P2A’s week

This week in P2A we have been learning more in our topic of Dungeons and Dragons. We have been learning about the life of a Knight and we made wonderful Knights and chalk backgrounds with Miss Taylor for our class display.  In our writing we wrote a letter to King Thistle asking the King to let the dragon out of the dungeon.  We also had fun designing our banquet menus.  We found out if you are a rich Knight you might be able to afford 3 horses and you need to be 14 to be a squire.

We have been continuing practising our 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and using our flashcards to find the answers.

In P.E. this week we worked well together as a team and played a fun body game.  We also won our second fireball.

For World Book Day we chose our own books, chose our characters and described our favourite characters. We read the story of ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and we also made our character puppets….it was fun!

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Daniel

Elena has learned how to pencil jump

Archie has been improving his swimming skills

Eva and Emma won a cheerleading trophy and came 3rd place

Hollie and Luke have been learning how to summersault in the water

Akasha is on level 1 in swimming

Daniel has achieved his dark blue stripes in Tae Kwon Do




Learning about dinosaurs in P1b

Hamish – We made dinosaurs out of clay
Josh – We made dinosaur fossils out of clay too
Evie – We put the pieces of clay together
Matthias – We made dinosaurs fossils and figures and we got to take them home when they were dried up

Emma – We have a dinosaur egg in our class and it is hatching
Kyle – There might be a dinosaur in it!
Caitlin – Is it going to be a t-rex or a brachiosaurus?
Maksim – The egg is hatching and there might be a t-rex, a velociraptor or a pterodactyl
Josh – It has a crack in it and it might be a t-rex
Max – It might have two things in the egg! It might be a raptor or a pterodactyl
Gracie – It might be a stegosaurus or a brachiosaurus

Evie – We have been singing songs in our assembly and saying our words. We had to sit on the benches, but I fell off!
Ava – We did a dinosaur assembly and told jokes
-We sang in front of the school and the mums and dads
Emma – We were doing our speaking parts and singing lots of songs
Noah – We waited our turns to speak

Kyle – Yesterday was World Book Day and we wrote what our favourite book is
Reiss – We were writing about stories that we like
Maksim – We took a book and wrote the title and drew a picture of our favourite part from the story
Josh – We drew some pictures
Taylor – We all read a story
Max – The whole school had to read a story at the same time for World Book Day

Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

Zara Bulut won MVP of the month in P.E. for Primary 1!



This week we used our Viking theme to create five different Viking families within the class. We then had to decide who had what role within the family and create a character profile for the person we were. We used some of what we already know and used text books to research information as well.


This week we have been learning about compass points and clockwise/anti clockwise. We also learned about half turns and quarter turns.

We also learned about 3D shape and how to use 3D nets.

World Book Day!

We had a fantastic day on Thursday celebrating world book day. We had several opportunities throughout the day to read quietly, read to each other, build a reading corner and share excerpts from our books. Here are some of our pictures –


We were demonstrating how to use a cool, weak or aggressive response with Mrs McKenzie.

Suvi – it’s really helping me to learn how to react to certain situations

Campbell – aggressive response isn’t the best to use

Liam – if you use an aggressive response it could get you in trouble

Kiara – I understand how to respond better now

Have a great weekend!!!


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 27.2.17

This week we have been celebrating World Book Day, and have had an amazing time reading and learning about new books.  We have been talking about books and have told one another about our favourite books.  Here are our choices:

Teigan – “Zog is my favourite because Daddy reads it to me”

Marley – “Room on the Broom is my favourite because it has a lot of pages”

Breaghannon – “My favourite book is Paw Patrol because it has my favourite character”

Leila – “I really like Fairy tales”

Brandon – “George’s Marvellous medicine is my favourite book because it is fun to read. George puts stuff in Gran’s medicine bottle and she gets very tall, that is funny”

Regan – “My best book is Jack and the Flum-flum tree because they go on an adventure”

Millie – “My favourite book is the Magnificent Millie because people invent stuff and it is very fun”

Rio – “I like Owl Babies.  The best bit was when the baby owl said he wanted his mummy”

Max – “The Gruffalo’s Child is  a good book because I like all the Gruffalo books and I have them”

Ellie – “My favourite book is Hare and the Tortoise because the Hare thought he was fast but the Tortoise beat him”

Emily – “I like What the Ladybird heard.  I like this because all the animals tricked the thieves into the duck pond”

Cameron – “I can’t remember the name of my favourite book.  It is about a mouse that can’t fit his apple in his house”

Rory – “I like the book Owl Babies because when the wee baby owl says I want my mummy it was funny”

Jonah – “My favourite is Dumbo because he has big ears”

Leah – “I like the Princess Palace book because you can pop up bits of the book”

Keegan – “I like Jack and the flum-flum tree because the monkey stole the egg and they had to use a drum to get it back.  They also said some funny things”

Liam – “I like Star Wars”

Griffin – “The return of the Jedi is my favourite book because it has a boy with a lightsaber in it”


We have been doing lots of World Book Day activities, these are our favourite bits:

  • Making Bunting with our favourite books on it (Teigan, Cameron, Rio, Ellie, Breaghannon, Keegan, Griffin)
  • Hearing all the different stories that the boys and girls have brought in from home (Brandon, Regan, Rory, Leah, Jonah, Marley)
  • When Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Aitken swapped classes to read to us (Leila, Max)
  • Storytime at the end of the day with all the adults, choosing books was lots of fun (Millie, Emily, Liam)


World Book Day – Class G Go Camping!!!!

It has been a fantastic week in Class G.  We had great fun on Thursday for World Book Day.  This week we have been reading Horrid Henry’s Holiday.  The class have really enjoyed this book.  In the book Henry goes on a camping trip.  We decided to go on a camping trip.  We set up the snug as a campsite and had 3 tents and a pretend campfire using lights and twigs.  We roasted marshmallows and had some hot chocolate with cream.  It was great fun.  We all loved playing in the big tent with the sleeping bags.

Erin – We had a camping room for World Book Day.  We had Haribos to eat.  Our story is Horrid Henry’s Holiday.

Jake – My favourite thing this week was camping in the snug.  I liked the sleeping bags.

Gabriel – I enjoyed everything this week.  I liked going in the tents.  I learned how to play Monopoly.

Logan – I had a great week.  When we were camping we ate smores and hot chocolate and we had orange juice.


In 5b this week


In maths this week we have continued and finished our learning about fractions. We have been looking at how to calculate fractions of an amount.

Dadirayi: I enjoyed revising division by colouring in a minion.

Aaron, Reece and Kayleigh: I enjoyed working through the TJ textbook.

Kaitlin: I enjoyed working with Kayleigh and Dadirayi to complete maths.


In English this week we have tried to create dramatic openings for a kidnapping story. We used locations familiar to use to help us add description.

Erin: I enjoyed writing the story.

Ava: I enjoyed writing my story because I liked this kind of writing.

Sophie: I liked writing because of the dramatic theme.

Evie: Writing was god this week because I like kidnapping stories.



The winners of the Dragons Den have been decided. All pupils pitched well and worked incredibly hard on all their inventions. However, only a few managed to secure investment from the Dragons. Those lucky people were Sophie for her Stomach Slimmer tonic, Lotte for her coal powered bike, Mya for her superstar sweets that make children behave, Caitlin for her desk/bed and Logan for his cholera potion.

Emma: I liked doing PE with Mr Jefferies.

Annabelle: I enjoyed the Dragons Den and showing my model to the dragons.

Leia: I enjoyed PE with Mr Jefferies and I liked handball.

Robyn: I liked playing rugby yesterday.

David: I liked the Dragons Den.

Isla and Grace: I liked playing football.

Evan: I liked doing Dragons Den even though I didn’t get any investment.

Class M


This week we have continued our recycling topic. We emptied our bin out on to the floor and sorted the rubbish in to the proper bins. We realised we are not recycling everything that we could at the moment. From now on we are going to try and recycle more. Some of us used our map skills to walk round the school and do a bin audit. We had to put coloured dots on the map every time we found a bin.

David – I recycled the paper and card. We tipped the bin on the floor.

Dylan – We walked round the school to find bins. We found some sneaky bins that we hadn’t noticed before. We had to use the map to get round the school. Maps are important.

Yolie – I put some plastic in the bin. Yoghurt plastic and a plastic bottle and plastic milk straws and plastic milk bottles.



This week was World Book Day. Everyone in the whole school stopped whatever they were doing at 2.45 to do some reading. We read some more of our Horrid Henry Novel. We also made some cool bookmarks and gave ourselves some Horrid Henry names. Do you think they suit us?

Dizzy David, Dangerous Dylan, Gym Joe, Adventurous Amazing Parkour Adam, Clever Charlie, Mucky Mrs McNeill, Youthful Yolie, Messy Mrs McLean!

Joe – I made a cardboard bookmark because it was World Book Day. I dressed up as Harry Potter at BB’s.

Aiden – I stayed at Bankton Primary School till 1 o’clock in the afternoon. They have tokens instead of bands for the lunches.


Last week was yet another busy week in P1a with lots of new learning!

We learned the sounds ie and ar and revised all our tricky words learned so far!  In reading we are identifying as many of our tricky words as possible and are really good at spotting them.  We are really good at blending words and using the pictures to help us read also.

We have learned all about the Stegosaurus – the one with the plates down its back!  This week we are learning all about the  T Rex.  Last week we also learned about what dinosaurs ate.   Carnivores ate meat and had big, sharp, pointy teeth.  Herbivores at plants and had flat teeth and some had long necks to reach leaves.  Omnivores ate both plants and meat.  Humans are omnivores!



In numeracy we were learning about information handling.  We gathered information on our favourite fruits and presented it in a pictogram.  Then we gathered information on eye colour and presented this in a pictogram.

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In class we have been reading The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne for the past couple of weeks. The main character in the story is Bruno. He lived in Berlin until he moved to Out-With because of his father’s job. He isn’t sure what his job is but he understands that his father is quite important. Bruno absolutely hates it at Out-With because it is so boring and plain compared to his old one. Bruno was having a hard time with his older sister Gretel after they looked out the window. They saw long barbed wires stretching over a vast area containing scared looking men ans small boys. Bruno found it quite unusual that the men and small boys were all wearing the same blue and white striped clothes. There were tiny wooden huts in rows and the ground was a grey and sandy looking. Soldiers were shouting at some children to get in line and they looked petrified. Scared, they tried to forget it and return to their usual ways. Several weeks later Bruno was still bored with their new house and was finding it hard to remain calm with all the strange men coming in to the house to have meetings with his dad. Bruno was on a mission to find a tyre to make a swing because he had recently spotted a great tree for a swing and while he was searching for one he bumped into Gretel and a slightly older looking chap. He asked if they had seen any spare tyres about but the man, Lieutenant Kotler, was joking around to much to answer properly. Instead Bruno found his own tyre, made a very loose knot and tied it to the tree. The knot was too loose though so he fell of and then it banged him on the head. Pavel, the waitor, quickly ran outside and tended to his wounds. Once mother came back she was shocked to see that Pavel had helped Bruno. He didn’t know why, but his mother seemed annoyed…


By Olivia and Lucy


We have had a lovely week in P2b as we have had a ‘Kindness’ focus. To start our week off we read the story “How Full Is Your Bucket?” by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. The story is about a little boy called Felix who finds out from his Grandpa that we each have an invisible bucket. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When our bucket is empty, we feel awful.  Felix finds out that the things people say and do can have an effect on his bucket. We quickly spotted that when people were kind and helpful to Felix, his bucket began to fill up and when people were mean and unkind, his bucket began to empty. Felix also realised that everything he said or did to other people filled or emptied their buckets too! We really enjoyed the story and this brought about lots of discussion on how to fill up invisible buckets in our class. We set ourselves a challenge to fill as many of our classmates buckets as we could! Here are some of the things we got up to…

Joseph – “I helped Ehan tidy up the wooden toys.”

Tiana – “I shared my pencils with people at my table.”

Sara – “I helped Eilidh find her Shopkin.”

Orlaith – “I helped my little sister get her doll.”

Ava – “I have been kind to Dionne when she was sad.”

We also made and designed our own buckets from plastic cups. These will be displayed in our classroom and we can hopefully fill them up with kind notes and messages to each other over the next few weeks.

In writing we retold the story using a storyboard. We tried very hard to put the story into the correct order whilst remembering capital letter, full stops and finger spaces.

In maths we have been jumping up and down the hundred square identifying numbers before, after and between by cutting, sticking and colouring in the squares.

Our Caterpillar Boogie show is coming along well and we are all very excited to perform it on 23rd March. We have been singing really well!! Please remember to return the Butterfly letters regarding facepaint as soon as possible. Thanks.

Pupil of the Week – Fearne – for writing a super acrostic poem on Scotland. Well done Fearne!!

P6a 24.2.17

Our tweets about writing:

“I enjoyed learning about wind farms this week”- Zoe

Our tweets about maths:

“I started learning how to do long multiplication”-Rowan

“I learned by 9 and 11 times tables”-Rhia

Our tweets about music:

“I enjoyed learning Scottish songs in music” Abbie and Cole

Our tweets about LAC:

“I learned more about Scotland”-Jack

“I enjoyed the assembly today”-Tom

“I learned how to apply my art and maths skills at the same time”-Eva

Castle Building!

We have had a great week in Class G. We have been doing lots of work during Learning Across the Curriculum.  We have been learning al about castles and castle defences.  We looked at parts of a castle and have been labelling these and we also had great fun building our own castles using junk.  We liked getting messy painting these.  We have been looking at doubles in Numeracy and even though this is tricky we all managed it and Miss Garland was very proud of us.  In writing we have been looking at independent writing.  We had to make our own story based on ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.  Our storied were great.  We had a bunny hunt and a witch hunt and they were very exciting stories.  Here is what Class G enjoyed this week:

Logan – I enjoyed building my castle and painting it.


Gabriel – I enjoyed PE. I enjoyed playing the games.


Erin – I loved PE with Mr Jeffries and p2/1.


Jake – I enjoyed swimming.

Shea – I liked TACPAC. It tickled.



This has been a very busy and exciting week for us!
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning a dance for the Dance Festival at Deans High on the 15th of March. It has been very tricky and we are putting lots of hard work into it and finally, it is beginning to come together! We will use the same dance as part of our assembly which is just a few days before the Dance Festival.
We are learning about Ancient Egyptians and the dance is Egyptian based. We have also been learning about the clothes Ancient Egyptians wore as well as the jewellery they had and wore. We have been making our own necklaces and bracelets this week, which we will hopefully wear at assembly.

In maths we have been learning about measuring in metres and half meters. We went outside to make a garden. Each group had to complete a different part of teh garden with different criteria. It was very hard because not only was it very cold but it was also very windy and our meter strips kept blowing away. We did manage to make the garden, although the snow covered it up the next day.

In writing we were learning how to write a description. We had to remember that the person reading the description could not see the picture so had to name the thing for them to imagine what the picture looked like.

At the weekend Owen entered a 5K run – here he is with his medal. Well done Owen!100_3747

Viking Times

This week Lucy, Emma, Katie, Maisey, Jacob, Ben, Elliot and Nathan did their class talks.
Louie – I liked Ben’s pictures on his PowerPoint.
Ela-I liked the video on Nathan’s PowerPoint. It was the top ten facts about Vikings.
Ben – I liked how Emma asked us to get our Smartpacks out for our class talks.
Dani – at the end of Emma’s talk we had to write down answers to her questions.
Jason – I liked Elliot’s PowerPoint. He had good pictures about Viking towns.
Rose – I liked Katie’s class talk because the pictures were picked carefully.
Callum – I liked how Lucy gave us some information about Viking houses and then we learnt about them in class.
Skye – I liked Maisey’s PowerPoint because the pictures were nice and she had loads of detail.
Luke –Jacob’s PowerPoint had really detailed pictures on Viking food.
Jacob – I liked Maisey’s PowerPoint because the background had a nice pattern.
We finished our first Viking class story and are looking forward to our new Viking story adventure.
We learnt about the Viking alphabet, the Furthark, and wrote our names in runes. We also made rune stones with our initials on. Although some of the letters are very different (or don’t exist in the Futhark) some are quite similar. Can you write your name in runes?


We are continuing to prepare for the Benchball festival on the 14th March at Bathgate Xcite with the help of some students from West Lothian College.

In Health and Wellbeing we are exploring our emotions and we drew emojis of different emotions and we had to guess which emotion each one represented.

In French we learnt the names of parts of the body and learn to do ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ in French. You can enjoy it here…….

Pupil of the Week – Jason for multiplying a 2 digit number by a single number and explaining his strategy really well.

Table of the week- with 620 points


An eventful week in 5B this week and lots of quality learning taking place also.


In our language work this week we rewrote our pitch ideas for our Dragons Den inventions. In our writing we focused on using persuasive language to make the Dragons want to invest in our Victorian inventions. It was also important that we listed the key facts such as special features, price and why our product was unique.


Maths this week we have been continuing our learning on fractions. The Pyramid and Spheres group have been investigating simplifying fractions and how to produce equivalent fractions using multiplication. These groups also completed work for DidBook this week which will be posted soon that shows everything we have learned about fractions.

The Cubes and Cylinders focused on fractions of a whole and how to tell if one fraction is greater than another. The Cubes then started working on their simplifying and equivalent fractions also.


This week has been a jam packed week of Victorian activities. In class we have created our own versions of William Morris prints.  All of the class produced wonderful examples which will form a display in our classroom. As well as this we have been inundated with entrepreneurs pitching their fantastic Victorian inventions to the Dragons Den. So far only two products have received investment, (Sophie for her Stomach Slimmer and Mya for her sweets that make children behave) however I am sure that lots more budding inventors could get money out of the Dragons next week.

Our Thoughts

Caitlin: I enjoyed the parachute games and dragons den.

Harry: I have liked everything this week.

Emma: Dragons Den was my favourite thing this week. Mya’s invention was my favourite.

Sophie: I have liked all of this week.

Ellis: I have enjoyed learning about simplifying and equivalent fractions.

Freddie: Creating my William Morris artwork was my favourite part of the week.

Dadirayi: I liked playing with the parachute and Dragons Den.

Leia: Dragons Den was my highlight – Mya’s invention was my favourite so far.

Evie and Erin: We liked doing our maths assessment.

Evan: I liked parachute games, maths and Dragons Den.


Exciting Egyptians…

This week in P3a we have been getting very excited as we have been learning one of our songs for our assembly. We have been learning lots of other things which we would like to share with you…



In our topic we have been learning all about the mummification process.  We have found out that they pulled out the brains with a hook through the nose of the person being mummified.  We also learned that they put some of the organs from the body into canopic jars.

We have designed our very own canopic jars which we are going to make out of clay next week.  We got to choose whether we wanted  a jackal, baboon, human or falcon as the design.




In maths we have been learning how to add numbers together using the strategy of ‘upstairs, downstairs’ sums.  This is going to help us add up money with Miss Holwill.


We have been developing our listening skills by doing listening activities with Miss Owens, we are really enjoying these. We have also been looking at verbs and adverbs to make our writing more interesting.

We have finished our Ancient Egypt writing and we will be putting these up on display in the next week.


Health and Wellbeing

We learned what to do in an emergency and even learned a song all about calling 999.



Murray has got a green belt in karate

Pupil of the week – Evan

Charlie has started karate this week



We hope you have a lovely weekend everyone !

Words, words, words!

This week, P6B have been busy preparing for their assembly. This included learning the words to our Scottish songs, Wild Mountain Thyme and Loch Lomond. Firstly, we did this through singing practice which allowed us to become familiar with the tune and rhythm of the songs. We then explored the meaning of the songs. Firstly, we looked at ‘Loch Lomond’ and, verse by verse, we illustrated the words.

image-6                   image-7

Next, during handwriting, we focussed on the organisation of our work as well as the correct formation and joining of our letters. We had to use the song ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’ as the context of our handwriting and, verse by verse, we used our very best presentation skills to write the song in our finest handwriting.


image-5                     image-8


We thoroughly enjoyed performing our songs during today’s assembly and this was supported by the fact we had a good recall and understanding of the words we sung. I’m sure that in the future whenever we hear these songs, we will definitely be able to join in a sing-song!

P2A’s week

This week with Miss Taylor we learned about the life of a Knight during our Dungeons and Dragons topic and we learned that we needed to be 7 years old. Knights have important tasks to do, for example keeping the castle safe and protecting the people who live in the castle and looking after the Prince and Princesses. We learned that dungeons are very scary places…not somewhere we would like to live in!

We have been busy learning the 4 & 5 times tables in our maths groups and we had fun with flashcards, games, worksheets and we liked using the ‘under the Sea’ game on the Smartboard.

In writing this week we wrote about a day in the life of a Knight and we have written wonderful stories.

In drama this week we have been busy practising for the P2 show on the 23rd of March…Reminder for the butterflies to bring in skin coloured tights, and the face painting permission letter 🙂 All other characters for our show will have costumes supplied.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week: Luke

Kyle won trophies in Tae Kwon Do for working hard and being Pupil of the Month

Archie won a rosette for a clear round in his Pony Club

Lois has moved onto level 5 in swimming

Akasha is trying hard at her swimming and is trying hard to get to level 2

Emily and Artjom have been practising their swimming skills

Elena can now do a handstand in the swimming pool






Evie – We were checking everyone’s eyes and there were blue, brown, green and grey.
Gracie – We wrote down the numbers of how many had that colour at the side
Kyle – We asked people what colour eyes they had




Josh – We were learning about all the dinosaurs and their names
Kaiden – We were cutting out the dinosaurs and sticking them in the right box
Rose – We put them in “meat eaters” or “plant eaters”
Hamish – We were also checking our own answers and seeing if we got them correct
Maksim – A carnivore eats meat and a herbivore eats plants. An omnivore eats both




Caitlin – We were making dinosaur fossils out of clay
Reiss – We did footprints and we also printed the dinosaurs by lying them down
Maksim – We made some dinosaur fossils and we can take them home when they are dry




Next Friday is our class assembly! (Friday 3rd March 2017)
Keep practising the song words and assembly words at home 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Snowy P3/2

It was quite snowy at school yesterday and we took advantage of that and went outside and played.

Ross,Dylan,Jess- We liked it when we were playing together out in the snow

Luis-I liked making a snowman

Max-I got my Step 5 today !

Harris- I liked playing with the football we found in the snow !

Archie- I wrote bonjour in the snow !

Rory-I rolled a ball of snow into a big ball. A snowball in french is le boule de neige

Zara- I loved making a mini snowman and I put my scarf on him

Lily-I liked the girls being photographed together in the snow

Eden- I liked getting my picture taken with the little snowman

Eva- I wrote Leon le cameleon in the snow

Grace-I drew a snowman when I came into class and in french it is called le bonhomme de neige !

Katie- I loved drawing my snowman back in class and used cotton wool and tissue paper for the snow

Niamh-I liked learning winter french words eg l’hiver is winter

Sophie S. -I liked making a snowman in class on paper and writing Le bonhomme de neige on it

Isla- It is amazing that yesterday was snowy and the day before was sunny!

Kaycee- I liked being out in the fresh air as we were not out at break because of the snow

Nina- I liked getting the picture taken of all the class in the snow

Florence-Yesterday was a fun day in the snow

Congratulations to:-

our new Step 5 children-Rory, Max, Isla and Sophie M.

Pupil of the week-Sophie M. for a friendly nature in class and outside












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