Category Archives: Whole School News

December News Letter

Paper copy being issued this afternoon to pupils.



Christmas Countdown 2017


Dear Parents, Carers and friends,

It is so hard to believe that we are at this time of year already! The recent cold snap has certainly helped with the wintry feeling! Christmas is now firmly upon us, and we have lots of events coming up you need to know about: they are all in this newsletter and  will be further detailed in our usual SWAY online newsletter which should be available by Friday 8th December detailing lots of exciting news about learning and the various opportunities our children will have the chance to experience.  Please do take a note of these dates.

Our Christmas events always begin with our annual Christmas Fayre which took place on Saturday 25th of November. This was an outstanding success, raising lots of money for our school (total to be announced soon!) There is absolutely no doubt that the success of our Christmas Fayre was down to the phenomenal hard work of our Parent Council and staff members! I would also like to thank the pupils and staff who worked so hard on their Christmas items, many of which sold out! Thank you also if you were a stall holder: your attendance has contributed to the success of our Fair and developed our community links. Thank you to Santa, for giving up his own time to be with us: we hope that we didn’t hold up toy production for too long! And finally, thank you to all those who came along on the day, or donated prizes or baking: each and every one of you contributed to our efforts to be a very special community, working to ensure our pupils can access a learning environment that is vibrant, challenging and engaging! I’d like to wish you all a very peaceful and joyful Christmas and wonderful New Year.  

 L Miglis

Head Teacher (Seconded)


Christmas Post

Our Christmas Post will start on Wednesday 6th December.  Please remind your children that they must have the name and class on the envelope before posting any Christmas cards.  The Post Box will be located outside the front office.  Our Primary 7 and ARB pupils will be responsible for mail sorting and delivery at a convenient time on a daily basis.

Christmas Parties

Our Christmas Parties are taking place soon.  Decorations are up and there is a lovely Christmas tree casting a warm glow over the room.  All we need now are the party goers in their glad rags!.  All parties will begin at 1.30 pm and run until 3 pm.  Parents may bring a change of clothes for their child at 12.45 if required or send in their party clothes in a separate bag, support staff will assist children in getting ready.  Children will be given a bag with goodies at the end of party to enjoy!

Stage Parties in date order

Wednesday 6th December ~ Primary 4 + Class Moon

Monday 11th December ~ Primary 5

Thursday 14th December ~ Primary 3

Monday 18th December ~ Primary 6

Tuesday 19th December ~ Primary 2 + Class Sun

Wednesday 20th December ~ Primary 1 am

Wednesday 20th December ~ Primary 7 pm

Class Star pupils will integrate with either P6 or P7 or mainstream school

Breakfast Club Santa

This year Breakfast with Santa will be on Thursday 14th December.  Children will be offered pancakes, syrup and cereal.  A separate letter has been issued for completion if you would like your child(ren) to take part!

Christmas Lunch

On Tuesday 12th December – P4, P5, P7+ ARB  will enjoy their Christmas Lunch and on Wednesday 13th December – P1 + P2 +3 + P6 will enjoy theirs.  Children can wear a Christmas jumper or a hat to lunch.  As usual packed lunches will be eaten in class and the children will have the opportunity to enjoy some  Christmas music and will have a Christmas experience.

School Nativity

Our P1 performance of “The Sleepy Shepherd” will be held on Tuesday 12th December in the afternoon and on Wednesday 13th of December in the morning.  Tickets are on sale and cost £1.50 ( a separate letter has been issued).  This will be held in the upper hall and entrance will be via the main door.

 Christmas Choir

 On Thursday 14th December P5b will go to Tesco from 10 am – 11 am to perform there and on Monday 18th December P5a will go to Morrisons from 10.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Miss Davidson will accompany the children.


This year a performance of “Cinderella” will be performed on Thursday 21st of December at 1.45 pm.  All pupils may attend this and this will cost £2.50 –if there are any issues regarding payment could you please contact the school to discuss so that we can offer support to ensure that all children can enjoy a wonderful Christmas experience.

Church Service

Finally our church service will take place on Friday 22nd December at 9.30 am in Bathgate High Church and we would love if parents could join us there.  The church collection will be for Lady Haig Poppy Factory.

On behalf of the staff I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Staff resume on Monday 8th and pupils resume on Tuesday

January 2018.






P4b rocking like Rookies!

This week has been very exciting as we have been preparing for our Rookie Rockstars concerts next week. We have learnt some songs to perform. The songs are about preventing and stopping bullying in our school. They are trying to help us to remember to believe in ourselves, have confidence and to move on from situations which we find difficult.
These are some of our thoughts about the experience:
Brooke – I enjoyed the pop rock because I liked the ending.
Florence – I enjoyed the challenge time.
Aaron – I enjoyed challenge time too!
Shaun – I enjoyed the pop rock because the songs were really good.
Alfie L – I enjoyed the challenge time.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed the songs we learnt.
Rory – I thought it was awesome!
Kyle – I’m a big fan.
Noami – It was fantastic.
Olivia – I loved the challenge time.
Jackie – I liked the chubby bunny.
Alfie B – I loved the challenge time.
Charlotte – the penguin dance was really funny
Annie – I lived everything!
Alistair – I liked challenge time.
Eva – I liked question time.
Dylan – I liked challenge time.
Jay –
Bryce – I liked challenge time.
Ellie – I loved the singing.
Kaycee – It was COOL!
Jamie – I liked the challenge time.
Ruby – I liked the challenge time because I liked the rap battle.
Max – I thought it was EPIC!
Brandon – I enjoyed the singing.
Holly – I enjoyed the rap battle.
Owen – I enjoyed question time.
Lewis – I enjoyed question time.
Liam – I liked challenge time.
Orla – I enjoyed challenge time and the chubby bunny and the rap battle!
We really hope that as many of our children can attend the concerts as possible and look forward to sharing the children’s learning on Wednesday and Thursday next week.

Rookie Rockstars @ BPS

We are loving our Rookie Rockstars experience in school this week.  A reminder that our performance concerts are at 6.30pm on Wednesday 6th December for Bruce & Hardy and Thursday 7th December for Strachan & Macpherson. Tickets costing £5.00 are available from the school office. CDs costing £5.00 will be available to pre-order at the concerts, printed with a winning pupil’s design. Other items of Rookie Rockstars merchandise like wrist bands, t-shirts and badges will be available to buy also.

Children should come to school ready to rock dressed for the concert wearing shades or fancy dress like their favourite rock or pop star. Pupils should report to staff in the upper hall for no later than 6.15pm to check-in. All pupils should be collected by parents/carers at the end of the concert from our gym hall.

We are looking forward to performing!

Fossils found in Balbardie!

Last week we made fossils. We found out how fossils are formed and then we made our own. We pressed clay into a small pot, smoothed it down and then pushed a plastic toy or shell into the clay to may an impression. Then we made some plaster of Paris and tipped it onto the clay. This week we drew our fossils and thought some more about how palaeontologists can use fossils to find out about things which lived many years ago. We also made some dinosaur fossils this week.

With Mrs Mackenzie, we have been learning about ‘friendly ten’ where we add to the nearest ten and then add up to 100. It’s making our mental addition much easier!
Kyle won the Christmas Fayre drawing competition and has made his design for our games stall. We hope you will all be able to come and support us on Saturday.
As it is getting colder, please can we ask that the children have appropriate outdoor gym kit for Wednesdays. Tracksuit bottoms or leggings, jumpers and trainers are required to ensure that they can play outside safely.

Table of the week – yellow with 400 points

P5b is feeling festive….

It’s been snowing outside and we’ve been getting ready for the Christmas Fayre..


We have also been doing a lot of learning.

We have been learning about coordinates.   Isaac

We learned how to subtract using a chimney sum.  Hope

We made a treasure map using a grid and coordinates.   Callum

We learned to go along the corridor and up the stairs.  Rose

We have been learning how to create posters.  Hayley

We have been learning about the Coral Reef and created under the sea scenes.  Aryan

We learned about Kenny Logan and how he was scared because he couldn’t read and write.  Jason

We learned how to keep the sea clean.  Maisey

We made Christmas baubles and calendars for the Christmas Fayre.  Ela

We learned about the different types of bullying. Jaime-Lee

We plotted a Christmas tree using coordinates.  Ben

We attending the Bronze Champion event and we got to touch animals.  Elliot

We have learned about the x and y axis on a coordinates grid.  Katie

We learned about the Coral Reef.  Charlotte

We learned about cyber bullying and physical bullying.  Nathan

We made coral reef posters.  Guy

We have been learning en and on words in spelling.  Skye

We learned about the dangers of the coral reef.  Louie

We have been learning about cheating and white lies.  Luke

We how and why we conserve coral reefs.  Jacob

We learned how to find points using coordinates.  Rayen

We have been learning about the Caribbean Islands.  Emily

We learning about alliteration.  Owen


Here are some photos from our science last week….we are being atoms and demonstrating how atoms are organised in solids, liquids and gases.


In liquids the atoms move around!
In solids the atoms are tightly packed together!
In gases the atoms move around freely to every space available!

Here were are with some of our completed crazy coo calendars and delightful decorations to sell at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow.

Boys getting scientific and creating electrical circuits!



This week’s highlights from P3C


Jess: I loved doing data handling

Grace: I liked doing the bar graph to show the favourite colours in our class

Eden: I liked drawing counting back to subtract

Isla: I enjoyed counting back because I am still trying to make it

Luis: I liked doing the data handling

Marley: I liked counting back because it’s hard

Emily: I liked doing counting back

Sophie A: I liked doing counting back because I am on draw it

Sophie S: I liked doing the drawing for counting back



Archie: I liked writing about how to catch a dragon

Brandon: I liked writing a report about catching a dragon

Eden: I liked to write my report about the dragon

Isla: I enjoyed planning our report

Emily: I liked doing the report about dragons

Luis: I liked writing about catching a dragon

Grace, Jess and Marley: I enjoyed the funny part of the story when Grenville Bile pooed his pants

Kayden: I liked writing about dragons

Nina: I enjoyed spelling



Everyone liked making the candles for the Christmas Fayre

Grace: I enjoyed doing our drawings with different colours

Sophie: I enjoyed doing extreme weather on our tree drawing because we got to do different techniques

Isla: I liked my middle box on my tree because it was probably my best design

Bronze Champions

Jess: I liked seeing the cute rat at the Bronze Champions

Emily: I liked petting all the animals

Eden: I liked feeling all the animals

Luis: I loved stroking the rabbit

Sophie S: I liked getting to feel the snake


Marble Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Archie Greenwell (How to Capture a Dragon)

Primary 1 – Nativity lyrics

Song 1: Woolly Sheep


  1. One woolly sheep won’t stand still,

Running around on the hill

Keeping all the shepherds busy,

Working till they feel quite dizzy

Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.


  1. Two woolly sheep…


  1. Three woolly sheep…


  1. Four woolly sheep…


  1. Five woolly sheep…


Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.




Song 2: Sleepy Shepherd


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody is snug,

Somebody is curled up like a bug in a rug,

And he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Instrumental


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.

What a sleepy shepherd he is.




Song 3: One Starry Night


  1. A beautiful angel came to the hill,

Came to the hill, came to the hill,

A beautiful angel came to the hill,

One starry night.


  1. He hovered above with silver wings,

Silver wings, silver wings,

He hovered above with silver wings,

One starry night.


  1. And over his head a halo bright,

Halo bright, halo bright,

And over his head a halo bright,

One starry night.


  1. He told us about a tiny child,

Tiny child, tiny child,

He told us about a tiny child,

One starry night.

Song 4: Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?




Song 5:  Under a star


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.




Song 6:  Bumpy Road


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Three kings were riding, wearing royal crowns,

Sitting on their camels, heading for the town,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Instrumental


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,



Song 7:  Wake up! Wake up!


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Up you get, don’t make a fuss,

Wipe away your sleepy dust,

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.

Come and see the new born King.



Creating Some Magic in 1a

This week we have been busy with  preparations for the Christmas Fayre this Saturday and thought we’d share a couple of photos of this. We have been creating, measuring and writing linked to our festive activities this week.

Say hello at the P1 stall and have a closer look at what we’ve been creating.

We hope to see you there and please remember to bring some spending money!


This week we revised what we wear in French – we remembered and learnt lots of new words.

In maths, we have been learning to use different strategies to add and we have also been learning about data frequency tables and how to find information from it. We understand the information given but found the written questions a lot more tricky.

We made hurricanes for our art lesson with Miss Lee – they look great!

We are practising writing using cursive writing and it is quite tricky as we have to focus on getting the letters the same size.

In writing, we learnt how to write freestyle poems. They sound easy but can be a little tricky!

Enjoy your weekend!

1B’s week

This week has been anti-bullying week and we have been very busy thinking about ways in which we can be a great friend to our classmates.  We made super helping hands in class and discussed ways in which we could show kindness towards others.  Next week we will be looking at finishing off our anti-bullying posters.

We have had a very busy week practising the Nativity and we now have our words home if you have a speaking part in the show.  Please continue to practise your words at home as it is sounding fantastic already! 🙂 Nativity tickets will be coming your way soon!

Rookie Rockstar tickets are now on sale…£5 if you would like to see your child performing in this show-Bruce & Hardy-6th December at 6.30pm and Macpherson&Strachan-7th December at 6.30pm. Please note under 5’s are free.


P2A Highlights

Amber: I enjoyed Maths this week because it was fun doing the addition sums.

Aaron: I enjoyed learning about addition in mental maths. I also enjoyed it when I became a bronze champion.

Emily, James, Oliver and Ada: I enjoyed P.E because it’s fun.

Ethan, Carley and Jack: I enjoyed watching P3A’s assembly.

River: I enjoyed writing about how to decorate a Christmas tree.

Shannon: I enjoyed making the gingerbread house in Art.

Mia: I enjoyed reading.

Max and Alex: I enjoyed double points week.

Holly: I enjoyed writing the instructions.

Aileigh: I enjoyed being the P.E. teacher in P.E.

Have a great weekend everyone.



This week’s highlights in P3C


Jess: I liked when we can go back to a strategy that we might have forgotten to help us

Sophie M: I liked learning about 3D and 2D shapes

Marley: I liked doing compensating

Grace: I liked learning that you can add one if the number ends in 9 and then take it away at the end

Eden: I liked doing compensating because it is really fun

Nina: I liked doing compensating you can compensate by 1, 8 or 9

Brandon: I liked counting on



Luis: I liked doing my report about machines

Sophie A: I liked doing our group talks about bullying

Sophie M: I enjoyed the story teller

Marley: I liked the storyteller because he was the best

Harris: I liked learning about openers connective and wow words

Emily: I liked writing our reports about machines

Kayden: I liked hearing about Mr Cunningham’s machine

Eden: I liked writing a report with connectives

Lily: I liked writing about the Christmas House Decorator

Nina: I liked spelling this week

Grace: I enjoyed coming up with my own idea for my machine. My machine was called the Clever Making Machine it makes you clever

Jess: I liked doing spelling this week because I was doing ‘sc’ words

Max: I liked writing this week



Sophie S: I liked decorating our floats with the theme Toy Story

Lily, Sophie M, Kayden, Sophie A & Marley: I liked Pudsey day so far

Eden & Keegan: I liked water painting the waves

Grace: I enjoyed getting to dress up like Pudsey or Blush because we were raising money for Children In Need

Isla: I enjoyed doing the float sheet today

Emily: I liked doing the Toy Story float because I liked Toy Story

Brandon: I enjoyed Star Writer this week

Luis: I liked decorating the float


Thank you for all your hard work.

Mr C


Marbles Champions – Intelligent Table

Star Writer – Nina for her report on the Cake Making Machine



This week has been another busy week in P2b, here is what we have been learning about…

Marcus- I enjoyed adding facts to 15.

Reiss- We learned what to do if someone was bullying us.

Evie- I enjoyed instruction writing this week and writing how to build a snowman.

Maksim- I have enjoyed learning money in maths.

Caitlin- I have enjoyed learning the blend ‘lm’ in phonics.

Hamish- I enjoyed working on coin recognition and learning about anti-bullying week.

Zara- I enjoyed the assembly about Children in Need.

Other news

Dojo winner- Emma.

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles.

Star writers- Kaiden, Maksim, Evie, Ava, Josh, Gracie and Caitlin.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Football Festival

The school football team took part in the second cluster festival on Wednesday evening at Creamery Park and continued their good form of festival 1.

In what were slippery and wet conditions the team played some very good football. With Murray and Charlie defending excellently and Jack and Callum showing good touches in midfield. Balbardie managed two victories and two narrow losses which leaves them near the top of the table going into festival 3 in March. Again a big thank you to all the players for their continued dedication to training and in games which is starting to show, and to Mr Drysdale who has been a massive help to having school football at Balbardie.

Balbardie vs Boghall: W – 2-0

Balbardie vs St Mary’s: L 0-1

Simpson vs Balbardie: W 3-1

Windyknowe vs Balbardie: L 1-0

Balbardie Shoots and Scores – first interschool netball tournament!

The P7 children took to the court for the first time this season against tough opposition from Boghall, Simpsons and St Mary’s. Despite their relative inexperience, the children all played really well with Rowan and Naomi finding the net with ease and Lewis and Jennie providing excellent feeding into the circle. Katie, Emma and Lucie defended valiantly against (often) enormous opposition and fought hard for every ball, especially rebounds. We came third overall but will be back for more in February, with increased awareness of the rules and how the game is played.
Any additional players are welcome to attend training on a Wednesday evening from 3.30 – 4.30. Please see Mr Cunnigham for a letter if Mrs Collings isn’t in school.