Category Archives: Whole School News


This week in P3c.

Maths/Numeracy: This week we have been learning to count on to add and part and whole.

Jess: I liked part and whole because we used number lines

Harris: I liked maths tig

Isla: I enjoyed doing addition

Archie: I enjoyed doing counting on

Liam: I liked doing maths

Lily: I liked counting on with the poker chips

Grace: I enjoyed drawing the number lines on our whiteboards

Sophie M: I enjoyed maths tig as well

Sophie S: I enjoyed maths tig again.


English/Literacy: We have learned about verbs and written instructions.

Eden: I liked writing instructions

Isla: I learned about verbs

Grace: I enjoyed getting revenge on Mr and Mrs Twit

Sophie M: I enjoyed our instructions for Mr and Mrs Twit

Lily: Writing instructions was good



Sophie S, Emily, Isla, Marley, Brandon, Grace, Nina, Max and Kayden: enjoyed painting Mr Twit for the school library

Lily: I liked sticking the jaggy bits of paper on Mr Twits beard

Sophie M: I enjoyed cutting parts for Mr Twit


You have all worked really hard this week and written great instructions to get back at those ghastly Twits!

Star Writer – Sophie Smith

Mr C.


Here are some of the things we enjoyed this week in P2b..


Zara- I enjoyed golden time!

Marcus- I enjoyed making my castle colourful in art!

Kaiden- I enjoyed playing dodgeball in P.E.

Emma- I enjoyed learning all about ‘Zog’.

Reiss- I enjoyed learning to count in two’s using flashcards and putting them in order.

Caitlin- I enjoyed writing an acrostic poem!

Jacob- I enjoyed reading.

Josh- I enjoyed playing tig at P.E.

Matthias- I enjoyed playing with my friends.

Hamish- I enjoyed working on my team skills in outdoor P.E.


We all enjoyed the coffee morning and had lots of cakes, we are so happy to take part in such a good cause and hope to raise lots of money for MacMillan Cancer Research.

Table of the week- Terrific Tigers

Star of the week- Lily

Dojo winners- Kaiden, Josh and Evie.

Star writers- Jacob, Evie, Kyle and Reiss.

Secret walkers- Caitlin and Gracie.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and hope to see you at our shared start on Tuesday!




We have had a very exciting and busy week in our class. Here are some of our favourite learning moments from this week…

Kyle – My favourite thing was going with the Art teacher.

Archie – My favourite thng was writing about “Cycling in the snow” and I was a star writer!

Hollie – I liked the coffee morning!

Jude – I liked doing the story “The almighty loaf”!

Sarah – I really enjoyed Golden Time because you get to play and do fun stuff.

Artjom – I liked making the lollipops for our Roald Dahl display.

Luke – I enjoyed P.E. this week.

Rowan – I enjoyed when the fire alarm went off!

Elena – I am excited for our new reading book next week.

Maddison – I enjoy reading!

Daniel – I enjoyed making the paper bag buildings with our Art teacher.

Charlotte – I liked when we made the giant candies.

Teigan – I liked when the fire alarm went off because it was cool. We did push-ups to keep warm.

Jack – We’ve been learning about hundreds, tens and units.

Rheagan – I liked doing the paper mache with the Art teacher.


In our short week, we have been quite busy.

We made posters to ask people to be responsible and put litter in the bin.
We made a line drawing of imaginary buildings.
We visited the Wild About Scotland Bus.
We played games when learning to count in 10’s forwards and backwards.
We reviewed our Review jotters!
We had lots of fun.

A short week of Learning

Although it has been a short week of Learning in P7a we have worked on lots…

Jack-I liked drawing the parrot for the Rain forest factfile

Zoe- I liked the Autumn art using pastels

Ciaran,Harvey,Rowan,Dyllan- We liked learning about large numbers and place value

Sam,Naomi,Scott,Kirsten- We liked learning about animals of the Rainforest

Kate- I liked making the fact file for the Capybara

Alanna- I liked making the factfile on the ring tailed lemur

Lennox- I enjoyed the factfile on the parrot with Cole

Yasmin- I liked doing my factfile with Lucy-we did the cockatoo

Ross,Lucy- We liked place value maths this week

Lucie- I liked making the factfile with Sophie. We were researching the tree frog

Cole- I enjoyed doing Maths this week

Paul- I liked learning about the Sloth

Ashleigh,Holly- I liked watching the movie clips on Rainforest animals

Sophie-I enjoyed French this week.We made posters

Ty- I enjoyed my factfile with Rowan. We did the macaw

Rhia- I enjoyed learning about the spider monkey

Brooklyn- I liked art

Tom- My factfile with Ross was on the armadillo

Next week will be busier as we are in all week and on Friday it is the MacMillan Coffee morning and we will be busy helping throughout the morning.

Hope you can join us any time but especially at 10.50-11.10am

Happy Weekend

Mrs Aitken






Today we went on the ‘Wild About Scotland Bus’ from The Edinburgh Zoo.

Freya: We learned that cats are carnivores and have really sharp teeth.

Ava: upstairs, we learned about beavers and that they lived many years ago. They were hunted for their fur to make hats and jackets. They became extinct.

Orlaith: They were brought back from Norway so that we could have them again and they very kindly said yes.

Scott: Beavers were one of the

Joseph: Beavers are herbivores – they only eat plants.

Alysheeya: We got to touch the beaver. It was a stuffed one.

Fearne: We were touching the badger. It felt smooth and jaggy.

Evie: My favourite part was when we got to touch the beavers.

Freya: My favourite bit was touching the Wild Cat.

Grace M: My favourite bit was touching the wild cat and the beaver because they were nice and soft.

Esther: My favourite part was learning about all the different things.

Sara: My favourite part was touching the wild cats’ teeth.

Maths Week in P4b!

This week has been Maths week. We have worked on lots of different things including counting in 1000s, doubling single digit and double digit numbers, telling the time on an analogue clock and we even did a maths trail around the school. We had to count windows, trees and even work out how many wheels there were in the car park (there were 112 by the way!)
As you visit our playground can you answer some of our maths trail questions?
How many benches are there in the front and side playgrounds?
If 5 people can sit on each bench, how many people can sit down?
How many spots are there on ground near the P5-7 entrance?
Multiply the number of trees in our playground by 5.
What shapes can you see on our buildings?
How many single doors lead out of the building?
How many benches are in the garden?

We can find maths in everything we do and everywhere we go.
Table of the week – orange with 410 points!


This week at Balbardie has been inspirational maths week! We have done lots of challenges and learned how to have a growth mindset in maths! As well as that we have been working very hard.



Nina: I enjoyed outdoor maths. We counted wooden thing with a roof and gave them the value of a thousand and then we counted bins for ten, benches for 100 and plant pots for units. It was hard to start with but then I found out the answer eventually

Jess: I liked the three block challenge this week. We could make lots of different shapes and I managed to make 14!

Isla: when we went outside when we were counting the answer was 5044 and Mr. C never said not even a word.

Sophie S: I enjoyed the three block challenge and team with other people



Grace: I liked the doing my rotten to the core restaurant menu

Luis: I liked when I was writing Mrs. Twits disgusting restaurant

Harris: I liked planning my menu for the restaurant

Isla: I enjoyed doing Mrs. Twit’s Bubblepop restaurant

Emily: I liked doing Mrs. Twits Restaurant

Archie: I liked finishing off the first play in my reading book

Sophie M: I liked doing Mrs Twits Restaurant

Keegan: I liked writing my rotten restaurant

Liam: I liked doing the restaurant

Lily: I liked doing the restaurant too



Emily: I liked PE this week

Nina: I liked PE this week

Lily: I liked doing the line drawing of Bathgate academy

Grace: I loved doing my review jotter this morning

Marley: I liked outdoor PE games

Sophie M: I liked creating my line art of the academy

Isla: I liked doing my line drawing of the Academy

Keegan: I liked the line drawing too


Thank you for such a great effort this week!

Mr C

Star Writer – Nina

Marbles – The intelligent table

Pupil of the week – Eden



P1B’s week

Please note you will find P1B posts under WHOLE SCHOOL NEWS as we do not have a P1 category at the moment, thanks.

This week in P1B we have been very busy with our learning.  We have been inspired with our Inspirational maths week this week to make emoji pictures and sort them into their various characteristics.  We had fun making patterns and sorting our pictures 🙂

In phonics this week we have made ‘t’ turtles and ‘a’ astronauts to add to our phonics wall.  We have been very busy learning our tricky words, I, the, he, she, me and we.  We had fun learning our words and playing our games.

The first Home learning for P1 will be sent home on the 27th of September and should be returned the following Monday. Bookbags, weekly reading book, tricky words, maths and phonics mat will be included.

Have a lovely September holiday from P1B 🙂

Another busy week in Class Star

We have had another busy week in Class Star.  We were focusing on Inspirational Maths and working outdoors to find shapes and look for maths in our environment.  We had a lovely trip to Cafe Yum Yum for our Out and About.

Cody – The cafe was good and I tried tea for the first time (I thought it would be nicer).  We measured out how big rainforest trees are and I was really surprised.

David – I got water and a crispy cake at the cafe, I really liked it. I liked the whole school sing-a-long.

Cameron – so I went to the cafe. Oh I just forgot true or false did I GO to the cafe …………. I did but only for 20 mins but guess what did you know there is white hot chocolate. So that is all folks see you next week so bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeee 😀

Yolie – I liked the Sing-a long this week.  I ordered a bacon roll at Cafe Yum Yum (I put tomato ketchup on it ) it tasted nice.

Jayden – I loved making our rain gauge to measure the rain fall.  I enjoyed outside maths this week.  My favourite thing this week was going to Cafe Yum Yum I ordered a white hot chocolate it was really good. Have a nice holiday weekend everyone.

What a fantastic week of learning in P2b!

In maths we have learned how to count in 10’s and how to work out if a number is larger or smaller.  We have learned how to add 10 more and 10 less to any number within 100.

For inspirational maths week we worked in pairs and sorted emoji’s into categories- this was really fun because we love emoji’s.  Have a look at some of our pictures!



We have been working on using our recognition of sounds to help read words.

As part of our topic Castles we have learned about describing words and used this in our writing this week which was all about Jesters.


We learned about Jesters and what their role is in a castle.  We found out that they entertain the King and all the castle guests.  We imagined we were all Jesters by making our very own Jester hats.

Other news

Table of week- Clever Crocodiles

Star of the week- Kaiden

Dojo winner- Gracie

Secret walker- Taylor

Star writers- Hamish, Rose, Marcus, and Gracie.




Another Busy Week!

It has been a busy week in Class Moon.  This week we have been planning our stories using the dragon’s we created last week.  Everyone’s plan is fantastic and Miss Garland cannot wait to read the finished stories.  We have enjoyed reading our new reading books.  We have 2 reading books we work on.  One is chosen by the teacher to help us with our reading and one is chosen by us.  We have made great choices including Captain Underpants, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Minecraft.  We have really enjoyed reading these books.  This week in Learning Across the Curriculum we have been focussing on the emotion sad and been doing lots of activities about being sad and what we can do when we are sad.  In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers.  We have also been learning about the new bridge with Mrs McLean and we made our own Scottish Bridge.  Here is what Class Moon have enjoyed this week:

Charlie: I enjoyed going into rainbow room with Elliot.

Elliot: I enjoyed play Doctor Who at choose.

Logan: I enjoyed planning my dragon story.

Gabriel: I liked playing buildy tig with my integration friends.

Jake: I enjoyed watching Alphablocks.

A busy week in P4b!

It’s been another busy week in P4b.
In writing we wrote letters from Mary Queen of Scots from the time when she was living in France to her Mum who was in Scotland. We had to think about making it formal, proper sentences and we also had to think about the layout of the letter, including where the address goes, how to start the letter and how to end it.
In Numeracy we have been working on ordering numbers and place value up to 1,000,000 with Mrs Mackenzie. It can be a bit challenging but some children find it easy!
In Maths with Mrs Collings, we looked at the calendar and worked out days and dates. There is a challenge in our classroom using our birthdays.
In Science we investigated how the amount of force applied to an object affects its movement. We found out that the more force we apply to an object, it moves further. We tested this with a car slingshot!
Our highlights of the week are;
Ruby-Anne – making the car slingshot.
Ellie-Rose – learning about the life of the young Mary Queen of Scots.
Max – maths. Working in our booklets on our mental maths test.
Jamie – PE with Mr Jeffries playing castles.
Lewis – Maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Table of the week – green table with 460
Article 31 – the right to an education.

A quick week in P2b

We have been very busy in P2b this week.  Here are some of the things we got up to…


We have been learning the language of before, after and between and have been working on this for numbers up to 100!

We have been counting up in tens and even sang and danced along to a fun song to help us learn.


We created a wanted poster for our dragons and used describing words to help us find them! We can’t wait to put these up on display for everyone to see.


With Mrs Thomson we made fire blowers for our dragons – these are very cool!

We also learned what jobs people used to have in castles and designed our very own character from castle times.  Some of these included knights, soldiers, and servants.

We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.





This week in P3c.



This week in maths.

Sophie M: I liked using angry birds to help me with place value.

Grace: I loved making the poster for the What A Good One Looks Like book.

Eden, Jess, Marley, Nina and Isla: I liked the maths song.

Archie: I liked being nearly finished place value.

Lily: I liked playing the angry birds game.

Luis: I liked the angry birds game as well

Max: I liked working on my textbook this week


This week we have learned about script writing. We all wrote a new trick for the Twit’s to play on each other and then acted out our favourites by working in groups to turn a story board into a play. Check out our pictures!

Kayden: I liked doing the play about Mr and Mrs Twit

Grace: I liked falling from the chair in my play

Lily: I liked when Grace screamed because she had spiders in her shoes

Sophie M: I liked when Grace screamed too.

Keegan: I liked Mr Twit put spiders in Mrs Twits shoes in one group’s play

Emily: I liked when Isla ate the cardboard pizza as Mrs Twit.

Isla: I liked when I spat out the cardboard pizza in the bin

Liam: I liked putting Mrs Twit getting spiders in her shoes

Marley: I liked Mrs Twit stuck on the toilet


This week we have also continued our learning about our community focusing on Bathgate and its place in the world and investigating maps.

Grace: I liked doing the bird’s eye view drawing

Emily: I liked doing the bird’s eye view drawing as well

Kayden: I liked PE with Mr. Jefferies


Thank you for all your hard work P3. Have a great weekend!


Table Champions – The Rainbow Table


In P7a we have been learning…

It was a busy week.We even had time for Cosmic Yoga on Monday.

We prepared the classroom for Meet the teacher on Wednesday. It was a great success.

We learned lots this week in all subjects. Here are out comments:-

We have been writing an imaginative story.The Title was ” The Key” and there were adventures with it!-Paul,Ross,Eva,Caitlin,Sam,Cole

We have been working on Problem Solving with Mrs Rodger

We were finishing our butterfly wings in Art this morning-Kate,Scott,Ty,Zoe,Samantha,Holly

We were working in teams today in PE. It was team dodge ball-Alanna,Lennox,Jack

We were using the Maths workbook this week.It was on subtraction. It was easy! -Naomi,Rhia, Dyllan

We worked on Maths sheets this week too-Abbie

We had a Spelling test this week.We liked doing that-Ciaran,Kirsten,Brooklyn,Sophie

We liked buddy time this week.We spent time in their P1 classrooms playing games-Tom,Liam

In French we were making posters about classroom items eg la gomme, la regle, le crayon-Rowan,Lucy

We had Cosmic Yoga on Monday instead of Outdoor PE as it was raining-Lucie, Jennie, Yasmin, Harvey


Have a super weekend,P7a

Look out for me on the news when I walk over the new bridge on Sunday afternoon!