What a busy week!
We had our assembly this week and had lots to prepare as last week we got no practice due to snow days. We worked very hard and enjoyed performing it for everyone. It didn’t go quite as planned as at the last minute the screen wouldn’t connect to the netbook so when we were giving information about Egypt there was nothing to see! We had great fun preparing and performing it though.
We would like to say a very big thank you to the parents who came and helped us get our makeup on.
In topic, we learned about the clothes that the Ancient Egyptians wore. We also learned lots about the different types of jewellery they wore and what material they used to make them. We then used our knowledge to help us design and make our own jewellery.
In maths, we learned about measuring items in cm and how we need to see what measurement is appropriate for the task. Should we use cm or m?
We are really lucky to get a slot with Sharon from ‘Relax Kids’ who has been teaching us about our bodies and how we can be in control of our bodies. So far we have learned about ‘My Brilliant body, Brain and Heart. We really enjoy the sessions and love to relax under the blankets at the end.
Here are some pictures from our assembly.

Have a great weekend!

After the snow…….

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the forced break for the snow days. We hope you all managed to keep warm and safe and also had some fun during the days away from school.

This week we’ve hit the ground running catching up with all the things the children had missed!

In French, we did colouring by number, colouring in a very colourful toucan! We learnt that there are special words to help us with dark and light colours such as vert clair, vert foncé and bleu ciel.

We also had class talks by Ellie-Rose, Ruby, Eva and Shaun. Ellie-Rose talked about Viking longhouses. She taught us that the fire was in the middle of the single roomed house. Ruby spoke about Viking weapons. She explained that the Vikings swords were their most expensive weapons and that they usually had names – such as Death Bringer in our class novel, Viking Boy. Longships were the topic in Eva’s talk. She used some Viking language at the end of her talk. Shaun also talked about longhouses and provided a fabulous wordsearch for us to complete.

In our NYCoS session we started learning about the universal language for learning musical notes and we even learnt some signs to help us pitch our voices. Afterwards we watched the scene from ‘The Sound of Music’ where Maria teaches the children to sing.

In Maths we are finishing off our work on coordinates. We are trying to remember that to find a coordinate we go along the corridor and up the stairs. We used this game to help us.


Our learning partners of the week AND our supportive friends this month were Annie and Lewis. Well done, you’ve worked hard together this week and worked hard to be really good classmates.


Thank you to everyone who came to see us perform Skellybones today. We have worked very hard and we really enjoyed performing for you all.

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about Carroll diagrams.

Amber, Mia, James, Aileigh, Ethan, Ada and Oliver: I enjoyed doing the P2 show.

Jude, Holly and Aaron: I enjoyed doing the P2 show because it was fun.

Max: I liked doing the reading challenge.

Alex: I enjoyed saying my line and River’s line in the P2 show.

Carley, Ellis and Emily: I enjoyed giving the flowers to my mum.

Jack: I enjoyed doing the P2 show because I liked all the songs and dances.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.






We are almost finished learning about the Victorians and are looking forward to giving our class talks next week. This week we were learning about the Victorian seaside and we watched a black & white video clip from the seaside in the Victorian era. We wrote postcards describing a seaside holiday. In numeracy we are continuing to learn how to calculate change and mentally add and subtract money. Students from Bathgate Academy have also been coming in to teach us sign language which we are really enjoying!

It is International Happiness Day on March 20th, and each day we are trying to do one small thing for happiness – today we are trying not to complain for a whole day. This is really hard!

We also made Mothers’s Day cards for all of our amazing mums. Have a lovely day on Sunday.

Here are our highlights –

Ranna – I liked P.E this week because we were playing golf.

Lauren – I liked writing the postcard from the seaside.

Catriona – I liked Jazzamatazz this week. We got to learn more tunes.

Kiara – I liked talking about Happiness for March – but the no complaining for one day is too hard!

Alex – I am enjoying preparing my class talk for Victorians.

Suvi – I liked art this week – we are designing beasts!

Connor – I liked doing the money sums.

Enjoy the weekend 🙂


This week’s highlights in P3C:


Grace: I liked measuring the corridor with Sophie M and Brandon

Eden: I liked measuring the corridor with Archie and Liam

Emily: I enjoyed measuring the door

Marley: I enjoyed doing the 3 and 4 times table.



Brandon: I enjoyed writing my superhero comic

Nina: I enjoyed writing my superhero comic

Jess: I enjoyed writing a comic

Sophie S: I enjoyed doing the superhero comic



Archie: I enjoyed PE on Monday

Sophie M: I liked Relax Kids on Tuesday

Lily: I love PE with Mr Jefferies on Monday

Sophie A: I enjoyed Relax Kids because we wrote down things we love

Luis: I liked PE on Monday

Lacey: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies

Isla: I liked PE with Mr Jefferies going under apollos

Harris: I liked PE


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

1a Begin Thinking Happiness

A s a whole school we are looking at ways to be and share happiness in the month of March. We have begun our calendar to record our ideas for things which make us happy. Please share your ideas with us and look out for a ‘Happiness is…’ task in home learning next week.

Here are a few ideas from this week:

Luke M – My mummy taking me to Granny and Grandad’s house.

Lois – Going to gymnastics and getting a prize.

Luke B – I like sharing with other people.

Congratulations to Ruaridh who is this week’s star and who had some lovely compliments paid about him being kind, caring, sharing and a good friend to others. Well done!

Lastly, here are a few photos of us busy this week in phonics, maths and with Cosmic Yoga.


We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it at our P1&2 Shared Start on Tuesday 13th March where we’ll share our VCOP literacy learning with you. Get ready for some Kung Fu!


We have had a very busy week in P4A. Here are some of our highlights.
Lily, Blaire and Arran enjoyed using the different types of scales to weigh things around the classroom and some food that Mrs knowles brought in.
Lucas K and Kai worked hard in number talks and confidently shared their strategies with the class.
Ross, Lucas H and Luke loved working on coordinates in maths.
Zara, Tamsyn and Farrah had great fun in art where they drew self-portraits of themselves as Vikings.
Maisie, Cameron, Katie and Shelbi really liked using play dough as an active spelling activity to help remember their spelling words.
Jodie, Ellis, Ruby, Evan, Mia and Rory have loved doing their talks to share their knowledge of the Vikings with the class. Niamh, Erin and Murray said their highlight of the week has been listening to them and learning something new.
Samuel really liked writing a persuasive poster selling his Viking Longhouse.
Callum had fun in our NYCoS and loved playing the games and composing his own music.

Have a lovely weekend.

A busy week again in P4B!

This week’s highlights from P4b!
I had fun doing my class talk –Charlotte
I enjoyed listening to the class talks – Holly
I enjoyed NYCoS because we did music and the beat – Shaun
I enjoyed Maths – Liam
I enjoyed learning my French colours – Ellie
I enjoyed all of the class talks because they were all very good and gave us good facts – Rory
I enjoyed Multisports– Aaron
I enjoyed Maths – Jamie
I enjoyed Maths – Kaycee
I enjoyed learning about the Vikings – Ellie-Rose
I liked Maths and the Vikings – Alfie L
I liked NYCoS because we were learning how to make our own rhythm stories. – Olivia
I liked doing my class talk – Dylan
I liked Futsal – Alfie B
I liked Viking Boy, our class book – Owen
I loved Dylan’s class talk because he gave me good ideas – Alistair
I liked Futsal because my team won – Max
I liked Futsal – Ruby
I enjoyed NYCoS – Kyle
I enjoyed Maths – Brandon
I like NYCoS because it is good for your voice – Eva

Table of the week – green 490

Learning partners of the week – Kyle and Olivia


This week’s highlights.


Isla, Grace & Harris: I enjoyed non-talking teacher lesson

Nina: I enjoyed doing the dinosaur in the playground

Eden: I enjoyed seeing the length of a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Luis: I enjoyed drawing the dinosaur

Sophie A: I enjoyed doing meters with the dinosaurs

Max: I enjoyed doing the dinosaurs

Jess: I enjoyed drawing a dinosaur in the playground



Lily, Isla, Jess, Brandon & Sophie M: I enjoyed writing a report about my superhero

Grace: I enjoyed spelling and making the words into pictures

Sophie A: I enjoyed being a nomination for star writer

Nina: I enjoyed being star writer



Jess, Lily & Isla: I loved Relax Kids

Eden & Sophie M: I liked seeing other peoples models

Grace: I liked drawing hieroglyphics of Tutankhamun

Harris: I enjoyed making my model

Brandon: I enjoyed making my model it’s just over there

Sophie A: I enjoyed drawing a Pharaoh because they had big hats


Star Writer: Nina Robertson

Marbles Champions: Intelligent table



2A Highlights

Some of our highlights from the week:

Emily, Mia, Aileigh and Carley: I enjoyed maths.

Jude, Ada, Aaron, Ellis and Olivia: I enjoyed learning about tally charts and bar charts.

Holly and Ethan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Alex: I enjoyed creating column graphs.

Jack, Max and Amber: I enjoyed learning about road safety.

James: I enjoyed learning about friendship.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



In Numeracy this week we have been learning about money. We have been doing mental maths where we have to add up lots of different amounts, then work out how much change we would get. Last week we had a Victorian Day in class, and this week we wrote a letter to a Victorian child to tell them about our experience and ask them questions. We have also been learning about important Victorian inventions, and we worked in groups to create our own inventions. We each took on a role – the engineer, designer or the marketing team, and worked together to design an invention. We then presented our ideas to the class and took a vote on who had the best invention. Well done to the Infinity Inventors who won with their idea of an Invisi-car!

Here are some more of our best bits:-

Miles – I really enjoyed playing Benchball in P.E.

Alex and Kiara – We liked Art this week where we were drawing houses.

Mia – I loved violin!

Ranna – The Victorian Day last week was really good, but I got the Dunce hat!

Suvi – I liked writing the letter to the Victorian child telling them about our victorian day.

Joshua – The Victorian Inventions lesson was good fun as we got to work together in a team.

Teighan – I liked doing cosmic yoga and coming up with our own yoga moves.

Jess – Jazzamatazz was really good – we got to improvise and play our own tunes.

Remember – next Thursday is World Book Day – dress up as your favourite book character, or dress down.

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19.2.18

With the lead up to World Book Day next week, we have been having a think about Literacy and things that we have been working on this week.  We understand that reading and writing can be a bit tricky but are enjoying improving our skills in lots of new ways.

Mason – “My writing this week was good.  Mrs Mansfield was proud of me and I got to move my name up”

Lucy – “I learned about writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Poppy F – “I was doing lots of work with my sounds this week.  I used the carpet mats to make words”

Breaghannon – “I have been practising my reading and writing this week, I am getting better”

Cameron – “I liked digging deeper in my writing this week.  This is where you write a short sentence then add more information to make it a longer sentence”

Ellie -“I enjoyed digging deeper as well because it changed my sentences from being okay sentences to being great sentences”

Rio – “I liked learning about the different tricky word strategies”

Rory – “I liked writing about the Scottish meals. I wrote about turning potatoes into chips”

Sarah – “I learned actions to go along with my words this week”

Griffin – “I liked digging deeper this week because it helped me to make better sentences and then amazing sentences”

Emily – “I liked learning strategies to spell my tricky words during phonics time.  My favourite strategy was ‘looking up'”

Poppy D – “I liked when we went outside and I practised my talking skills to draw and use a clock on the playground”

Aiden – “I like doing the tricky words because I liked learning about pyramid writing”

Aaron – “I liked tricky words as well because I enjoyed rainbow writing”

Leah – “I liked writing about a Scottish meal because I liked thinking about where my food comes from”

Millie – “I liked doing the pyramid writing in active spelling time”

Teigan – “I liked hearing Mrs Mansfield’s favourite story, The Magic Faraway Tree”

Daniel – “I liked learning writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Leila – “I liked doing my writing this week”

Brooke – “I enjoyed practising my words this week”

From Primary 2/1


(A note from Mrs Mansfield

– Please note that next week we are celebrating World Book Day.  For this your child is asked to bring in their favourite short story/picture book on the day noted below for us to read during milk and story time.  This is also noted in your child’s homework this week.

Monday – Mason, Millie, Aiden, Cameron, Sarah

Tuesday – Poppy F, Regan, Aaron, Emily

Wednesday – Leila, Leah, Daniel, Ellie

Thursday – Rory, Rio, Lucy, Poppy D

Friday – Teigan, Breaghannon, Brooke, Griffin


What have we been up to? by 1a

Hello! Ola! Bonjour! Konnichiwa!

We have been learning about area this week. Luke B gave a great description of what area is: It’s the space a shape takes up, a 2D shape. We have calculated area by counting squares or using cubes to fit exactly on top of a shape.


We have been learning ‘igh’ and ‘oi’ this week in phonics lessons. Can you see what we used to make some shiny ‘oi’ words?

In our review jotters this week we have written about something we are feeling more confident in. Lots of us said reading, a few said writing and some said maths tasks.  At Circle Time we are developing our listening and talking skills. We are sharing our hobbies and favourite games or activities for keeping fit and active. Well done to Luke B, Sofia, Daisy, Jess, Devyn and Ruaridh for sharing with us this week. We have started to choose a ‘Star of the Week’ too. Congratulations to Michelle who is our first star. We all enjoyed thinking of a compliment to share with you.

Class Sun

We enjoyed baking some shortbread today. We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and this was a great way for us to create some shapes with the dough. We enjoyed the feeling of the dough and Hamish and Katie thought it felt “slimey”. We read the instructions after we gathered all of the ingredients and materials. We enjoyed taking part in the preparation for our school snack. Mrs Harrison baked the shortbread in the oven for 25 minutes and some of us ate it for our snack in the afternoon.


This was a short week but we still managed to fit a lot into it.

In French, we were learning to respond to simple instructions. We played the French version of Simon Says.

In writing, we are learning how to write a three-part story. Our story has a beginning, middle and end.

In topic, we learned what Hieroglyphs are and how the Egyptians used them to write. We made cartouches from clay and wrote our initials on them. We can’t wait to wear them as necklaces! We also made papyrus but not from the papyrus plant – we made it from rhubarb. It should be dry by next week so we will write on it using special pens and ink.

Enjoy your weekend!

Balbardie show off their skills!

The P7 netballers took on Boghall, St Mary’s and Simpson in the second of the cluster netball tournaments this Thursday. As promised by the tournament organiser, there was a tightening of the rules including the footwork and obstruction rules.
The entire team rose to the challenge and the skills on show were excellent with few penalties or free passes given away and some excellent passages of play demonstrated from the defence through to the attack. Sadly, the scores from the 3 games didn’t reflect the skills demonstrated but we will be ready to take on the teams in the final tournament in May and get some more wins under our belt!

Symmetry, Jewish Kippahs, Numbers to 20 in French and no lunch!

It’s been a short but busy week. We finished off our work on symmetry working out how to reflect shapes and pictures across a line of symmetry. We used the squares to help us show where to plot our shapes.
We made Jewish Kippahs which are special hats for Jewish men and boys. A lot of Kippahs have a Star of David on them which is a common symbol used in a lot of Jewish synagogues too. (pictures to follow when the technology allows!)
In French we have been learning our numbers from 20-50. Some of the children have found this quite hard but this song is helping us to learn them……..

In our Viking topic, we learnt about the daily life of the Vikings (when they weren’t out raiding and pillaging!) The children had to work hard on the farmstead, growing crops and doing homework or fishing and hunting. We also found out that the Vikings had a fairly boring diet and most importantly that they had NO LUNCH! They only had breakfast and dinner.

Table of the week – blue with 240 points
Learning Partners of the week – Alistair and Ruby

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