1a’s Week

We have been making ‘oo’ words this week. It’s a spook in Vowel House who makes this sound. We decided to make our words look interesting. Can you see how we tried to do this?

On Thursday last week, we braved the cold and went outside for some PE games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf. It was great, but chilly, fun!


In maths and number work we’ve been using number fans, cubes and bone self-check sums. We are doing some great counting and adding at the moment. We can show you our bunny ears.



This week we have been busy learning about subtraction. We have also been learning our times tables to help us with Big Maths Beat That. In topic maths, we have been learning about weight and how and why it is used in life. We have learned about kilograms (Kg) and grams (g). We made shortbread weighing our ingredients in grams but used Kg to weigh heavier things like stones, books or sand.

In writing we are learning to write a story and how to develop it to make it more interesting. We have to remember to use everything we have learned in grammar!

We have started our new topic about the Ancient Egyptians. We researched the jobs that Ancient Egyptians had. We learned how to use fact books to help us do this.

Enjoy your weekend!

P2A Highlights

Olivia and Ada: I enjoyed learning about our five senses.

Mac and Megan: I liked doing topic.

River and Amber: I enjoyed the assembly about the Vikings.

Carley: I enjoyed talking with Aaron because he was lots of fun.

Jude, Ethan, Aileigh and Emily: I enjoyed smelling the different paints.

Max and Holly: I enjoyed golden time.

Aaron: I enjoyed reading.

Jack and Oliver: I enjoyed the smelling paint challenge.

Mia: I enjoyed maths.

Ellis and James: I enjoyed smelling with my nose.

Alex: I liked reading my reading book because it’s about saving animals.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.




Class Moon

Class moon have begun working on subtraction in maths, we are sequencing stories in language and they have all been enjoying balancing and jumping games in PE. In our Dr Who topic we are looking at Ancient Rome, how people lived when they were in the Roman army, what Gods they worshiped,  and making some Roman statuettes.

Well done to Elliot and Gabriel for participating in the school Scots poetry competition.

You can’t forget about the Vikings!

On Thursday 1st February it was our class assembly. The children had worked very hard to learn their lines and some very tricky songs to share their learning about the Vikings. We hope that you all enjoyed it!
Charlotte – It was great to share our Learning across the curriculum work with the school.
Eva – I enjoyed our assembly because I liked the song ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Olivia – I enjoyed the class assembly because we all got to dress up and have our pictures taken beforehand.
Ellie-Rose – I liked dressing up.
Noami – My favourite song was the dragon ships song.
Kaycee – I liked the assembly and my favourite song was the song about the Viking women.
Alfie L – I liked the assembly. They were really hard lines to learn but I knew them.
Rory – I enjoyed doing my part of the assembly.
Alfie B – I liked the dragon ships song.
Kyle – I liked doing the dragon ships song.
Max – I liked the celebration after the assembly.
Owen – I enjoyed the last song ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings!’
Liam – I enjoyed doing the dragon ships song.
Jay – I liked it when I had to say my words.
Shaun – My favourite song was ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Jamie – I liked the songs in the assembly.
Dylan – I liked saying my words
Ellie – I enjoyed when I spoke in the assembly.
Holly- I enjoyed saying my lines.
Annie- I enjoyed ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Ruby- I liked the bit when the Vikings said ‘you can’t forget about us’
Brooke – I enjoyed singing ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Florence – I liked ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Brandon – I enjoyed saying my lines.
Jackie – I thought that it was really fun and that everyone did really well.
Bryce – I liked everything.
Alistair – I liked the songs.

:Learning Partners of the week – Holly and Liam
Supportive friends for January – Dylan, Rory and Owen

Special commendation to Florence for her excellent dance exam results!

Table of the week – green with 450 points


For our Victorian topic we have been learning about horrible accidents that used to happen in workhouses! We wrote newspaper articles, reporting on real accidents that happened in the Victorian times. In numeracy we continue to learn about angles and time, and we played a time loop card game – we will try to beat our time next week. We also had a great time at Jazzamatazz where we got to play music on glockenspiels. In Science with Mrs McClafferty we are continuing to learn about solids, liquids and gases. Here are some other highlights –

Suvi – I liked doing the Dashing White Sergeant to music in P.E.

Skye – I liked Jazzamatazz because we got to play music.

Mia – I am really enjoying using the bow at violin practice.

Alfie – I liked Science this week.

Kiara – I really enjoyed writing the workhouse accident news article.

Amy – I liked Mental Maths this week.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.

P2b Highlights!

This week we have been learning lots of fun and exciting things!

Zara- For science we did an experiment with our learning partners all about our sense of touch.  We used paperclips to press against their skin to see what it felt like.

Josh- In science we did an experiment using our sense of smell too! We painted pictures and had to guess the smell of each colour.  There was mint, lemon, chocolate and orange.

Caitlin- I enjoyed art with Mrs Thomson.

Gracie- I enjoyed Golden time playing with my friends and Sweetie.

Hamish- I enjoyed writing our review jotters all about science.

Ava- I enjoyed drawing my picture in art.

Maksim- I enjoyed Golden time because me and my friend played with my Hatchimal.

Evie- I enjoyed our show practice because I’m Miss Skellybones!

Marcus- I enjoyed milk and a story because we had really good story choices this week!

Max- I enjoyed golden time.

Lily- I enjoyed taking away bigger numbers in maths using numicon.


Other news

Dojo winner- Jacob and Max

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Star of the week- Zara.





This week’s highlights from P3C.


Grace, Nina & Jess: I enjoyed making arrays with cheerios

Harris: I enjoyed doing arrays in my maths jotter

Isla: I learned that an array can help us with multiplication



Eden: I liked writing my recipe for shortbread

Lily: I liked doing spelling this week. I liked that y can make the sound I (eye)

Brandon: I liked making shortbread and then writing the recipe for it

Isla: I liked reading my book called Time Runners

Jess: I enjoyed my recipe about how to make shortbread

Grace: I enjoyed reading chapter for of Jenius



Max: I enjoyed cooking

Emily: I enjoyed doing PE

Archie: I enjoyed making shortbread

Harris: I enjoyed doing the last day of Multi Sports

Isla: I liked when we made breadcrumbs in our shortbread recipe because it felt good

Luis: I liked making shortbread

Lily: I liked 4b’s assembly

Marley: I liked Multi Sports


Well done this week P3c, super work all week!


Mr. C

Marbles Champion – Intelligent Table

Star Writer(s)- Eden & Lily




Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 5.2.18

This week we have been talking about practising and how important it is not to give up when something gets tricky.  We have had lots of things to learn recently and have worked really hard to practice words for our assembly, words for the P2 show, learn our Burns poems as well as all of our other learning!

Here are some of the bits we have had to work hard to learn but have never given up on!

Regan – “I have had to practise finger spaces in my writing.  Sometimes I forget but I am getting better at seeing where I have made a wee mistake”

Breaghannon – “I find it tricky to remember to use my full stops.  I remember in carpet time but need to practise in my jotter”

Rory – “I found it tricky at the beginning to remember my poem but I am good at it now.  I won the School Competition”

Leila – “I need to learn a wee bit more about my assembly words and my words for the P2 show”

Emily – “I think I have practised writing longer words in my stories.  I am starting to remember how to spell them because I look, cover, write and check”

Rio – “I still need to learn the songs for my assembly.  I am getting good at some of them but one is a wee bit tricky”

Cameron – “I have been working on remembering the words for our assembly songs.  I still need to remember what animals are in ‘Spring is Here'”

Aiden – “I am trying to practise my assembly words”

Griffin – “I still have some words to the assembly songs to learn.  ‘We’re going on a Summer Holiday’ is a bit tricky but I won’t give up!

Aaron – “I will keep on practising counting to 100 in skip counting.  I really like it but it can get tricky”

Poppy F – “I need to learn my assembly words, I don’t know them yet”

Lucy – “I used to not be able to count to big numbers but now I have practised I can.  I need to keep practising to count to even bigger numbers!”

Daniel – “I am still learning my tricky words.  I am better than I used to be but will keep practising to get even better”

Sarah – “I am getting better at learning numbers.  I like our games to help us learn”

Ellie – “I need to work on the words for the P2 show.  There are lots of words in my brain just now!”

Brooke – “I will keep on practising my words, I have nearly remembered all of them”

Poppy D – “This week I was Star Writer because I used the pyramid to add great describing words in my story.  I will keep on trying my best to get better and better at writing”

Millie – “I liked learning the new dances in PE with Mrs Mansfield.  It will be lots of fun to practise them”

Teigan – “I need to learn words and learn not to give up.  I will ask for help if I need it”

Leah – “I have got better at my ‘groups of’ questions.  I am much better than I used to be”

Mason – “My mummy takes me to school and see my beautiful teacher who helps me do my jobs.  I am trying to put my jacket on myself so I can go to my friend’s parties and they can come to my party.  My friends are all the people in my class”



Roadtrip USA in class star

We have enjoying learning all about America! We have learned about different states and landmarks within them. We even built the Empire State building using Lego and the Golden Gate Bridge using art straws and string and tried to build them to scale. We were learning about the job as president and all feel it must be a pretty stressful job! If we were president, we would like to provide healthcare like our NHS and decrease the number of people who are homeless. We are now going to be learning about world war 2 and looking forward to it!


We were excited to be back swimming again with Kyle and Ross our instructors. Jayden recieved swimmer of the week for improving his forward stroke so well and following all instructions! Week done Jayden!

We also have been working hard on our class tasks. We had to choose a famous American celebrity, past or present, and research information about them. We then peer assessed each other during the talks and gave feedback. We were looking for for appropriate pace, volume, clarity, eye contact and content.


Here are some of our highlights:

Joe – I really enjoyed learning about the president’s job

Cody – I enjoyed the Burn’s supper as I liked the Irn Bru

Yolie – I liked the Burn’s Supper as the haggis was nice

David – I liked building the Golden Gate Bridge

Cameron – I enjoyed doing my class talk as I got really good feedback


Have a nice weekend!

Class star 🌟


1a’s News

Hello there!

We have been snapping some of our favourite or proudest pieces of work recently. A few photos of these to share:

Terrific tartan was created and we learned about our listening lugs and a few other words in Scots too.


We have started to look and listen for the ‘oo’ sound and read ‘Room on the Broom’.


Lastly, we had a go at Move & Freeze – great fun before heading home after a busy day.


Also, we have begun our ‘Farm to Fork’ context for learning. That’s why you’ll see a giant shiny fork on our classroom wall if you visit 1a.  We have been learning that all food comes from plants or animals.

P1 Bookbug Family Survey

Thank you so much for all your help with the P1 bags this year!
We have compiled a survey for Parents/Carers – if you have time it would be great if you could complete this. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes of your time. There are prizes on offer: a reading tent and a bundle of books for a lucky parent and child.
The links for the survey is as follows:
The deadline for both surveys is Wednesday 31st January. If you have any questions or problems please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Murdoch

P4s busy week!

This week we have been really busy learning our lines for our assembly and thinking about costumes. Please can these be in school at the beginning of next week. Please help the children to go over their lines for the songs and the acting parts.

We wrote a newspaper report about the Viking attack on Lindisfarne. We learnt that newspaper reports have a catchy headline, punchy short sentences, not too much detail in the picture, an opening paragraph which summarises and then paragraphs with more detail in afterwards.

We enjoyed another futsal session, learning how to dribble the ball.

With Mrs Gray, our NYCoS teacher, we learnt about speaking the pulse, clapping the pulse and walking the pulse.

Mrs Mackenzie taught us about multiplication. We were learning how to show a multiplication story so that 2 x 10 is the same as 10 x 2 and how to make things simpler if we don’t understand the first question.

We also put forward 3 children for the Burns’ poetry recital competition and we were really pleased when Eva won a prize for her recital ‘Fireworks aff castle’.

Learning partners of the week – Olivia and Orla.
Table of the week – Orange


We have been continuing to learn about the Victorians, and this week we focused on Thomas Barnardo, who helped thousands of homeless Victorian children. We wrote fact files and drew a portrait of him. In Numeracy, we are continuing to work on 24 hour time and angles. We also had another Jazzamatazz session which we really enjoyed!

Some other highlights:

Hannah – I’m enjoying drawing landscapes in Art.

Ranna – I won the Burns’ Poetry Competition!

Connor – I really enjoyed Mental Maths this week.

Kiara – I liked learning about Victorian children this week.

Suvi – We almost finished learning the Dashing White  Sergeant in P.E and I am really enjoying it.

Lauren – I really like doing problem solving with my learning partner Kiara!

This is us at Jazzamatazz! Have a nice weekend 🙂



P2 have had a busy week rehearsing for our show, we’re getting better and better at singing some of the songs and we’ve done an excellent job learning our lines in such a short time. Well done P2A!

This week we went for a walk in the playground and worked with our talk partners to write down the things we could see, hear, touch and smell. After lunch, we added the things we had tasted in the lunchroom.

Here are some other highlights:

Holly and Amber: I enjoyed listening to stories.

Jude and Emily: I enjoyed maths.

Olivia and Ada: I enjoyed subtracting.

Mia and Ellis: I enjoyed handwriting.

Max, Aaron and Aileigh: I enjoyed reading.

Megan: I enjoyed assembly.

River: I enjoyed watching the video about the a lifecycle of a frog.

Jack: I enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a frog.

Carley: I enjoyed phonics.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.




This week’s highlights:


Nearly whole class: liked measurement (they were trying to read different scales).

Sophie A: I liked doing the 2 times table

Eden: I liked the times tables

Keegan: I liked doing the measuring booklet



Grace: I enjoyed writing a Scots poem

Emily: I liked doing newspapers about Johnny Scramble

Sophie M: I liked doing Johnny Scramble Newspapers

Isla: I liked getting my new reading book called The Dangerous Trainers

Sophie S: I liked doing poems about Johnny Scramble

Luis: I liked writing Scots poems

Jess: I liked writing my Scots newspaper about Johnny Scramble



Sophie A: I liked colouring the mouse in art

Brandon: I liked colouring my mouse

Eden: I liked drawing and colouring my mouse in art

Harris: I liked doing Multi-Sports

A huge well done for working so hard this week I am VERY impressed with what you have produced this week.


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Jess Ireland

Poem Champion – Isla Speedie





We have had another busy week of learning new things in P2b…

Caitlin- I enjoyed making our lanterns for Chinese New Year.

Marcus- I enjoyed writing a recount about my visit to McDonald’s.

Emma- I enjoyed learning about all of my senses.

Hamish- I enjoyed reading the story of The Chinese New Year.

Ava- I enjoyed art with Mrs Thompson and making our lanterns with Mrs Palmer.

Josh- I enjoyed making the lizard eyes in art.

Evie- I enjoyed making our Chinese lanterns and making our hand print pigs at Golden Time.

Matthias- I enjoyed using Numicon in maths.

Lewis- I enjoyed subtracting hard sums in maths.


Table of the week- Marvellous Monkeys

Star of the week- Lewis

Dojo Winner- Ava

Star writers- Lily, Kaiden, Gracie, Zara,  and Evie.


Last week and at the beginning of this week, we were busy rehearsing for our Burns’ Supper.  This took place on Wednesday afternoon and invited guest came to join us.  During our Burns’ Supper we recited Scots poems, danced to Strip the Willow, sang Flower of Scotland as well as Auld Lang Syne.  We  also ate haggis neeps and tatties and drank Irn Bru!  Our celebration was very traditional as we had a Master of Ceremonies, toasts, addressed the haggis and said Selkirk Grace.

In P.E we have been learning Scottish dances including The Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow.  This is in preparation for the ceilidh that we will be attending at Bathgate Academy, with other cluster schools, on the 6th of February.

In writing we rewrote a Fairytale in the form of a playscript in Scots!  Some of us included very interesting twists to the traditional tales.  For example, Harry’s playscript is called Jack and the Text Message.  In his story, Jack finds a phone instead of magic beans!  We enjoyed writing in Scots as this incorporated humor into our scripts.  Our success criteria was to include Scots language; a character list/description, 3 or more scenes, character names in margin to show who is talking and stage directions in brackets.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Bollen and P7b





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