
We have had a good couple of weeks in p7B.

Last week we had a lady come on Tuesday and Thursday to tell us about tobacco and the dangers of it. On Thursday she brought a friend in and her name was Smokey Sue. She was a doll and showed us how smoking affects your lungs and body.  One cigarette turned her lungs yellow and it looked disgusting!

Yesterday we watched the schools senior choir perform their interpretation of the Jungle Book.

“It was really exciting to watch (because we got out of class and didn’t have to do work!”~RyrieJ

During the week we were working on our lunar theme parks. This taught us about budget and profit and loss.  The class really enjoyed designing our own theme park.  We had a budget of £500,000 pounds to spend on our parks.  This was to buy things including major rides, minor rides, cafes, shops, path ways & toilets. We then had to work out our outgoing and incoming costs to work out our total profit.  We really enjoyed this task!

We also learned about the reasons why animals are endangered and wrote persuasive letters to the government to build more conservation areas.  We then designed our own conservation parks.   We had to consider each animals’’ needs including their habitat, diet and size.  We designed our parks to scale and calculated the area and perimeter of each animal’s enclosure.

We are looking forward to our last week at Balbardie next week!

Jamie and Ryrie



Today we thought about our year in Primary 2 and what we have enjoyed. Here are some of our thought………….

Keira – I liked having Mrs Clark, Miss Holwill and Mrs Rodger.

Rheagan – I liked our Castle trip.

Ryan – I liked visiting Stirling Castle.

Sara – My favourite thing was making our African masks.

Grace Q – My favourite thing was visiting Stirling Castle.

Fearne – I liked visiting Stirling castle.

Orlaith – My favourite thing was having Mrs Clark, Miss Holwill and Mrs Rodger in class.

Joseph – My favourite thing was the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.

Alex – I liked visiting Stirling Castle.

Dionne – I liked Golden Time because it was fun.

Lilyrose – I liked learning about Stirling castle.

Eilidh – My favourite thing was meeting Mrs Clark, Miss Holwill and Mrs Rodger.

Grace M – I liked having my Christmas dinner at school.

Kayden – I liked biscuit decorating at Golden Time.

Rhianna – I liked maths.

Scott – I liked doing the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch topic.

Evie – I liked writing fun stories.

Esther – I liked finding out that I got my Headteacher’s award.

Freya – I liked learning about electricity.

Ehan – My favourite thing was performing our assembly.

Tiana – My favourite thing was visiting Stirling Castle.

Elise – I liked listening to the teachers.

Ava – I am going to miss Mrs Rodger smiling.


This week….


We learned ‘sh’ for shush in phonics.  Oliver

In phonics I learned ‘st’ as in stop.  Holly

We learned ‘mp’ as in stomp in phonics.  Alex

We played the mummy game after phonics.  James

We learned ‘ch’ as in chilli in phonics.  Shannon

I learned ‘st’ as in stomp in phonics. Jack

At PE we played with the parachute.  Carley

We learned about healthy eating.  Ellis

I watched the Jungle Book and really enjoyed it.  Justin

We did are last review in our Review Jotters.  Max

We played a ball game on the parachute.  Megan

We were counting up to 100.  Emily

We learned healthy eating.  Ada

We learned about symmetry.  Amber

I saw Jungle Book at after school club. Aaron

Eating food for healthy eating. We had strawberries and carrots and we peeled potatoes.  Olivia S

I learned the sound ‘i’ in phonics.  Aileigh

Pupil of the week:  Alex for working really hard all year and producing a very high standard of work!



This week in maths we have been learning about using our number lines, improving our mental maths skills and practising our division sums. We had fun beating the Smartboard in our addition and subtraction challenges.

We have been learning about different African foods and we have had fun sharing our class talks on our African animal.  Miss McDougall was really impressed with all the learning.

We had fun on Thursday morning watching the P7 show of ‘Jungle Book’ and we loved seeing our carers as animals.

We have been busy learning about dodgeball with Mr Jeffries for P3 and we have been learning to take turns and share space in the gym hall.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Hollie

Elena and Akasha have been practising their scooter tricks

Lexi has learned how to play ‘Star wars’ on her guitar

Daniel has got his black stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Reminder: Church Service is on Friday 30th of June



P6a 23.6.17

Brooklyn: I have enjoyed maths this week because I have learned to add 3 digit numbers using a new strategy.

Rhia: I liked art this week. I painted a chameleon in camouflage.

Lennox: I enjoyed being successful in the interview for hardy house captain.

Samantha: I enjoyed researching for our personal projects. I was able to use the internet to research one of my favourite bands.

Naomi: I liked watching The Jungle book. I enjoyed the dances the best.

Ty: I enjoyed p3/2 assembly today.



Matthias – We have been learning about keeping safe and people who help us. Our parents, the police, your sister, your brother, your teacher all keep us safe and help us.
Caitlin – We have been learning about safety and how your parents can keep you safe. We looked at safe and unsafe things that babies could eat. There were pictures of cleaning sprays which were unsafe. There was a milk bottle which was safe.
Noah – We worked with a partner and looked at pictures. We had to talk about if it was safe or unsafe. There was a boy eating grapes and I thought it was unsafe as he was eating all by himself and could have choked.
Lewis – I have enjoyed doing Maths this week. I have been adding and taking away.
Max – I like learning about nature.
Reiss – I like learning about butterflies and their life cycle. They come out of their eggs and turn into a big, beautiful butterfly.
Scott – I liked when we were learning about animals in nature and insects.
Josh – I liked learning about safe and unsafe food for babies to eat.
Marcus – I liked learning about the safe and unsafe baby food too.
Kyle – I like learning in Phonics and we have less amount of people in the class and all of the work that we do.
Jacob – I like getting Dojo points and getting a prize if you get the most Dojo points you get a prize.
Gracie – I love school and I love everything about it.
Taylor – I like playtime because I get to play with my friends and eat my snack.

What an Assembly !!

We worked hard to prepare for the last Assembly of the school year, this morning. We spoke about LAC ( A tour aroon Scotland), Expressive Arts, French, Literacy, Health and Maths. We sang some songs too-Welcome, Celebrate, Leon le cameleon, Fly butterfly Fly and The Rap for The Gingerbreid mannie. We dressed in our party clothes as it was a celebration of P3/2. We loved it !

Here are our comments:-

Ross,Dylan- We enjoyed singing Celebrate

Harris,Max,Gabriel- We enjoyed singing Leon le cameleon – our French song

Luis- I enjoyed jumping out and saying ” Let’s celebrate”

Archie- I liked saying my bits about Learning Across the curriculum

Rory,Katie,Kaycee,Isla-We liked dancing at the end of the Assembly to Donald where’s your trousers?

Eva- I liked hearing “Happy” at the beginning of the Assembly

Grace- I enjoyed saying the facts about The Queensferry Crossing

Florence- I liked singing Welcome everybody

Eden- I enjoyed saying my lines

Sophie M.- I enjoyed starting off the Assembly with my lines

Lily- I liked singing my solo during the Expressive Arts part on Caterpillar Boogie

Ellie- I enjoyed saying my lines and holding the word Celebrate

Niamh- I enjoyed saying Literacy and my lines about leaflets

Zara- I loved doing the drama words and announcing Lily. I liked saying Expressive. Our Assembly was great!


Review jotters home today-please return next week -thank you !

End of year Church service at The High Church is on Friday 30th June at 9.30am



This week we are reflecting on our favourite learning in Primary 5 and what we will miss next year.


Dadirayi: I am going to miss everything in class even the teacher and Miss Elliot

Grace: I am going to miss Mr C and Miss Elliot

Ava: I am going to miss Freddie

Leia: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham

Kayleigh: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham

Olivia: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!

Evie: I liked learning about the Victorians and going to New Lanark. I liked Lowport as well

Emma: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham

Erin: I liked our assembly and I’m going to miss Miss Elliot

Robyn: I liked our assembly

Aaron: I am going to miss the whole class over the summer and I liked Lowport and the powerpoint about the Caribbean Island

David: I am going to miss Freddie

Evan: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham and the whole class and I liked doing the Victorian Inventions.

Sophie: I am going miss everyone over the summer

Mya: I liked Lowport

Ben: I am going to miss Miss Elliot

James: I liked the Victorians assembly

Jessica: I am going to miss Freddie

Ellis: I liked New Lanark

Jayden: I am going to miss Mr Cunningham


Mr Cunningham will miss you all more than you realise. Good luck in Primary 6! I will be up to see you (maybe, if you behave!)

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19.6.17

The Primary 3/2 assembly inspired us to think about all the things we have learned this year in P2/1.  We talked about how different we are as learners now and are all proud that we have a growth mindset towards learning.  Here are some of the things we have learned:

Marley – “This year I learned how to learn through play, I like all the jobs”

Regan – “In school I learned how to know my numbers and how to write”

Griffin – “At school I’ve been learning about how to tell the time”

Ellie – “I learned how to write a story.  You need to remember finger spaces, full stops, capital letters and connectives”

Brandon – “I learned how to use adding, take away and group bubble strategies”

Teigan – “I learned not to be scared of masks in role play, they are just pretend”

Breaghannon – “I learned how to do different jumps”

Millie – “I have been learning about keeping our body healthy.  We need to drink lots of water”

Poppy – “I’ve learned how to challenge myself”

Leah – “I have learned tricky sums.  I challenged myself to add numbers after 100 to make big numbers”

Keegan – “I learned about how to play safely in the playground”

Leila – “I have learned how to play nicely and take turns”

Emily – “I have learned some French games.  I know how to say the weather, numbers and colours”

Jonah – “I learned how to add and take away in my head, sometimes I need help”

Cameron – “I’ve learned that having a growth mindset is important”

Rio – “I learned how to do a roly poly with Mr Jeffries”

Liam – “I learned how to do painting”

Jayden – “I have learned how to make new friends.  I need to be kind”

Rory – “I’ve learned about the school rules and to behave”


One week to go before our summer holiday and we are super excited about all the fun learning we still have to do!  We are really excited about going to the Golden Club Event too!!


Primary 2/1

Class Star



Busy week in class star. We have moved on to our new classes and all the children are excited working with different children and getting to know their new teachers. We posted our persuasive letter to Mrs Miglis trying to convince her to allow fidget spinners in ARB.


Jayden – I like doing jigsaw puzzles in Class Star today because I was with Adam and Cameron. I have also done glow in the dark puzzles. I have also wrote a letter to Mrs Miglis that fidget spinners should be allowed in the ARB and waiting for her to get back to me.


Joe – I like doing maths, literacy, French and last but not least I enjoyed  learning about symmetrical. When I went to Armadale Primary I went outside in a big field and tried to catch a butterfly I caught seven.


Cameron – OK I done a experiment to make gummy worm move but it kind of worked.  I done this maths test and I don’t no when I am going to get my test results.  I watched the jungle book It was better than I thought. Remember stay toned for more.


Dylan – The science experiment did not work the wiggly worm did not move. I did a debate and sent Mrs Miglis a letter to get fidget spinners allowed in ARB. I got my P7 leaver hoodie.


David – I have been playing with Yolie in the playground. I worked with Mrs Mclean and did counting, doubles and taking away.

Yolie – I have been going to the back playground to play at playtime and lunchtime. I liked drawing I done  shopkins and a rainbow. We made slime in class it was blue but then changed to purple it was so sticky and stuck to my hand.




P3/2 thoughts…

In our P3/2 ‘Healthy Lives’ topic:


Zara – I got to try different kinds of banana.  My favourite was the banana loaf and the cereal bar.

Kaycee – My favourite banana was the banana loaf.  It was delicious.

Florence – We got to learn about food labels.  Foods contain protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Ellie – I liked tasting different kinds of banana because some of them were new to me.

Grace – I liked the banana tasting at our own breakfast bar.  It was great fun.

Sophie – I enjoyed learning about Fair Trade yesterday.  I had never heard of this before.

Katie – I really enjoyed Golden Time this week because I had so much fun with Sophie.

Isla – I am the same as Zara.  I loved all the different ways to enjoy a banana.

Ross – This week I enjoyed doing the parachute challenge in outdoor PE.

Luis – I liked doing the food label poster on Tuesday.   I created a poster about ice cream and found out about nutrition.

Rory – I have had a very fun and active week in outdoor PE and playing in the play ground

Max – I liked play outside in outdoor PE as well.

Archie – I liked doing outdoor PE yesterday because it was fun because we got to go in the parachute.

Jess – I liked doing the human body in health and wellbeing,

Eden – I liked eating different kinds of banana yesterday.  I found out that you can get a red banana.

Harris – I would like to wish everybody going into High School ‘Goodbye’ and ‘all the best’.

Eva – I liked learning about bananas because we got to try all the different kinds.

Lily – In outdoor PE we got to play extreme tunnel tig to warm up.


Friday 23rd June 2017-Our class Assembly-all welcome at 9.15am

Friday 23rd June 2017- Review jotters home. Please complete and return as soon as you can

-thank you!

Friday 30th June 2017-  end of  year service at The High Church at 9.30am- all welcome



What a Wonderful Week for a School Trip

Last week was a very exciting week in P3 as we visited Mill Farm as part of our topic around Farming.  We really enjoyed it and got to see a variety of animals and have fun on some activities.

Some of the things we enjoyed were….

  • Trampolines
  • Wooden Slides
  • Flying Fox
  • Stone and Bones
  • Adventure Zone
  • Tractor ride

We really enjoyed seeing the animals- here is a list of some we saw…

  • Sheep
  • Smokey the pig
  • Ferrets
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Fluffy Rabbits
  • Lambs
  • Horses
  • Donkeys

A lot of us really liked the rabbits because they were so fluffy and cute!

Here are some pictures from our trip!


This week we also finished our time topic in maths and will begin to revise all the concepts learned over the year.

We made our own fruit kebabs as part the healthy living topic we have been covering as well.  We tried pineapple, mango, banana, and strawberries.  Its safe to say the mango was a popular choice!

Reminder for parents-  Review jotters will be sent home at the end of this week with an activity to be completed at home.  Please return these back to school by the end of term.



Art Work!

It has been a great week in Class G.  We have been learning about different artists with Mrs Spence and creating our own art work.  We have also been creating our own characters and this week we have been painting the characters we made and creating a profile for them.  We have been spending time in our new classes and making our resources for next year such as our IEP boards, snack mats, choose board, etc.  We have also been having fun in PE and also learning how to look after our body and what foods to eat during health and wellbeing. Here is what Class G had to say this week:

Charlie – We learnt about a famous artist from Glasgow.

Gabriel – I liked meeting Elliott.

Erin – I enjoyed PE with p2/1.

Jake – I liked PE especially choose time.

Logan – I built a den and it was really cool.

Challenges across the curriculum!

This week we have been learning about speech marks in Language. We are learning the rules about using speech in our stories. It’s quite tricky but we are getting there!
In PE we are learning to bowl in cricket. Keeping that bowling arm straight is quite hard. Guy, Isaac, Ela, Charlotte, Maisey, Katie and Aryan all managed to hit the stumps. No mean feat!
We are planning a class talent show with Mrs Mackenzie. We are looking forward to demonstrating our talents to our panel of judges.
In Golden time this week our stem challenge was to build a tower of cups without touching them with our hands. It was a real challenge but one that the groups all took on with great enthusiasm!

Please don’t forget to find the blog post to nominate Balbardie for the £5000 of book vouchers. We’d love such a boost to our finances for our new library!

Pupil of the week – Guy Lumsden for participating enthusiastically in our home team challenge to design a healthy town.

Table of the week – 930


In maths we have been continuing our multiplication work and some groups have been using this to help them divide and share.

We started our new topic this week. It is all about Africa. We looked at a world map and found Africa on it. Africa is a continent made up of lots of different countries. We then looked at African animals and made animal fact-files. Orlaith brought in some African money, the note were called South African Rand. She also showed us her African drum and few people got to try to play it. We really enjoyed seeing this.

In art we designed African sunset pictures. We painted a red, yellow and orange sunset background using water-colour paint. Once it was dry we painted on the shadows of African animals using black paint. We had to be very careful and used very thin paintbrushes.

We would also like to point you in the direction of Mrs Collings ‘Our School Needs You’ post from earlier in the week. This includes a link to website where you can nominate our school to win £5000 towards our new library. Thank you!




We had a visit this week from our very own David Dimblebob ( bearing a canny resemblance to Mr Cunningham!) who presented Question Time from Balbardie.  We had a number of party leaders presenting their policies who were given a grilling by the audience and David.  We then had a vote and The Health Party were duly elected.

We also joined in The Body Coach’s Primary School Workout and sweated our way through a 30 minute workout session through his Facebook live.  Fresh from our exercises we then enjoyed fruit smoothies.

We help out the Credit Union every Thursday and we received goodies as a thank you.  Of course after our Academy Maths assessment a wee chocolate brownie bite went down a treat!


P6a 16/6/17

Harvey: I liked learning about angles. I learned that an acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees.

Caitlin: I enjoyed learning about the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is believed in 13 religions around the world and it means we should all treat everyone as we would want to be treated.

Kate: I liked making art with angles in it. I learned how to use a protractor to draw angles.

Lennox: I enjoyed our new class quiz called ‘wrong uns’. It is a game where you have to answer with the wrong answer to get a point. The record so far is 16.

Kirsten: I enjoyed making a leaflet about Healthy Living. I included information about exercise, healthy eating and safe use of prescription drugs.

Lucy M: I liked learning about the safe use of prescription drugs.

Abbie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. We had to choose our own activity for circuits and try and beat our score from previous weeks. I know I have improved my fitness because last week I ran 7 lengths of the football pitch and this week I ran 12 lengths.

Eva: I enjoyed making a poster about the Golden Rule. I wrote on mine ‘be kind to others, even if they’re not kind to you’.

Ty: I enjoyed indoor P.E. We were practising our basketball skills.

Samantha: I liked creating our own quizzes for Wrong uns.



In art this week we have been painting fantastic African midnight sunset paintings using tone and shading and we wrote super stories about going on safari.

In maths work, we have been busy practising our addition and subtraction sums and we found this really tricky!

In P.E we learned how to play rugby and we have been practising our strategies of tag and team work.

Achievements this week

Well done to all the sack race, sprint and lap race winners who gained their certificates 🙂

Daniel gained his red stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Emily has been practising her swimming




Ava – I had a really good time at the teddy bear picnic and we were supposed to go outside because it was raining. We had food and snacks. We read a story!
Hamish – We had a teddy bear picnic and we brung our teddies into school for the picnic.
Matthias – We were eating lots of sweets and crisps and we brung in our teddies. Some people didn’t bring in their teddies, so we shared them. We were celebrating summer!

Evie – These awards were for Sports Day and because we were racing so fast. We were trying to win!
Ava – I was 1st place in the sack race and I was 3rd in the egg and spoon race.
Matthias – Some people got 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then we got lots of pictures and awards.

Scott – We were making buckets and we could colour it in after when we were finished.
Emma – We were doing our writing in the bucket and after we did our writing we got to cut them out.
Hamish -We were writing what we wanted to do in the summer holidays.
Matthias – We said what we wanted to do, who you wanted to see and where you wanted to go. Some people accidentally cut off their bucket handles, so Miss Waddell had to tape them together again.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

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