Category Archives: Whole School News

A Short Week in Class Star

Hi Everyone!

It has been a short week in school this week but we have done lots of things!

We were learning about:

  • apostrophes and the correct to use them
  • fractions including wholes, halves, thirds, quarters, fifths all the way up to tenths
  • symmetrical patterns and painted symmetrical Olympic pictures
  • being a Word Worm which involved dictionary and thesaurus skills

We are looking forward to our assembly in two weeks time on world Book day!

Have a lovely weekend!

Class Star

Short Week Round Up

Hello again!

We thought we’d share some photos from our short week at school this week. We hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend.

Here are a few favourite things we have been using our smartboard for:


We are becoming confident in skip counting in multiples of 10 and sequencing these numbers – we aren’t caught out by a sneaky 5!

Mrs Spence has been talking to us about teamwork. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More. Team work makes the dream work. There’s no I in team. We are thinking about how we can work as a class team to help one another out more. When do you work as a team outside of school?

We have a new castle area to make Cozy Corner a great space to cozy quietly, read a book and relax. Here’s how it looks.

P4 Multi Sports

Free Multi-Sports Club


Dear Parent/Carer,


To all attending the free Multi-Sports sessions at Balbardie Primary School for P4. I am writing to inform you of changes to the dates due to coach availability.  The classes will still start straight after school at 3:25pm and will finish at 4:25pm and all sessions will take place in the gym hall at Balbardie.  


However, these classes will now take place on a Thursday not a Tuesday. This means the remaining P4 dates are below:

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Thursday 1st March 2018

Thursday 8th March 2018

Thursday 15th March 2018

Thursday 22nd March 2018.


Please remember pupils should get changed into appropriate PE kit and soft shoes must be worn during the session.


If there are any issues with this alteration can you please let me know as soon as possible.



Thank you for your support


Mr Cunningham


This week we used our knowledge of foods we order every day to say what we liked or disliked, in French.

In maths, we have been learning different strategies to help us to subtract. and have been practising our times tables facts.

In our topic, we learned about the River Nile and why it was important to the Ancient Egyptians and why it is still important today. We also looked at what life was like for Ancient Egyptians and how it is similar or different to ours.

We have been learning how to ask questions about what we are reading. We had to remember to only ask questions that could be answered by watching, looking at or reading the information given.

Enjoy your long weekend.

P2A Highlights

Emily, Jude and Ada: I enjoyed maths.

Jack: I enjoyed going to Mrs Mansfield’s class to practise our songs.

Megan and James: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed the shop game.

Ethan, Holly, River, Aileigh and Ellis: I enjoyed the disco.

Aaron: I enjoyed it when we got the book ‘Warming up’.

Carley: I enjoyed it when we tasted all of the different fruits because one of my favourites was the mango.

Alex: I enjoyed becoming a bronze champion.

Max: I liked playtime and lunch time.

Olivia: I enjoyed becoming a silver champion.

Have a great holiday everyone.


P2A Highlights

Emily, Jude and Ada: I enjoyed maths.

Jack: I enjoyed going to Mrs Mansfield’s class to practise our songs.

Megan and James: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed the shop game.

Ethan, Holly, River, Aileigh and Ellis: I enjoyed the disco.

Aaron: I enjoyed it when we got the book ‘Warming up’.

Carley: I enjoyed it when we tasted all of the different fruits because one of my favourites was the mango.

Alex: I enjoyed becoming a bronze champion.

Max: I liked playtime and lunch time.

Olivia: I enjoyed becoming a silver champion.

Have a great holiday everyone.



This week highlights in P3c.


Jess: I liked doing maths and measuring

Grace: I enjoyed measuring the table

Sophie M: I enjoyed playing hit the button with the 5 times table

Brandon: I liked doing centimeters

Lily: I enjoyed measuring the smart board

Isla: I liked doing length

Lacey: I enjoyed measuring the table



Eden: I liked writing about my superhero

Luis: I liked writing about superheroes

Sophie A: I liked writing about my superhero

Brandon: I liked drawing the ingredients for the superheroes abilities

Jess: I enjoyed writing about my superhero

Harris: I liked writing about my superhero and his ability was to hover.


Archie: I liked uncovering the jewels from ancient Egypt

Nina: I liked digging up from the Valley of the Kings

Lily: I liked digging in the sand in the Valley of the Kings looking for treasures from Egypt.


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table

Star Writer – Sophie Smith

P2 Performance of Skellybones – Costume information

As stated in last week’s letter, please see information below regarding costumes for the P2 show on the 9th of March.  A letter has now been issued with ticket information (this can also be found on the school blog under Whole School News)

“Dear Primary 2 Parent,


Primary 2 – ‘Skellybones’ Performance


As you know, your child is taking part in this year’s P2 show – ‘Skellybones’ on Friday 9th March.  For this show, all children will be required to bring in a costume. Can all parents please send the following items into school by 1st March.


Plain black t-shirt, Black trousers/leggings, black plim-soles/black trainers


Please ensure all your child’s items are clearly labelled in a carrier bag. A letter will be issued regarding tickets closer to the date.


Many thanks,

The Primary 2 Team”

P2 performance of Skellybones – Ticket Information

A letter has been issued to all P2 children today about tickets for the P2 show. This has been copied below for your information.

Can all tear off slips please be returned to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible so we are able to make arrangements. If there are any issues, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for all your support!


“Dear Parent/Carer,


Skellybones ~ Friday 9th March


The children of Primary 2 will be performing Skellybones, a short musical, on the above date.   The parents of the children in P2a are invited to the performance at 9.30 a.m. and the parents of the children in P2b are invited to the performance at 11.15 a.m.  Parents of P2/1 children will have the option to attend either performance.  If there are any problems with this please speak directly to your child’s class teacher (or pop a note in your child’s school bag).


Each child is allocated 3 seats, one of which is a seat for your child’s ‘special person’.


Please complete and return the tear-off slip below by Monday 26th February directly to your child’s class teacher.




Miss McKinnon, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Mansfield and Mrs. Harrison



Skellybones Performance


Name of pupil _________________________________________ Class __________


Number of seats required (maximum of 3)


Name of Special Person and relationship (eg. Nana)



Signature of Parent/Carer



Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 5.2.18

WOW!!!!!!!!  This has been an incredible week for P2/1 with lots of exciting learning opportunities.

On Tuesday we welcomed Tracey from Tesco who taught us about where fruit and vegetables come from, how cheese and bread are made and…we even got to do a taste test with lots of different fruit, vegetables, cheese and bread!  It was very yummy!!

On Thursday it was our class assembly and we were all SUPERSTARS!!  We helped the rest of the school to learn about the 4 seasons and sang lots of super songs with amazing actions!!  We loved dressing up and getting to perform in front of the whole school.  We are definitely becoming more confident and can’t wait for the next time we get to perform!


Here are our best bits of the week:

Cameron – “I liked our assembly because I liked learning the songs.  I liked finding out the story behind the song and challenged myself to learn all the words”

Rio – “I liked making the decorations for our assembly.  I got to create the poster for autumn and liked sticking on all the leaves we had made”

Teigan – “Assembly was my best bit because I liked singing the songs”

Aaron – “I liked singing the songs in assembly because they were good fun”

Aiden – “I liked the assembly because I got to perform and do lots of other things.  I thought I was really good at it!”

Griffin – “My costume was really cool for the assembly!  I got to get changed in class and wore my sunglasses”

Regan – “I made the sunglasses for the summer poster.  I did it all by myself and it was tricky”

Leah – “I liked practising my lines and the songs.  We added actions to the songs and I said my line really well”

Poppy D – “I liked when we were getting dressed for the assembly.  It was so funny because my mum gave me my brother’s trousers – they didn’t fit! I also liked the posters we made to show everybody the 4 seasons”

Lucy – “I liked the singalong on Friday because my brother and his friend got a certificate”

Millie – “I enjoyed the assembly because I had 4 lines to say.  I liked the singing and the dancing because I thought it was really, really fun”

Daniel – “I liked getting changed for assembly because I liked wearing sunglasses.  I looked really cool”

Leila – “This week I have liked our assembly because I think I did my line really well and my daddy came to see me”

Mason – “I really liked practising my assembly words in Cosy Corner with Rio.  In the assembly I held a magnifying glass and my mummy liked it”

Emily – “I liked dressing up for the assembly because it was really funny when Poppy tried to put her little brother’s trousers on”

Poppy F – “I liked when Tracey came in and we learned about Farm to Fork.  We learned lots about food”

Brooke – “I liked assembly because of the songs.  I enjoyed doing the actions”

Breaghannon – “My assembly was good because I said my words really well”

Rory – “I liked doing the assembly.  My words were the best bit”


We are very excited to have a long weekend this weekend.  We won’t be back in school until WEDNESDAY!!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – A separate letter has been issued to P2 children about the performance of Skellybones, this information will also be posted on the blog.  Please return the tear-off slip directly to your class teacher as soon as possible.  Thank you!)


Tesco Visit 1a 7.2.18

We welcomed Tracey from Tesco to our class today. She brought lots of interesting things with her in her shopping bags! We had this to say about it:

Jess – I enjoyed eating everything on my plate.

Daisy – I like tasting the cucumber and the ripe fruit.

Lois – I cheese best.

Georgia and Robyn – I liked the plums.

Logan – Grapes were my favourite.


Luke M and Bailey – I love grapes.

Hollie, Devyn, Willow and Michelle – I liked tasting cucumber the most.

William – Smoked cheese was yum, yum, yum!

Ruaridh – I liked the carrots.

Anna – I liked tasting the pineapple.

We loved our visit and this has helped us to learn more about where our food comes from, from farm to fork!

Primary 2/1 Assembly


I have been made aware that not all parents know about the arrangements for the class assembly taking place tomorrow (Thursday 8th February).

For those that haven’t seen the note in homework or the letter sent home, I apologise for the lateness of this information and have copied the letter below.  The children are really looking forward to sharing their learning with you all!


“Dear Primary 2/1 Parent,


The children have been very hard at work preparing for our class assembly on Thursday 8th February.  This will take place in the Gym Hall at 2.30, with parents invited from 2.15pm.  For this event, parents are asked to provide costumes (chosen by the children).  Could these please be labelled and sent to school in a carrier bag by Wednesday 7th of February (at the very latest) – I will be able to store these in class if you wish to send them in prior to this date.


The costumes required are as follows:



Dark coloured t-shirt (brown, black, orange, dark green), jeans and trainers.



Jumper (any colour or pattern), jeans, trainers, hat, scarf.



Flowery t shirt/shirt, jeans, trainers.



Shorts/Skirt, t-shirt, trainers/sandals, sunglasses.


Season Spy:

White shirt, black trousers, black shoes –  (I will provide a lab coat)


Thank you for your support with this and for continuing to practice assembly lines at home, it is very much appreciated.  The children are all very excited to share their learning with their families.



Best wishes,

Mrs Mansfield”


I look forward to seeing as many as possible tomorrow!


Mrs Mansfield

1a’s Week

We have been making ‘oo’ words this week. It’s a spook in Vowel House who makes this sound. We decided to make our words look interesting. Can you see how we tried to do this?

On Thursday last week, we braved the cold and went outside for some PE games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf. It was great, but chilly, fun!


In maths and number work we’ve been using number fans, cubes and bone self-check sums. We are doing some great counting and adding at the moment. We can show you our bunny ears.



This week we have been busy learning about subtraction. We have also been learning our times tables to help us with Big Maths Beat That. In topic maths, we have been learning about weight and how and why it is used in life. We have learned about kilograms (Kg) and grams (g). We made shortbread weighing our ingredients in grams but used Kg to weigh heavier things like stones, books or sand.

In writing we are learning to write a story and how to develop it to make it more interesting. We have to remember to use everything we have learned in grammar!

We have started our new topic about the Ancient Egyptians. We researched the jobs that Ancient Egyptians had. We learned how to use fact books to help us do this.

Enjoy your weekend!

P2A Highlights

Olivia and Ada: I enjoyed learning about our five senses.

Mac and Megan: I liked doing topic.

River and Amber: I enjoyed the assembly about the Vikings.

Carley: I enjoyed talking with Aaron because he was lots of fun.

Jude, Ethan, Aileigh and Emily: I enjoyed smelling the different paints.

Max and Holly: I enjoyed golden time.

Aaron: I enjoyed reading.

Jack and Oliver: I enjoyed the smelling paint challenge.

Mia: I enjoyed maths.

Ellis and James: I enjoyed smelling with my nose.

Alex: I liked reading my reading book because it’s about saving animals.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.




Class Moon

Class moon have begun working on subtraction in maths, we are sequencing stories in language and they have all been enjoying balancing and jumping games in PE. In our Dr Who topic we are looking at Ancient Rome, how people lived when they were in the Roman army, what Gods they worshiped,  and making some Roman statuettes.

Well done to Elliot and Gabriel for participating in the school Scots poetry competition.

You can’t forget about the Vikings!

On Thursday 1st February it was our class assembly. The children had worked very hard to learn their lines and some very tricky songs to share their learning about the Vikings. We hope that you all enjoyed it!
Charlotte – It was great to share our Learning across the curriculum work with the school.
Eva – I enjoyed our assembly because I liked the song ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Olivia – I enjoyed the class assembly because we all got to dress up and have our pictures taken beforehand.
Ellie-Rose – I liked dressing up.
Noami – My favourite song was the dragon ships song.
Kaycee – I liked the assembly and my favourite song was the song about the Viking women.
Alfie L – I liked the assembly. They were really hard lines to learn but I knew them.
Rory – I enjoyed doing my part of the assembly.
Alfie B – I liked the dragon ships song.
Kyle – I liked doing the dragon ships song.
Max – I liked the celebration after the assembly.
Owen – I enjoyed the last song ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings!’
Liam – I enjoyed doing the dragon ships song.
Jay – I liked it when I had to say my words.
Shaun – My favourite song was ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Jamie – I liked the songs in the assembly.
Dylan – I liked saying my words
Ellie – I enjoyed when I spoke in the assembly.
Holly- I enjoyed saying my lines.
Annie- I enjoyed ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Ruby- I liked the bit when the Vikings said ‘you can’t forget about us’
Brooke – I enjoyed singing ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Florence – I liked ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Brandon – I enjoyed saying my lines.
Jackie – I thought that it was really fun and that everyone did really well.
Bryce – I liked everything.
Alistair – I liked the songs.

:Learning Partners of the week – Holly and Liam
Supportive friends for January – Dylan, Rory and Owen

Special commendation to Florence for her excellent dance exam results!

Table of the week – green with 450 points

P2b Highlights!

This week we have been learning lots of fun and exciting things!

Zara- For science we did an experiment with our learning partners all about our sense of touch.  We used paperclips to press against their skin to see what it felt like.

Josh- In science we did an experiment using our sense of smell too! We painted pictures and had to guess the smell of each colour.  There was mint, lemon, chocolate and orange.

Caitlin- I enjoyed art with Mrs Thomson.

Gracie- I enjoyed Golden time playing with my friends and Sweetie.

Hamish- I enjoyed writing our review jotters all about science.

Ava- I enjoyed drawing my picture in art.

Maksim- I enjoyed Golden time because me and my friend played with my Hatchimal.

Evie- I enjoyed our show practice because I’m Miss Skellybones!

Marcus- I enjoyed milk and a story because we had really good story choices this week!

Max- I enjoyed golden time.

Lily- I enjoyed taking away bigger numbers in maths using numicon.


Other news

Dojo winner- Jacob and Max

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Star of the week- Zara.





This week’s highlights from P3C.


Grace, Nina & Jess: I enjoyed making arrays with cheerios

Harris: I enjoyed doing arrays in my maths jotter

Isla: I learned that an array can help us with multiplication



Eden: I liked writing my recipe for shortbread

Lily: I liked doing spelling this week. I liked that y can make the sound I (eye)

Brandon: I liked making shortbread and then writing the recipe for it

Isla: I liked reading my book called Time Runners

Jess: I enjoyed my recipe about how to make shortbread

Grace: I enjoyed reading chapter for of Jenius



Max: I enjoyed cooking

Emily: I enjoyed doing PE

Archie: I enjoyed making shortbread

Harris: I enjoyed doing the last day of Multi Sports

Isla: I liked when we made breadcrumbs in our shortbread recipe because it felt good

Luis: I liked making shortbread

Lily: I liked 4b’s assembly

Marley: I liked Multi Sports


Well done this week P3c, super work all week!


Mr. C

Marbles Champion – Intelligent Table

Star Writer(s)- Eden & Lily