You can help raise awareness and funds for Children in Need this week by wearing something spotty or dressing down this Friday 17th November and making a donation. Some Pudsey and Blush ears have already been spotted in school and P3a and Mrs Harrison are very busy rehearsing for their class assembly on Thursday to tell us more.
Category Archives: Whole School News
We are extremely sorry we forgot to post our blog from last week so here are some of the things we got up to…
We were very lucky and got to try out Judo with a real Judo instructor. We got to wear the Judo jackets and played lots of different games! Here are some pictures…
In writing this week we have been learning how to write instructions, we will be doing this for the next couple of weeks and will even write instructions how to make our Christmas Fayre product!
In maths we have been continuing with addition and we are all getting better and quicker at adding. We have spotted patterns and realise that even if we switch numbers we can still add them and get to the same answer!
The triangles and rectangles have been adding using the strategy of partitioning.
We really enjoyed the BBB and enjoyed talking about how we feel safe in school.
Dojo winner- Emma
Star writers- Emma, Kyle, Taylor and Lily.
Star table- Clever Crocodiles
Blether, blether!
This week in science we looked at different rock samples. We found out that rocks are used for different purposes so hard rocks such as marble are used for statues and work surfaces and softer rocks such as sandstone are used for buildings because they can be carved and are easily quarried. Hannah and Jackie enjoyed looking at the marble because it had crystals in it. We also looked at the layers in the slate which reminds us a bit of the twirl we examined in our chocolate geology last week!
In language with Mrs Mackenzie, we looked at comic strips and how they can be used to tell a story. We found that they often have a lead-in sentence, speech bubbles to show us what is being said, thought bubbles so we know what characters are thinking, kapow stars to show sound effects and pictures showing the action! We enjoyed telling our story through comic strips.
This week we had our first BBB of the year on feeling safe. It was really interesting to see what children from across the school thought about where they feel safe and who helps them to feel safe.
Table of the week – blue with 610 points
This week we have been busy with learning about data frequency tables. We learned how to collate information using tally marks and then how to answer questions about the information.
In literacy, we have been learning how to write a shape poem. We wrote one about tornadoes.
In topic, we were learning about extreme weather. We learned how to take notes about different things.
In art, we have been making poppies with Mrs. Thomson and in class, we have been learning how to create an effect using two types of media.
On Thursday, we had a special remembrance assembly. Remember to hold a minutes silence on the 11th hour, of the 11th, day of the 11th month. (Saturday)
Enjoy your weekend!
This week in class we have been looking at creating light and shadow pictures inspired by our Harry Potter topic; building on our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages and beginning to join them together; continuing to develop our newspaper writing skills and looking towards the Star Writer activities for our “Winter” themed piece of writing. As part of the school we also took part in a very interesting session for Remembrance Day and the Big Balbardie Blether on being Safe.
This week’s highlights from P3C
Emily: I enjoyed writing about the teacher pleaser
Grace: I liked reading Little Fred Riding hood with the twist of a boy instead of Little Red Riding hood
Lily: I liked writing about the machines
Sophie A: I liked writing about the Epic Teacher Pleaser
Marley: I liked writing about the machines
Jess: I enjoyed about the Bubble Teacher Pleaser
Isla: I enjoyed writing about the Magnificent Teacher Pleaser
Eden: I liked thinking Wow words for our machines
Sophie M: I loved writing about our machines
Isla: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning
Emily: I enjoyed writing it for partitioning
Jess: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning
Grace: I enjoyed writing it for the first time when learning partitioning
Sophie M: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning
Archie: I enjoyed drawing it for partitioning
Nina: I enjoyed making it for partitioning
Everyone: Liked the BBB this week
Grace: I liked helping P1s in the dinner hall
Lily: I liked the BBB but it was better in Mr Cunningham’s group last year
Marble Champion – Intelligent Table
Fun in Class Star!
We have had a fantastic start to the month as we all have been working hard! Mrs Gray and Miss Fisher are impressed by us! We have been planning our new topic all about the USA! We would like to learn about previous Presidents, fashion, state laws and celebrities past and present.
We have been practising our times tables and improving our mental recall. We have enjoyed torturing Mrs Gray and putting her to the test on her mental recall, she was pretty good!
We have a new class rewards system called Balbardie Bargains where we collect money for doing good deeds. We can then buy rewards from the store including Rainbow Room , DS day, long choose, sensory fun and a homework pass! Each item is worth a different value and we can decide when we would like to buy a reward. We are super excited to start earning money! (not real money unfortunately!).
Have a lovely weekend
Class Star
Class Sun
Room on the Broom was one of Class Sun’s main learning contexts this week. We enjoyed reading and talking about ‘who’ was on the broom an d’who’ was not on the broom. We used the words of the story to help us learn about rhyme and adjectives.
Erin’s favourite part was ‘the hideous beast’ who rose out of the ditch.
Hamish’s favourite part was when the dragon chased the witch and wanted ‘witch and chips’ for tea.
In writing we made our own ‘hideous beasts’ to write about using clay.
Katie made a monster with a round head and body and two big eyes and two fluffy wings.
Sensory play helped us to learn about following instructions and to build our descriptive language.
Zoe anjoyed making sparkly paydough and using it to make the withces wand and hat.
Kai and Shea enjoyed making gloop to represent the bog that the animals all fell into. All of the boys and girls enjoyed talking about how the gloop changed from soft to hard.
This week we have been very busy.
We learned about the seasons and the different types of weather you get in the UK. We looked at how the weather affects us and how we dress accordingly. We learned the names of clothes in French and made people to dress according to the seasons.
We already order our lunch tray in |French and now we have started ordering sandwiches in French!
In maths, we are looking at adding multiples of tens and are using different strategies to help us.
In Literacy, we wrote a poem about our favourite season. It was an acrostic poem.
We also had a M.A.D assembly – we did lots of talking with other chidren from all areas of the school!
Enjoy your weekend!
P1B’s news
We have had a busy week in P1!. This week in maths, we started our addition work using the Numicon and we have been busy painting our numbers up to 10. Next week we will be looking at our numbers up to 20 and counting before/after.
In writing this week we read the story of a haunted house and wrote about scary things happening at Halloween. Our WOW word of the week is creepy!
We have been busy practising our songs for The Nativity. This year’s performance will be ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’, more information, timings and tickets will follow nearer the time. Please note Nativity performances will be on Tuesday 12th December (afternoon) and Wednesday 13th December (morning). We look forward to seeing you there 🙂
Archie – I really liked when we announced our bake-off winner and our Halloween dress down day.
Elena – I enjoyed cutting the raffle tickets and taking the money and helping at the Children in Need raffle.
Akasha – I really liked when I dressed up as Charmander for Halloween dress down day. I also liked our bake-off and the winner was Rowan.
Kyle – I liked when we held our Children in Need fundraiser.
Daniel – I am looking forward to learning more about extreme weather this term.
Luke – I also really liked cutting the raffle tickets and taking the money.
Maddison – My favourite thing this week was having the whole school in our class voting for their favourite cakes.
Charlotte – I liked when it was the Halloween dress up day.
Rosie – I enjoyed when we made our houses in Art.
Lois – I liked collecting the money and cutting the raffle tickets for our fundraiser.
Rowan – I really liked being the winner of the bake-off competition.
Emily – I liked when we made a poppy painting with the Art teacher.
Artjom – I liked when we wrote a Halloween story.
Emma – I liked when we wrote the Halloween story as well.
Sarah – I liked when we wrote about being lost in a maze and I liked everyone else’s ideas.
Hollie – I liked when we wrote the Halloween story because mine was really spooky.
Eva – I liked when we wrote about being lost in an attic.
Jack – I liked when we made houses with the Art teacher.
Lexi – I liked helping at the raffle stall at our class fundraiser.
Teigan – I liked voting for all of the cakes at the competition.
Lucas – I liked buying the cakes at play time.
Rheagan – I liked doing Art with Mrs Thomson.
This week’s highlights
Grace, Lily and Jess: I didn’t forget my capital letters
Isla: One of my wishes from Mr Cunningham was really good on my report
Sophie M: I liked writing about our unicorns
Nina: I didn’t forget my full stops
Sophie A: I liked partitioning
Emily: I enjoyed learning about partitioning
Brandon: I enjoyed learning about addition
Marley: I liked working on my partitioning
Eden: I liked partition because it was fun
Sophie S: I enjoyed doing 3d shapes in maths
Harris: I enjoyed doing judo on Monday
Luis: I enjoyed Extreme Weather
Archie: I enjoyed getting to go to different playgrounds
Keegan: I liked judo because I flipped and I won my bout.
Table Champions – Watermelon Table
Star Writer – Jess Ireland
This week has been another busy week of learning, here is what we have enjoyed…
Lewis- I enjoyed reading new words and learning more maths.
Josh- I enjoyed learning about cats in art.
Lily – I enjoyed adding in maths.
Caitlin- I enjoyed Golden Time.
Matthias- I enjoyed writing a poem using my senses.
Hamish- I enjoyed playing maths games on the Ipad.
Marcus- I enjoyed everything!
Emma- I enjoyed golden time and maths.
Gracie- I enjoyed writing about bonfire night.
Evie- I enjoyed maths and phonics.
Dojo winner- Josh
Table of the week- Terrific Tigers.
Pupil of the week- Emma!
We can’t wait for learning more next week!
Our assembly performance
Thank you to everyone who came to our assembly performance yesterday.
We all really enjoyed making our props, learning our lines, rehearsing our song, wearing our costumes and most of all… performing!
Aaron: I liked doing our assembly because I liked the song when it said ‘centuries’.
Jude: I liked it when I said my lines in the assembly and I liked the song.
Olivia and Alex: I enjoyed making our shields and swords.
Holly: I enjoyed it when I wore my crown and I enjoyed the assembly.
Carley: I enjoyed making our crowns for the assembly.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Destination Judo!
Today we were joined by Jordan from Destination Judo. We had the oppportunity to try out some judo moves and to see the sorts of things that happen in a judo training session.
We learnt to flip people over onto their backs – Eva.
We learnt how to use the steering wheel move to flip people onto their backs – Rory
We were flipping people over on their backs – Jay
We learnt that we shouldn’t do judo unless we have special mats, a coach and special clothing – Jackie.
We also learnt that there is no kicking or punching in judo – Owen
It is about holding shirts and tripping or grappling someone to the ground -Rory.
Table of the week – tbc on Friday.
While the front playground has no access/exit, in the morning P1 + P2 + P3 pupils will go straight into the Gym hall, P4 + P5 pupils will go to the playground area at the pencil fence and dining hall and P6 + P7 will stay in the back playground. PSW’s will supervise the children in these areas and class teachers will collect their class from the designated area.
At the end of the school day P1 + P2 + P3 will leave through their normal doors, P4 + P5 will exit through the doors in the Gym hall and P6 + P7 will exit through the blue glass doors.
When the back playground is closed all access/exit will be through the main gate where the Crossing Patrol is. P1 + P2 + P3 pupils will go straight into the Gym hall (up the side of the pencil fence) and P4 + P5 + P6 + P7 will stay in the front playground. PSW’s will supervise the children in these areas. Class teachers will collect P1 + P2 + P3 from the gym hall, P4 + P5 will line up at the glass door at pencil fence and P6 + P7 will enter through their own door.
At the end of the school day P1 + P2 will leave through the main entrance door, P3 + P4 will exit through the glass door at the pencil fence and P5 + P6 + P7 will exit through their normal door.
Mrs. Miglis
Head Teacher (Seconded)
Our first week back has been very busy getting back into the swing of things. Our new topic is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and over the next few weeks we will be using this to look at substances, mixing, dissolving and changes in state. In maths we are starting to look at the connections between fractions and decimals, and we will be adding in percentages. Our language this week has been linked to our new topic and we have written a letter to Prof. Albus Dumbledore in response to his offer to become a student at Hogwarts.
Just a quick update this week as it was a short week!
On Thursday we finished off our magnetic inventions. We had to design something to make people’s lives easier using magnets. We had lots of brilliant ideas and Mrs Collings is sure there are some budding inventors in the class with all the amazing ideas that have been floated around!
We have a lot to look forward to next week including:
Halloween dress up on Tuesday – bring a pound and enter the class raffle.
Wednesday – destination judo taster – indoor kit please
Wednesday and Thursday parents’ evenings – please look in children’s bags for appointment times.
Thursday – a new science topic – WATCH THIS SPACE!!
Table of the week – yellow with 300 points!
Learning in 2A
This week, we have been exploring poems and have written shape poetry about Halloween.
We watched a live author session with Kes Gray who told us the story of ‘Quick, Quack, Quentin’.
We have revised our learning about 2D and 3D shapes and are getting very good at naming and describing them.
We have been busy rehearsing for our class assembly next week and are all very excited to share it with you.
Ada: I enjoyed learning our words and song.
Shannon: I enjoyed learning our song about castles.
Jack: I have enjoyed practicing my assembly lines.
Please make sure all costumes are in school by Thursday.
We hope to see you there!
P3Cs highlights of the week.
Lily: I liked doing tally marks by watching the cars on the smart board
Sophie S: I enjoyed having to focus and take our time to watch the cars and get the tally marks correct
Sophie M: I liked doing the tally marks and seeing the cars go by
Jess: I liked doing partitioning
Nina: I liked doing the partitioning
Brandon: I like counting a number of tally marks we had
Grace: I had fun watching the marble video about Mrs Dawson
Archie: I enjoyed playing maths tig
Keegan: I liked maths
Marley: I liked the maths this week
Emily: I enjoyed doing partitioning
Eden: I liked writing about the Candy Unicorn
Sophie M: I liked writing about the unicorn
Sophie A: I liked writing about the Cotton Candy Unicorn
Emily: I enjoyed writing about the Rainbow Unicorn
Isla: My unicorn fact is that the Candy Unicorn has a rainbow phone
Sophie S: I enjoyed writing about my Rainbow Demon Unicorn
Kayden: I liked writing about unicorns
Jess: I enjoyed writing about the Mystical Unicorn
Grace: I liked listening to Nina and Harris the unicorn experts we interviewed
Harris: I enjoyed the Chrome Candy Unicorn
Marley: I writing about the unicorns mine was the Sam Unicorn
Luis, Kayden, Sophie M, Nina, Emily, Sophie S, Sophie A, Isla, Jess, Marley & Max: I liked the weather videos
Lily: I enjoyed watching the hurricane video and the tornado video
Tables Champions – Intelligent Table
Star Writer – Sophie Smith – The Princess Rainbow Demon Unicorn
Thank you for your hard work
Mr C