Category Archives: Whole School News


What an exciting week! We had part of Mr. Cunningham’s class join us for the week as he went with the P7’s to Oban. We learned about topic, writing and grammar together and for maths continued with what we were already doing in our class.

This week, we have been very busy learning about the Human Skeleton. Humans have an endoskeleton because it is found in the body. We learned about the names of the different bones, their function, purpose and some facts. We also learned to keep our body strong and healthy, by drinking lots of milk, eating cheese and eating yoghurt because they contain calcium which makes our bones strong. We should also do lots of exercises to keep us fit.

In maths, we have been learning the 3 & 4 times table. In topic maths, we were learning to recognise money and add money. Mr Cunniinghams’ class was learning about telling the time.

In writing, we were writing a story about being shipwrecked. We were trying to use similes and adjectives. to make it more interesting.

Have a great weekend!


What a great week it has been in P2b.  We have been learning lots of exciting things!


We have been writing another story this week all about a magic hat.  We have written the beginning and middle so far and can’t wait to finish it next week.  We are getting really good at planning too!

We enjoyed learning all about Onomatopoeia and we know that we use this to describe sounds or feelings.  For example, we would describe a horse galloping as ‘trip, trop’ or strong winds as ‘whoosh’.  We can’t wait to use this in our writing next week!

We are using the literacy box lots now and we are really enjoying it.

Maths and Numeracy

Some of our groups are getting really good at their 2 times tables and enjoy using the cubes to help them find ‘groups of’ numbers. Other groups have been working on their 5 times table and managed to build a house from working out tricky sums.

We have started learning about length in measure and we worked out if objects were bigger or smaller, shorter or longer than our pencil.  We also sorted ourselves into a line from the shortest person to the tallest person- have a look…


Learning Across the Curriculum

In our topic of Africa we were learning more about animals.  We learned about different parts of their bodies and managed to stick the correct words to the correct body part.

We also learned how to look after animals and we focused this on a pet dog and spoke about what we need before we get a dog and how to look after them once we have them.


Other news

Table of the week – Terrific Tigers

Dojo winner- Ava

Star of the week and playground Star- Marcus

Maksim also won a book for designing a great book mark for World Book Day.



We hope you all have a great weekend!




P2A Highlights

We have had a very busy week this week. We had our first Xcite session and also our first Djembe drum lesson. We all really enjoyed both experiences!

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Carley: I enjoyed the singing assembly because we sang very good songs.

Max: I liked golden time because Aaron shared his toy with me.

Holly: I enjoyed reading because it was fun.

Ellis: I enjoyed golden time because I got to play with my friends.

Jude: I enjoyed golden time because it was nice to play with Aaron, Max and Jack.

Alex: I enjoyed golden time because I shared my meerkat and Sonic with Aaron and Jude.

Jack: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about Africa.

Aileigh: I enjoyed reading because I like reading with a partner.

Amber: I enjoyed topic because we used an atlas and learned where Africa is on a map.

Ada: I enjoyed Big Writing because I love writing stories especially the middle part, it’s the most interesting part.

James: I enjoyed playing with Jack during golden time.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Aaron: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book Hansel and Gretel and it is a beautiful book.

Apologies for the late posting of this blog. We have had some technical difficulties.



Coming to the end of our NYCoS journey……..

This week was our penultimate NYCoS . We have had a block of 12 sessions, teaching us about rhythm, beats, pulse and pitch. We have learnt hand signs for three different pitches and played a lot of fun games to help us learn more.
In rhythm we learnt to clap our names – Olivia
We learnt signs for the songs – mi, so and la – Eva
We learnt loads of songs and clapped the rhythm of the songs using ta and te-te – Rory
We learnt about the beat of the music – Orla
We learnt loads of new songs – about 10 which helped us with our understanding of music – Charlotte
On Thursday 26th, parents and carers are invited to our final session to see what we have been learning about. Please do join us at 11.40 if you are able.
Also a reminder that the children are having their swimming assessment on Wednesday and they will need to bring costumes, towels and £1 for the locker.
Table of the week – yellow with an amazing 1070 points!
Learning partners of the week – Liam and Kaycee
Apologies for the late posting of this blog. Technical difficulties!


What a busy week we have had! We have lots of learning to share with you…


Emma- I enjoyed maths, art and outdoor p.e.

Ava- I enjoyed drumming because we learned some songs.

Josh- I enjoyed learning more about Africa because I think its cool.

Zara- I enjoyed drumming because we got to play instruments from Africa.

Hamish- I enjoyed doing the 5 times table.

Jacob- I enjoyed writing about our ‘Be Cool in School’ in our review jotter.

Reiss- I enjoyed going to number gym homework club because I practiced my times tables.

Maksim- I enjoyed maths because we learned the 5 times table.


Other news

Dojo winner- Ava

Star of the week- Rose

Playground star- Gracie

Table of the week- Tigers.

Welcome back!

It’s been a busy week back at school after a lovely holiday.
With Mrs Mackenzie, we learned about the Activator family and the Dolittle family. The Dolittle family play video games and watch TV whilst the Activator family go outside, play football, swim, garden and eat healthily.
We have started a ‘Reading Rave’ on a Monday afternoon. We can write stories, choose books to share from home and enjoy reading! We can also use the Ipads for Literacy games. We love it!
We learned how to skip count when dividing.
In Maths, we made a human graph, then a pictogram and then a block graph to show what size feet the children in P4 have. Our class have a bigger range than P4a from size 11 to size 4.5 whilst P4a’s feet are mostly in the middle of the range!
We are looking forward to a busy term and hopefully some better weather!
A reminder that we need Review Jotters back in as soon as possible please.
Learning partners of the week – Annie and Ellie-Rose.
Table of the week – yellow with 440 points!


It is our first week back after the Easter holidays and it has been super busy! Here are some of the things we have been learning about…

Caitlin- I have enjoyed learning about our new topic Africa.

Hamish- I enjoyed revising the 2 times table and I am getting super quick at it now.

Emma- I have enjoyed learning about Africa and Golden Time.

Zara- I enjoyed playing the iPads at golden time.

Taylor- I enjoyed learning about Africa and Golden Time.

Evie- I enjoyed learning about what Africa is like and how some areas are poorer than others.

Ava- I enjoyed looking and finding our about Africa by looking at the map of the world.

Lily- I enjoyed exploring different parts of Africa via google earth.

Rose- I enjoyed singing and dancing to help learn my two times table.

Other news

Dojo winner- Caitlin.

Table of the week- Elephants.

Josh had a bake off against his mum and he won by baking a delicious jam sponge with butter icing!

We are looking forward to learning more about Africa next week!


Welcome back, Everyone!

This term we have started off with revising our times’ tables and have begun to understand how multiplication links to division. We have also started learning about the different coins we have in our monetary system.

In topic, we have been learning about different habitats and how they affect the types of animals living there.

In French, we are learning to listen to and follow instructions by playing the French version of Simon Says. Our favourite phrase is go to the toilet!

We learned about similes and then made up our own similes to write a poem about our pet or favourite animal.

Enjoy your weekend!

Primary 2/1 – School Trip


It has been drawn to my attention that there was a typing mistake on the letter issued from the office about our class trip.

This note is just to clarify that all children in P2/1 will be attending the trip to Botanic Gardens.

Can all permission letters please be returned along with the payment of £8, which covers bus costs and entry to the Botanics.

Please note that a packed lunch will be required on the day.

If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.



Mrs Mansfield


This week has been very busy!

We finished our topic about the Ancient Egyptians and learned about the Egyptian seasons, their calendar and why it was based on the flooding of the River Nile, the hierarchy system and also who Moses was and what happened to him and his people. We learned how the events leading up to Easter Sunday and ‘Passover’ are linked to the events at this time in history. We made our own Palm leaves in remembrance of Palm Sunday.

In maths, we have continued looking at multiplication and are now beginning linking it to division. We learned more about the area of things as well.

This week we also had a special visit from a book author who told us about the book he had written, we had Dress down/dress up day and also our last session with Relax Kids.

Congratulations to Dionne for winning the Cheer Leading Competition!

Here are some pictures:

Enjoy the Easter holidays!

Happy Easter everyone!

Here are some of our highlights from the week.

Holly and Megan: I enjoyed going to church because I liked the songs.

Jack and Amber: I enjoyed the Easter service because it was fun.

James, Aileigh and Emily: I enjoyed reading.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Ellis: I enjoyed going to church.

Alex and Aaron: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about a beach.

Max: I liked the assembly because I like reading.

Carley: I enjoyed learning about half past times.

Mia: I enjoyed going to Number Gym Club.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday.



Here is our blog for this week to show what we have been learning.  We hope you all have a fantastic Easter break!

In science we did an investigation using food colouring (blue and red) to see what happened when they were mixed.  Look at the beautiful colours it created!


We made silly sentences using the connective ‘but’.



For International Happiness Day we discussed and wrote about what made us happy, what we looked like when we were happy and made happiness cards for someone we care about.


Here are some of our wonderful costumes for World Book Day!

Mrs Palmer & P2b 🙂

Primary 2/1, t-shirt note

Today p2/1 we all had an amazing time wearing t-shirts that we had designed for International Happiness Day.

This is a note to all parents to say – please don’t put these t-shirts straight into the wash! These designs haven’t been sealed and therefore will fade away if washed. To seal the design, place a sheet of paper over the top of the t-shirt and then press down with a hot iron.

Thank you!


Mrs Mansfield



We are sorry we didn’t get round to posting our blog on Friday but our classroom was being painted so we didn’t have much time to write it.


So here are some of the things we learned last week…



We revised some of our number work including place value and ordering 2 digit and 3 digit numbers. We also played some games to help us with this.


We have been continuing to work on our handwriting and focusing on sitting our letters on the line. We did our reading in our reading groups and carried out tasks to support our understanding of reading.

We also had shared start last Tuesday where we showed our mums, dads and carers what we do in VCOP.  We had different challenge cards and had to follow the instructions to carry out the task.  This was fun as these challenge us!

In writing we wrote our ending to our stories which was very exciting.  We will rewrite these to make into our very own story booklet.


We were learning all about the Easter story and in groups we had to sequence the story in order- this was really fun!


This week is our last week and there are lots planned from the Bronze event, church service and end of term activiites in class.


Table of the week- Tigers

Dojo winner- Lily

Viking Experts

As we approach the end of a very busy term, we have been thinking about all the things we have learnt. Our big topic this term has been the Vikings and we are now Viking experts!
These are our highlights:
Rory – I didn’t know that longhouses only had one room and that the animals slept in the house with the people!
Liam – I didn’t know that when the rich Vikings died they were put on a boat and set out to sail to Valhalla.
Aaron – I didn’t know that when Vikings died they were buried with their weapons.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed learning about the Viking boats.
Holly – I enjoyed learning about Viking longhouses; that some had turf rooves and some had stone.
Alfie L – I didn’t know what longhouses were made of like stone and grass for the roof.
Bryce – I liked learning about the Vikings and their longboats
Kyle – I liked learning about Viking Gods.
Charlotte – I didn’t know that the 30 days of Happiness existed and I like doing the things for it. So far, I’ve enjoyed making someone smile!
Alistair – I learnt that the Viking warrior had to honour his lord or king and was expected to battle at any moment.
Jay – I didn’t know that the Vikings invaded Scotland.
Brandon – I liked learning about the Viking boats and I didn’t know that the Viking boats were red and white.
Jamie – I liked doing division in maths.
Owen – I enjoyed learning about coordinates and how to find marks on a grid.
Lewis – I didn’t know much about longships but now I know a lot!
Brooke – I liked writing about when the Vikings died.
Max – I liked learning about dividing.
Kaycee – I liked learning in NYCoS about So and Mi.
Jackie – I liked doing my class talk because it helped me to get more knowledge about Viking gods.
Ellie – I liked watching the class talks.
Orla – I liked learning about the 30 days of happiness.
Ruby – I enjoyed doing my class talk because it was really fun.
Dylan – I liked learning about the Viking weapons.
Eva – I liked Alistair’s Viking talk about the Vikings.
Olivia – I liked learning about Odin because I never knew that he drank water from the fountain of wisdom and that he had to sacrifice an eye to do so.
Florence – I liked learning about the Viking Gods.
Noami – I liked learning about the Viking deaths.
Alfie B – I liked learning about area.
Annie – I liked learning about area and how we measure it in cm2.
Shaun – I enjoyed learning about the 30 days of happiness because I liked the smile challenge.
Our learning partners of the week are Ruby-Anne and Charlotte. Well done, girls!


This week we learned about area. We learned that area is the space that something takes up. We put what we have been learning in the last few weeks to build pyramids from sugar cubes. We measured the completed pyramids in cm and worked out the area of the base.

In topic, we were learning about pyramids. we designed our own pyramids with a burial chamber, passageways and traps to stop the robbers. We learned about the most famous Pharaoh – Tutankhamun and how his tomb was discovered.

Some of us have had a chance to talk about our shadouf and its purpose. We are recording a presentation which we will be able to share soon.

On Wednesday we had our shared start. We have been learning about VCOP and our focus was how to use speech marks. It is quite tricky!

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the pictures from our shared start and our sugar pyramids!


We have had another busy week in P4a. Here are our highlights:

Shelbi: I enjoyed writing a mini saga about the Vikings.
Maisie: I enjoyed the vocabulary table at shared start.
Erin: I enjoyed sharing my learning with my mum during the shared start morning.
Kai: I enjoyed writing the mini saga.
Mia: I enjoyed shared start at the openers table.
Ruby: I used play dough to spell my words.
Donna: I enjoyed doing my self-portrait in art.
Blaire: I enjoyed writing the mini saga. I liked the challenge of writing a story in 50 words.
Lily: I liked dong the mini saga.
Tamsyn: I enjoyed writing the mini saga. Mine was about a battle between the Vikings and the monks.
Luke: I enjoyed doing fractions. I liked figuring out what everything meant.
Amiie-Leigh: I liked writing the mini saga and I found it really hard to write it in 50 words.
Lucas He: I liked doing fractions.
Rory: I enjoyed doing fractions.
Farrah: I enjoyed number gym homework club and I did the 8, 11 and 12 times tables.
Katie: I enjoyed doing a self-portrait because I got to decorate the helmet.
Zara: I liked doing the self-portrait in art and decorating the helmet.
Ellis: I enjoyed writing my mini saga.
Brooke: I liked art and the mini saga.
Evan: I enjoyed writing my mini saga.
Ross: I enjoyed starting our learning about fractions.
Murray: I enjoyed writing the mini saga.
Cameron: I enjoyed writing the mini saga.
Arran: I enjoyed futsal. We had a tournament.
Callum: I enjoyed futsal. My team won!
Niamh: I liked doing the self-portraits in art.
Lucas: I liked futsal.


This week’s highlights:


Eden, Nina, Sophie M and Jess: I liked learning about area

Harris, Sophie S, Max and Lacey: I liked learning area is measured in cm2

Archie: I liked doing area and perimeter

Emily: I liked doing the perimeter


Nina: I liked doing our superhero comics

Grace: I enjoyed writing about Thunder Girl in a comic

Lily: I enjoyed doing excuses during the shared start

Sophie M: I liked writing about my superhero

Jess: I liked Kung Fu during VCOP shared start

Emily: I loved doing our comics for superheroes

Max: I liked doing the Kung Fu moves

Sophie S: I enjoyed doing our superheroes in comics



Everybody: LOVED MUMMIFYING APPLES! Lily was not keen to be mummified 🙁

Sophie A: I enjoyed showing my Mum and Dad all my work on SeeSaw


Well done for all your hard work!


Mr. C


Marbles Champions – Rainbow Table





P2A Weekly Highlights

Jack, Aileigh, Aaron, Jude and Olivia: I enjoyed learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns.

Amber: I enjoyed maths.

Ethan and River: I enjoyed writing.

Holly: I enjoyed big writing because it was about a haunted house and it was fun.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Ada and Emily: I enjoyed learning about our sense of sight.

Mia and Ellis: I enjoyed working with the bee bots.

Alex and Max: I enjoyed our shared start.

Carley: I enjoyed watching our Skellybones performance.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.