Category Archives: Whole School News

How we used a mindmap………

This week we used mindmaps to learn and write about Viking longhouses. First we thought about the key features of our own homes and then compared these to Viking houses. We drew mindmaps to show how they were built and what was inside them. We then drew pictures of Viking longhouses and wrote notes from our mindmaps which helped us with our non-fiction writing. Mindmaps are a great way of starting a new topic!

In Maths with Miss Graham, we learnt about how angles are formed when two lines meet or cross. We learnt that the square angle on a piece of paper is called a right angle and we made right angle eaters who found right angles around the classroom. We then played ‘Simon Says’ with our arms making right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. Acute angles are smaller than a right angle and obtuse angles are bigger than a right angle but smaller than a straight line.

In French we continued learning about school supplies. We listened to a rap with someone putting things into their ‘sac à dos’. We had to tick things off our bingo sheet when the rapper named them in the rap. It was tricky!

In NYCoS we learnt a new game where we had to bounce a giant tennis ball the number of times corresponding to the month of the year so one bounce is January, 2 is February etc. We enjoyed it and were all quite good at it. We are enjoying all the games and rhythm activities which we are doing and it doesn’t feel like learning!
In Numeracy we are continuing to learn about multiplication using arrays, skip counting, pictures and sometimes the knowledge from our own heads.
Table of the week
with 720
Learning partners of the week – Archie and Jack

P2B’s Week

This week has had a very Scottish influence what-with today being Burns Day. P2b learned about Robert Burns and Burns Day. The children enjoyed learning some Scottish dancing and Scottish songs such as “Cannie shove yer Grannie off the bus” and “The Jeely Piece Song”.

We enjoyed watching a brilliant assembly from P5 today which also had a Scottish theme.

P2B designed house shields this week for our school-wide house shields competition.


Here are our favourite bits:

Isla – Yesterday when we did the sentences because I got a certificate from Mrs Laidlaw.

Thomas – Watching assembly and making the shields.

Sofia – Shields and seeing the highland dancing

Jack B – Shields

Ethan – Shields and Jack’s sister’s assembly

Kai – Shields

Oliver – Watching the highland dancers.

Jack C – Watching highland dancing.

Lois – Watching highland dancing

Hannah – Going to do my poetry

Anna – My favourite would probably have to be the shields because they’ll get to decide who’s been the winner

Sophie – My favourite thing was our shields and watching highland dancing

Hope – My brother’s assembly

Murray – Shields

Hollie – Shields

Daisy – Shields and watching the highland dancing


Miss Cowan


That wis a really guid assembly!

We had a fantastic time doing our Assembly in front of our family and friends. Thank you so much to our parents and family members who came to see us – we hope you enjoyed it. Here are our favourite bits from the assembly:

Tamsyn: I liked being the daddy in A Dug, A Dug.

Lucas K: I liked the highland dancers the best.

Luke: I loved singing the songs.

Ross: My favourite bit was when everyone started clapping along to Donald where’s yer troosers!

Rory: I liked eating the shortbread after the assembly!

Cameron: I loved all of it!

Ellis: My favourite bit was making my cousin laugh when we sang Donald where’s yer troosers.

Samuel: My favourite thing was taking part.

Murray: I liked every bit of the assembly.

Callum: It was great when everyone started clapping along to our song.

Jodie: I liked that everyone said how good our assembly was and came to say well done.

Shelbi: I enjoyed the cookies and shortbread after our hard work.

Farrah: I liked all of it – especially dressing up as the Scotland flag.

Alexander: It was a really funny assembly.

Lily: My favourite bit was hearing the Scots poems.

Kai: I enjoyed the highland dancing.

Ammie-Leigh: I loved when everyone started clapping along to our songs.

Brooke: It was funny when Callum sipped irn bru and said mmm delicious!

Zara: My favourite parts were singing the songs.

Mia: The highland dancing was my favourite bit.

Erin: I enjoyed saying my lines!

Niamh: The highland dancing was my favourite part.

Donna: I loved saying my lines because my gran and grandpa were watching and they were really excited for me.

Ruby: I thought the highland dancing was the best bit.

Katie: I loved saying the poem and dancing the Highland fling.

Blaire: I enjoyed the highland dancing.

Maisie: I enjoyed shouting Freeeedom!!!

Evan: The highland dancing was great!

Thank you again if you managed to come and along and see us. We had a great time practicing.

Enjoy the weekend.

Primary 5’s Assembly

Our Assembly was this morning. We have worked hard learning our lines and remembering where we sat in the hall. We were so excited this morning especially seeing everyone with tartan on. It was nerve wracking waiting to enter. We entered with Flower of Scotland playing.

Here are our comments:-

Eva- I enjoyed dancing my Highland fling at our Assembly with Katie.

Alfie B. – I enjoyed presenting in a group with Jamie, Liam and Eva. We spoke about Robert the Bruce.

Brandon-  I enjoyed reciting my poem A dug, A dug by Bill Keys

Annie, Ellie, Aaran- We enjoyed doing our Assembly and learning the songs

Shaun- I enjoyed presenting my lines

Ruby, Jay- We enjoyed watching the Highland dancers

Kyle- I enjoyed announcing Donald where’s your troosers

Orla- I enjoyed tea and biscuits after the Assembly with all the parents and reciting my poem with Brandon during the week

Liam -I enjoyed being Robert the Bruce

Owen- I enjoyed dressing up in a See you Jimmy hat

Ellie Rose- I enjoyed practising my words for the Tartan facts

Alistair, Rory- We enjoyed saying my words about Andy Murray

Holly,Olivia, Leah, Jamie, Dylan- We enjoyed singing the songs

Alfie- I enjoyed our Assembly today

Florence, Charlotte-  We enjoyed saying our Scottish sayings

Brooke- I enjoyed presenting about Mary Queen of Scots

Lewis- I enjoyed presenting the poets

Max- I enjoyed saying  about What Scotland means to me

Kaycee, Bryce- We enjoyed singing Donald where’s your troosers

Noami- I enjoyed singing The wee red yoyo

Jackie- I enjoyed  learning all my lines

Home Learning is due on Monday

Outdoor PE is Thursday-please remember warm clothes to wear outside

Don’t forget a ticket for the Valentine’s Disco…£1.50 each… a bargain !

Have a super weekend





Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Amber: I enjoyed making tartan out of paper.

Aaron: This week, I enjoyed maths because we were learning about metres.

Ellie: I enjoyed the assembly because it was quite funny.

Carley: I enjoyed maths because we were learning how to measure in metres.

Breaghannon: I enjoyed making the tartan because it was fun.

Ada: I enjoyed the assembly because my two best friends did highland dancing.

Alex: I enjoyed learning about Burns Night.

James: I enjoyed it when we played buzz.

Jack: I enjoyed maths because we were learning how to measure using non-standard units.

Millie: I enjoyed assembly because I liked learning about famous Scottish people.

Holly: I enjoyed assembly because my cousin and my cousin’s friend were performing.

Max: I enjoyed assembly because my best friend Rory was playing Robert Burns.

Scott B: I enjoyed assembly because I liked the Scottish dancing.

Jude: I enjoyed assembly because two of my best friends were in it.

River: I enjoyed the assembly because I liked it when the old people were saying it was very good.

Olivia: I enjoyed the assembly because it was interesting.

Emily: I enjoyed doing VCOP work with my talk partner Amber.

Ellis: I enjoyed playing ‘Around the World’ for mental maths.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


*Please can those of you who haven’t yet returned the review jotters, return them as soon as possible. Thank you. *


This week primary 2b have continued learning their times tables with this week’s focus being the 3x table. We had some help from the Three Times Alien.

We had a special visit today from Badger the Mystical Mutt who even performed some of his magic.

I am very proud of how well the children did when reciting their Scottish poems, it was clear everyone had worked hard learning their lines.

P2B have also worked hard to create a lovely French colours display making colourful paint palettes and rainbows.


Hollie – Three times alien. Paper plates. And getting a certificate for doing good work.

Ruby – Being big star

Sofia – Saying my poem.

Daisy – I liked making paper plates and rainbows for French. Little star.

Jack C – Badger Visit

Isla – Three Times Alien because I drew it very well.

Ethan – Three Times Alien

Kai – Three Times Alien

Jack B – Three Times Alien

Mikolaj – Three Times Alien

Murray – Three Times Alien

Oliver – Three Times Alien

Hannah – I’ve liked everything. Getting a certificate.

Sophie – Three Times Alien

Anna – Three Times Alien and the paint palettes.

Thomas – Badger and getting my poem certificate and doing the rainbow and the alien.

Hope – The plates and the rainbows. And the dog coming. Being little star.

Lois – French and aliens.


Miss Cowan

Beware the Vikings are coming!

This week we have been learning about writing newspaper reports. We wrote about the Viking attack at Lindisfarne. The Vikings stole lots of treasure, killed and captured the monks as slaves and burnt down the monastery.
In numeracy, we were learning about multiplication and different strategies, with a carousel of activities. We had to roll dice to multiply numbers. We also learnt to make arrays to help us with our multiplication.
In health and wellbeing we have been learning about cool in school. We have learnt about aggressive, weak and cool responses and we made posters to illustrate these. We hope that these will help us to solve problems in the playground and in school generally.
On Tuesday, Mr Glen from NYCoS came in to teach us some rhymes and games all to do with music. We played hot potato and an apple picker game. We were learning about the beat and rhythm of the music. It was good fun!
In French we were learning about classroom objects and colours. We had to listen to instructions and colour things in the correct colours.
We also had our class performances of our Scottish poems which will be performed at our Burns’ poetry competition. Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs Collings and Miss Graham have been very impressed by the performances and it has been a tricky job choosing our class representatives.
In Maths, we played a game using our knowledge of compass points.
Table of the week – 820

Learning partners of the week – Teigan and Grace


We have enjoyed beginning our learning about the Vikings.  We have been writing our names in Viking runes and exploring where the Vikings came from.

In numeracy we have been exploring different strategies to help us with multiplication and lots of us have been really challenging ourselves in our learning this week.

Please remember to bring outdoor P.E. kit on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5b’s week

We have been very busy this week !

here are our comments:-

Owen,Lewis,Kyle,Bryce,Shaun,Rory,Liam,Brooke,Florence,Ellie Rose,Leah,Charlotte,Ruby, Annie,Dylan,Jackie, Kaycee- We enjoyed practising for our Assembly

Noami- I enjoyed PE with Mr Jeffries on Monday

Max,Alfie,Jamie, Ellie, Olivia-Outdoor PE was fun but cold also

Alistair- I enjoyed playing Rounders at Outdoor PE

Eva- I liked playing with my friends and helping them

Aaron-I was so happy at Golden Time this week as I got to decorate biscuits

Aaran- Golden Time was good.I was decorating biscuits

Holly- I enjoyed playing with my doll for Golden Time

Alfie- I enjoyed playing on the whiteboard for Golden Time

Orla, Brandon- We enjoyed learning our poem A dug, A dug this week. We are working together on it

Have a fun filled weekend.

Good luck to our finalists- Orla and Brandon, Rory and Alistair

Winning table was ICY this week-Well done everyone !

Remember it is our Assembly next Friday




This week we have been practicing our songs and words for our assembly, which is all about Scotland. We have been discussing the success criteria for a good fact file and have been researching facts about Scotland to create our own fact files. In Maths we are continuing to learn about time and have been developing our mental maths skills. For art we are using different materials to create a Scottish landscape picture. Here are some of our highlights from this week:


Cameron – I really enjoyed P.E where we got to play rugby and basketball.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Kai – Outdoor P.E was really good this week.

Evan – I enjoyed basketball too.

Ross – Basketball was fun.

Murray – I really enjoyed research interesting facts about Scotland.

Katie – Assembly practice has been fun.

Callum – I have enjoyed learning our Scottish songs for the assembly.

Jodie – P.E was good this week.

Zara – I enjoyed designing shields for our Houses.

Shelbi – I have enjoyed assembly practice.

Donna – Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Erin – I enjoyed art this week.

Samuel – I liked assembly practice.

Luke – I enjoyed playing rugby.

Blaire – I liked art and maths this week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Welcome back and Happy New Year from P3b!

Happy New Year everyone!

We have had an exciting week back. This week we have been focusing on weather and weather instruments. We learned what the different instruments do and how they work. We then made thermometers, barometers and wind vanes. We will be using these in our weather station to record the weather.

In literacy, we wrote thank you letters to Santa or mum and dad.

In Maths, we learned about reading scales and started learning different strategies for subtraction and the language for it. We collated data about our presents and made a bar graph about our favourite types of toys.

In art, we completed our rainstorm picture using watery paint over wax.

First post of 2019!

Happy New Year Everyone! P5A have had a lovely and busy first week back. For literacy we have been continuing to develop our reading comprehension skills and have been writing a recount of our Christmas holidays. In numeracy we have started two new topics – time and money. We are looking forward to developing our skills. We have also been thinking about our assembly which will be on Scotland! We have enjoyed talking finding out different facts about Scotland and singing some funny Scottish songs. We also made oil pastel drawings of thistles, which are the national flower of Scotland. Here are some of our favourite bits this week:

Blaire – I enjoyed the thistle drawing & art with Mr Bennett.

Ammie-Leigh – I really enjoyed P.E. and practicing our assembly.

Murray – P.E was really good.

Zara – I loved drawing the thistle.

Donna – I enjoyed writing my Christmas Day recount.

Erin – The thistle drawing was my favourite part.

Jodie – I liked writing my New Years Resolutions.

Ellis – I liked doing the time assessment!

Ross – The thistle drawing was really fun.

Brooke – I enjoyed P.E. and the maths mystery work.

Farrah – I enjoyed maths this week.

Maisie – P.E was really good.

Katie – Maths was really good this week.


Enjoy the weekend.



Home Learning due in on Monday 14th January

Please try to remember to bring your Outdoor PE kit every week !

Parts for our Assembly will be given out on Monday 14th January


Welcome back P5b-Happy New Year !

Welcome back Primary 5b ! Hope you had a super time off…

Our first week back has been very busy with Scottish poems and our Assembly taking up lots of time. We have been reciting poetry, singing Scottish songs and learning about different famous people who were born in Scotland….

here are our comments:-

Max, Aaron and Holly-We enjoyed Outdoor PE this week-Tennis was fun

Jamie,Alfie L., Jackie,Florence, Jay and Kaycee-  We enjoyed Rounders at Outdoor PE this week

Brandon- I enjoyed PE on Monday with Mr Jeffries

Leah- It has been lovely coming back and seeing all my friends

Bryce- I am enjoying learning the songs for our Assembly-especially Donald where’s your troosers!

Eva- I enjoyed learning about Scottish facts for our Assembly

Olivia, Charlotte and  Aaran-We enjoyed getting our parts for the Assembly

Owen and Dylan – We enjoyed learning the poem A dug, a dug by Bill Keys as part of the Scottish focus

Lewis- I enjoyed choosing and practising Nessie by JK Annand for our Scots Assembly

Alistair- I enjoyed learning A voodoo for Miss Maverick by Sandy Thomas Ross. I need a cushion as a prop

Kyle- I enjoyed making the poster for Donald where’s your troosers -for our Assembly

Alfie B., Brooke,Ellie Rose and Ellie – We enjoyed Baking for Golden Time this week

Rory and Shaun-We enjoyed Symmetry work with Mrs Rodger

Noami- I enjoyed using tissue to colour the highland cow as part of our Scottish Assembly work

Orla,Liam and Annie- We enjoyed learning  about Greyfriars Bobby this week as part of our Scottish focus work

Have a great weekend , everyone


Home Learning due in on Monday 14th January

Please try to remember to bring your Outdoor PE kit every week !

Parts for our Assembly will be given out on Monday 14th January





Happy New Year everyone!

We have had a very busy week after the Christmas holiday. Here are some of our highlights:

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because we were ordering 3 digit numbers.

Mia: I enjoyed learning about weather forecasts.

Jack: I enjoyed reading because we got a new book called ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. I liked it because it is a Roald Dahl book and I have been hoping we would get one.

Alex: I enjoyed spelling because we got to write sentences with our spelling words.

Ellis: I enjoyed reading because I got to read and write things.

Jude: I enjoyed topic because we got to present a weather forecast.

Carley: I enjoyed watching the other people presenting their weather forecasts because Max said “if you live in Scotland, you will have a miserable day.”

Holly: I enjoyed topic because when Olivia, Max and I presented our weather forecast, Max made me laugh.

Shannon: I enjoyed being a weather reporter.

James: I enjoyed reading because I got a book called ‘The Farmer’s Market’.

Amber: I enjoyed topic because we were being weather reporters and we got to present our weather forecast to the class.

Emily: I enjoyed reading with a partner.

Mac: I enjoyed mental maths and maths.

Millie: I enjoyed showing our weather forecast to the class because when it was Max, Holly and Olivia’s turn, Max made me laugh.

Leila: I enjoyed it when we did our weather forecasts. I liked working with Alex and Amber.

Scott B: I enjoyed reading because I got a book called ‘Explore the Poles’.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.




Welcome back! Happy New year!

We have had a busy week in P2A. Here are some of our highlights…

Kieran-Having hot chocolate and marshmallows in The Hub

Grace-I like playing cat and mouse in PE

Tommy-Learning my 4 and 5 times tables has been fun

Bailey-Sensory Circuits has been great for exercise

Georgia-I liked coming back to school and playing with my friends

Robyn-Playing bubble game in PE was super

Logan-Learning new things this week has been great

Aiden-Outdoor PE was great fun, I liked can we cross the golden river game

Daniel-Cat and Mouse game in PE was great fun this week

Willow-I liked my new reading book

Ethan-Tunnel Tig was fun in PE

Devyn-Homework was fun this week

William-I liked our new games in PE

Lucy-Cat and Mouse game was fun with Mr Jeffries

Amelia-Playing new games was good fun

Michaela-I liked learning new tables in maths



It’s our first week back and we’ve already had lots of fun learning new things.  Here are some of highlights …

Suvi- I really enjoyed playing ‘Golden River’ in outdoor P.E.

Megan- I enjoyed researching and drawing my animal life cycle.

Mia- I loved symmetry in Maths this week.

Ranna- I enjoyed completing my maths assessment today.

Denholm- I enjoyed completing my maths assessment today.

Kiara- I enjoyed writing our rap with our spelling words.

Connor- I enjoyed meeting my friends when the week started.

Alex- I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries.

Liam- I enjoyed learning about Pronouns.

Euan- I liked drawing my story map for the model text.

Joshua- I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Jess- I enjoyed spelling this week.

Catriona- I enjoyed our visit to the Library.

Islay- I am enjoying our new book for reading.

Alfie- I enjoyed going down to the library.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend 🙂


This week in Primary 2 we have stared our new topic of castles. We have been learning about the different features found in castles.

We have also revised the 2,5 and 10 times table.

The class enjoyed the stories we have read this week during milk and story time. We have read Winnie the Witch and Hugless Douglas.


Here are the children’s favourite parts of the week:

Kai – When we did science

Hannah – Reading Hugless Douglas

Mikolaj – Clocks

Oliver – Science when we watched videos about water and snowflakes

Sofia – Science when we learned about the water

Jack C –Science watching the water and the ice

Sophie – Hugless Douglas

Jack B – I liked when we did science because we got to watch clips of water and snowflakes and all different shapes of snowflakes

Lois – Hugless Douglas when he found a hug from his mum

Ben – When Jack came

Hollie – Castles about the drawbridge.

Anna – Learning about castles, learning about the parts around the castle.

Isla – Learning about castles, there’s water around the castle so the enemies can’t get in. The moat.

Hope – When Jack came.

Thomas – Doing castles, I like the moat, it’s a lake that you can’t get passed and the only way to get over is lower the drawbridge.

Ruby – Hugless Douglas because he got a hug from his mum.

Daisy – Hugless Douglas because he keeps trying to get a hug and science because I liked learning about water.

Ethan – When Jack came. Castles because they have a moat.


Miss Cowan

It’s been a busy term in P4a this term and we have thought about our own highlight of the term!
Sarah – I enjoyed making the fossils cause they were really fun.
Orlaith – I enjoyed teaching Echo about reduce, reuse, recycle!
Lucas – I liked the futsal because we learnt tricks!
Jude – I liked the Christmas party.
Sam – I enjoyed making different shapes out of card.
Elena – I enjoyed reading all the nice things my friends said about me in special person.
Alysheeya – I enjoyed playing the snowman game.
Teigan – I liked PE because we
Artjom – I liked the snowman game we played for our Champions Celebration.
Lexi – I liked Maths – all of it!
Lilyrose – I enjoyed futsal because it was fun.
Grace – I enjoyed our judo taster because we learnt new moves and things.
Charlotte – I enjoyed learning about Echo and the 3Rs.
Ehan – I liked RME talking about kosher food.
Lois – I liked futsal because we did match of the week and we also did keepy –uppy!
Hollie – I enjoyed writing this term because I liked writing about Echo.
Akasha – I liked Maths because I liked the shapes.
Daniel – I liked benchball because I liked standing on the bench and playing the games.
Alfie – I enjoyed learning about what happens to dead animals before they become fossils.
Alex – I enjoyed futsal.
Sara – I liked learning about shapes because we got to make stuff out of them.
Archie – I enjoyed helping Echo learn about the three R’s.
Emily – I really enjoyed Maths this term because I feel like I’m getting better at it.
Rosie – I enjoyed making the 3d snowmen this week.
Eva – I liked the judo because we learn to do different moves.
Luke – I really enjoyed learning about the soil in science.
Maddison – I enjoyed the school fair.
Kyle – I liked learning 3d shapes because at first I wasn’t very good at them and now I’m better!
Emma – I enjoyed making stained glass windows of the Christmas story in RME.
Table of the week –
with 210 points
Learning partners of the week – Teigan, Eva and Charlotte

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Jack: I enjoyed going to the church because we sang jingle bells. I also enjoyed maths because we were learning how to add hundreds, tens and ones.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the church because I got to partner up with my best friend, Aileigh.

Jude: I enjoyed going to church because we sang some lovely songs.

Ellie: I enjoyed the pantomime because it was funny when Dick Whittington jumped out and started dancing to baby shark.

James: I enjoyed having Buddy here because he’s funny.

Mac: I enjoyed the pantomime when Miss McKinnon and Mr Cunningham danced to baby shark.

Alex: I enjoyed mental maths because we were sorting out odd and even numbers.

Mia: I enjoyed going to church.

Ellis: I enjoyed the church service and the pantomime.

Millie: I enjoyed the pantomime because the people that were in it were doing lots of funny dances. I liked watching it because it made me laugh a lot.

Olivia: I enjoyed the church service because I got to say a line.

Leila: I enjoyed the pantomime because Miss McKinnon danced to songs and my brother’s teacher did too.

River: I enjoyed the pantomime because Miss McKinnon and Mr Cunningham went on stage dancing to baby shark and Jack and I were shouting “Go Miss McKinnon!”

Aaron: I enjoyed the church service because we were singing lots of beautiful and lovely songs.

Max: I enjoyed the pantomime because there were a lot of funny songs and most of them were from ‘The Greatest Showman’.

Shannon: I enjoyed the church service because my friend, Olivia, was saying a line.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Miss McKinnon would like to say a huge thank you for all of her lovely gifts! She’s very lucky!


Merry Christmas from P5a!

We have had a lovely last week of school. Here are some of our highlights and things that we are looking forward to this Christmas.

Donna – I enjoyed art this week!

Callum – I am excited for the Christmas Holidays!

Katie – I can’t wait until Christmas Eve where I get to shout up the chimney for Santa! I loved the panto!

Blaire – I enjoyed making the Christmas tree baubles and I’m looking forward to getting my Christmas Eve Box.

Erin – I enjoyed P.E this week. I’m really looking forward to Christmas!

Zara – I enjoyed watching our movie in our PJs and  being in charge of the computer at church service!

Shelbi – I enjoyed P.E this week.

Mia – I loved the fun spelling activities.

Tamsyn – I can’t wait to sing One More Day on Christmas Eve.

Maisie – I enjoyed the church service.

Ross – I can’t wait till Christmas Day!

Kai – I enjoyed making the Christmas Baubles.

Ammie-Leigh – I’m excited for my cousins to visit.

Murray and Brooke – We enjoyed making the Christmas Baubles.

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!