lucy and Kiera H

See you next week!


In maths we are learning different strategies for taking away. We also learned about weighing. We learned how to estimate, how to weigh accurately and played different games about weighing things. Here are some links for you to try at home.

In writing, we wrote instructions on how to make shortbread and this was tricky because we had to tell about every step and not miss any out.

This week we have also started learning about our new topic – The Ancient Egyptians. We talked about what we knew and what we wanted to find out. W located Egypt on a world map and then also found the U.K.

Have a great weekend.

P6a 27.1.17

Pins from our learning in writing this week:

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Tweets about our learning in multiplying in maths, character study in writing and Scottish Politics in LAC:

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Snaps of our favourite piece of work:

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Pupil of the week: Holly

Special person: Kate




This week we have been learning about different types of sentences.

Sophia- there are four different types of sentences

Suvi – the four types are command, question, exclamation and statement

Liam – Suvi went to the shops (statement)

Euan – “Pick the litter up,” said Tim (command)

Teighan – “What is that?” said Suvi (question)

Megan – “I love this ride!” said mum (exclamation)


This week we have been building on our previous learning about coordinates. We all had the opportunity to make a grid and position objects on it and ask our elbow partners to identify the coordinates.

Denholm – I really liked it when Alfie had to try and solve my grid questions

Connor – it was fun swapping sheets and trying to find what the coordinates were

We also had a fun time using games to consolidate our learning of the four operations. This was also a good time to evaluate how well we work as part of a team and how well we can follow instructions. Some of the games we played were shut the box, nine snap, what number am I and speed tables. Here are some pictures –




We are all learning a lot about how to react appropriately to different situations.

Suvi – This week we were doing drama. We got a card either saying aggressive, weak or cool and we had to act out what it said on the card with our partners.


We have started our Viking fact files. We had great fun using the books in class to research where the Vikings came from and what places they raided. We discussed the difference between fact and opinion before beginning our task. Here is a picture of us using the books –




We were looking at different materials and predicting if they were magnetic or non-magnetic. We discussed our predictions with our elbow partner and recording them. We were then able to test our predictions using different magnets.



We have been learning about good teamwork and what the qualities of a good team member are. Our challenge was to cross the playground ‘swamp’ using 3 hula hoops per team.


Have a great weekend!

Two weeks of learning in P7b

Last Wednesday morning we held our first PATPALS session.  (Pupils as teachers, parents as learners) During this there were several activities to choose from.  At one table, there were large pieces of paper with number talk style questions on them.  We had to teach our parents/carers different strategies we would use to solve the calculations shown.  Some parents were surprised by the different strategies we use! Parents learned that it’s okay to use different strategies, whatever suits the learner best.

Yesterday we performed our Jack and the Beanstalk panto to our parents/carers and siblings.  Some of us were a bit nervous at the beginning but we enjoyed performing.  We worked extremely hard and are proud of our efforts.

Here are some of our highlights from the show:

‘I liked watching Meg and Polina doing gymnastics.’- Meadow

‘I was proud of Ryan and Reiss for singing.’ David

‘I liked getting our face painted backstage.’- Valerija

‘I enjoyed when me, Meadow and David went on stage to collect the golden hen (Liam).  I added a bit to the script when I said ‘hi!’ – Ryan

‘I liked when Meg was revealed as the giant and the audience were a bit shocked.’ – Iona

At the end of the show we gave Emma and James a birthday card and embarrassed them by singing Happy Birthday!

Thank you everybody for coming along.  We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

On Wednesday we celebrated Burn’s Day by holding a P7 Burn’s Supper.  We invited special guests to join us. During this, our Master of Ceremonies (Jamie) lead the afternoon.  We heard some of Burn’s classics and enjoyed haggis, neeps and tatties as well as Irn Bru and a Tunnocks tea cake!  We listened to the choir perform ‘The Wild Mountainside’ and David bravely sang a capella to ‘My Love is like a Red, Red Rose’.   Some of us also danced the Dashing White Sergeant.  To end the celebration we formed a circle to sing Auld Lang syne.

What a busy week!  Enjoy the weekend everyone,


Last week’s Dojo winner- Millie

Table of the Week- Team Bones

Article 28- Right to Learn

Article 29- Right to develop talents and abilities


This week has been a busy week this is our highlights.

Evie: Our assembly was my highlight “I liked the full thing”. I liked writing about my own Victorian invention.  As well as this I liked playing chain tig and Wizzards, Goblins and Giants.

Caitlin: I liked learning all the songs for our assembly. I also enjoyed planning my own Victorian invention.

Kayleigh: I liked learning about the Victorians because they are very interesting.

Leia: I enjoyed learning about what jobs we may have had if we had lived during the Victorian age. I also enjoyed playing hide and seek during free choose at PE.

Sophie: I liked the assembly especially when we were performing our songs. I also was happy to accidently find out I was star writer this week.

Erin: I liked doing the assembly and I liked getting a biscuit.  I also enjoyed PE particularly playing cops and robbers.

Kaitlin: I liked reading the history book yesterday it even had the beginning of the world!

Demi Leigh: I enjoyed doing writing.  I enjoyed the punishments in PE like having to sing I’m a little teapot.

David: I liked the Victorian song and all of our assembly.

Olivia: I liked writing because it got me to use my imagination to think of different things.

Grace: I liked playing chain tig and running away.

Ellis: I liked writing because I enjoyed writing instructions on how to operate my own invention.

Evan: I enjoyed rehearsing the assembly and chain tig.

Robyn: I liked performing the street children song.

Emma: I liked assembly.

Charlie: I enjoyed learning all the song in the assembly.

Ben: I liked having a juice and biscuit after the assembly.


Well done to all the pupils for their hard work this week and fabulous performance and a big thank you to all the parents, family members and carers that came along to show your support. From Mr Cunningham.

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We have been very busy this week in class making our potions to help us with our potion writing. We made super invisibility potions, potions to make us jump to the moon and potions to turn us into dogs! We then wrote our instructions.

We learned about Robert Burns on Burns’ Day, where he was born, what he did and we had a Scottish quiz to help us remember.  We learned how to dance to the Dashing White Sergeant in class which we found a little bit tricky but fun!

In our maths work we have been learning time challenges and our time to beat the clock is now 31 seconds…a new record.


Pupil of week-Rowan

Starwriters this week-Maddison, Sarah, Elena and Lexi

Kyle has got a red and blue stripe for Kicking Kids



Emma – “We have been learning sounds”
Kaiden – “We did a Pokemon hunt!”
Kyle – “We were making tartans and measuring”
Caitlin – “We have been making tartans and learning the sound ch”
Hamish – “We made Scottish flags”
Josh – “We made some loch ness monster crafts”
Noah – “We have been learning about the union flag”
Hamish – “We started our floorbook where we write down things we want to learn”
Taylor – “I liked writing in the floorbook. The colours were all nice”

PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Kaiden Doyle. Kaiden has been solving taking away sums and been super speedy! Well done!!



Article 28: We have the right to an education

Scottish Knowledge P3/2

We have been learning lots of new facts about Scotland. We have all learned a Scottish poem and it was very difficult choosing 2 representatives for the final on Monday. Ross and Lily were our class reps.

We are really excited about our trip to the Forth Bridges visitor centre on Tuesday.

Here are our comments for our Scottish focus.

Isla,Max,Dylan,Luis,Eden-” Donald where’s your troosers?” is a Scottish song

Lily,Katie,Sophie S.-We like dancing and singing to “Donald where’s your troosers?”

Nina,Ross,Jess,Niamh- We are learning about Nessie and we are writing a newspaper article about finding her

Archie- I like learning facts about Scotland.It is fun

Zara,Rory- We like dancing and singing to “The wee rid yo-yo”. It is a Scottish song

Harris- My Home Learning Challenge was Nessie, irn bru and shortbread

Sophie M. -My Home Learning Challenge was a castle

Eva- I liked being the first craw in the song ” Three craws”

Grace- I liked making my Home Learning Challenge. It was Edinburgh castle. I also brought in the book ” Greyfriars Bobby” to read in class

Florence- I can’t wait until our trip on Tuesday to The Forth Bridge Visitor Centre

Congratulations to Dylan Pupil of the week for his enthusiasm for Reading

Have a super weekend 🙂






We think we had a very good week!

Sophie and Eva loved doing our collage of a chimney sweep as part of our Art in our Victorians topic. Demi liked doing Maths and has mastered long division! Grace and Freya  had a great time at outdoor P.E. And Rachael loved getting dressed up as a Victorian child.

Lucy and Keira are pleased we can now say hello, how are you and answer in Spanish. We think we need a class trip to Spain to practise though………..

Isla and Ava enjoyed our ribbon work in Drama, while Oliver and Alfie  liked the assembly.

And Brodie, Rachael and Karys enjoyed watching their siblings in the P7 Panto.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Happy Burn’s Day

This week was Rabbie Burns birthday so we had a celebration in class with Class O. We learned some new things about Rabbie Burns and got to do some art activities and food tasting. Here are our highlights:

Joe – Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January 1759 and he died in 1796 July 21st. That means he died when he was 37. I went to the Sky Sports Academy with Armadale. We won the trophy! We did 14 sports like boxing, basketball, football and the rope of death.

David – I painted Robert Burns. I played Dobble with Dylan. I made a clay dinner.

Adam – I liked trying Irn Bru, tablet, shortbread. It was very tasty.

Dylan – I was playing Dobble with David. He showed me how to play it. The Burn’s supper was good. I got to try tablet. It was really sweet. I liked the teacakes too.

Yolie – I was drinking Irn Bru. I made haggis, neeps and tatties on the plate out of clay. It was fun.

Aiden – I liked the Burn’s supper because I ate my favourite food which is tablet!

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Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 21.1.17

This has been another great week in Primary 2/1.

We have been learning about Robert Burns – here are some of the facts we have learned:

Marley – “He died when he was 37.  He worked as a farmer”

Max – “He was famous for writing poems and songs”

Brandon – “We celebrate Burns day to remember him.  We eat haggis, neeps and tatties”

Rory – “He wrote a famous song.  We sang Auld Lang Syne in class”

Emily – “He used to write famous poems, he wrote some about a mouse and one about haggis”


We started our learning about Katie Morag, continued to use our imagination in writing, completed some tricky maths problems using money and had a lot of fun with our new phonics jobs.  Here are our favourite bits from this week:

Leila – “Making the trees for our Katie Morag display”

Max – “Doing my own Pokemon card in Pokemon writing”

Poppy – “I liked when me and Millie got to look at Katie Morag and paint her”

Liam – “I liked learning about money”

Rio – “I liked doing money games too, I was counting on to find an answer”

Emily – “I liked doing Katie Morag’s school because it was really fun making the climbing frame”

Cameron – “I liked making the jetty and helping Leila with the trees”

Regan – “I liked counting with Pete, it was funny when we did the backwards counting song”

Leah – “I liked making the school with Emily”

Brandon – “I liked making the shop, it was a bit tricky”

Breaghannon – “I liked watching the video and making Grannie Island’s house”

Rory – “I liked watching my brother’s pantomime, he did a good job”

Millie – “I liked watching my sister in the pantomime.  The best bit was when they did gymnastics”

Keegan – “I liked when we did the challenges in maths.  I am getting better at money”

Marley – “I liked doing everything for Katie Morag”

Teigan – “I liked phonics.  I like singing the ‘a song'”


As you can see, the children really enjoyed their learning this week.  They worked really hard to pick out and then make the important places on the Isle of Struay – how do you think they got on?

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Class O

Class O have been learning about adjectives. The children have been identifying adjective words in their sentences. Spelling we have been looking at silent w  words and words with ence and ance.  In maths we have been doing tricky chimney sums and carrying over the children have really enjoyed.


Cody –  I have been designing a leaflet about a local attraction, I decided to choose Balbardie Park. I wrote and drew a picture to get more people to go to the park to play golf or sk8. In sensory room there was a Scottish world with Scottish food and music, I ate some shortbread I liked it.


Jayden – I have had a Scottish burns supper. I tasted Scottish tablet, shortbread and haggis, turnip and tatties. There was Scottish music and information about Robert Burns. I found some information about the Hive in Bathgate to make a leaflet it was very colourful and bright.


Cameron – I enjoyed maths this week, I was very good at it. I managed to carry over ones, tens and hundreds. I done great at spelling and writing I received a WOW certificate from the teachers. We had a burns day supper and I tried haggis, turnip and tatties, tablet, shortbread and tunnocks tea cake.


Liam – I liked the Scottish music and dancing at our burns supper. I had fun making a leaflet about Almond Valley it was bright and had prices and times on it

Caitlin – I have enjoyed taking part in the pantomime this week. I had fun at the burns supper with my P7 class and tried some Scottish food. I have been learning tricky maths and using a calculator to check my answers are correct.


Mild, Spicy and Hot – P4b

We have three new members in P4b!


Their names are Mild, Spicy and Hot. They live near our Maths Wall but can visit all curricular areas. They remind us that everyone can achieve when working at their level. They also encourage us to challenge ourselves by trying a trickier level, perhaps with the support of a friend.

This week we have been problem solving using our knowledge of multiplication. Which level would you try?


Jasper had 4 plates. Each plate had 3 cakes on it. How many cakes does Jasper have?



Toby bought 5 doughnuts which cost 10p each. He bought 7 cupcakes that were 5p each. How much change would he get from £1?



The choir has 6 boys for every 4 girls. There are 12 girls in the choir. How many children are there?


Pupil of the Week: Luke – for persevering with tricky maths. Well done you have mastered multiplying multiples of 100.

Scottish Book Trust

P1 Parents & Carers – Scottish Book Trust needs your help!

Every November, Scottish Book Trust gifts a free bag of books to every P1 child in Scotland to help them with their reading, writing and counting and to encourage them to develop a life-long love of books. Scottish Book Trust is asking parents and carers of children in P1 to complete a short online survey about the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag. Please click here to take part in the survey, which shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help to improve the Bookbug P1 Family Bag in the future and you could win a free bundle of books!

The deadline for completing the survey is 10 February 2017.

Thank you for your support and participation.

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