Category Archives: Class

Primary 5b’s week

What a busy week we have had. Here are our comments:

Holly- I enjoyed playing tennis with Ruby

Lewis- I enjoyed coming back to school

Shaun- Tennis is great fun. I was partner’s with Aaran

Max-I enjoyed being outside on Wednesday when we read in the garden. it was so hot!

Rory- I enjoyed Science with Mrs Rodger. We were building electrical circuits

Brandon- I liked tennis yesterday

Liam-I liked tennis with Alfie yesterday.Mrs Aitken noticed we were good at passing to each other.

Florence- I enjoyed building electrical circuits in Science

Alfie- I liked being outside on Wednesday because we sat in the garden reading our library books

Eva- I was playing tennis with Annie.We were good partners

Annie,Alistair,Ruby- We enjoyed playing monster ball at PE with Mr Jeffries

Orla,Olivia- We enjoyed Port and Starboard after tennis yesterday

Jay- I liked playing tennis, my partner was Jamie

Jamie- I liked tennis with Jay. Mrs Aitken noticed we were a good team

Bryce- Dylan and I were good tennis players. Mrs Aitken noticed we played long shots

Dylan- My partner in tennis was Bryce. We played well. We were a good team

Kaycee- In the garden was fun we were reading our library books but a spider climbed on my leg

Charlotte-Tennis with Kaycee was fun.We worked well together

Kyle- I enjoyed going to the farm but I got soaked

Jackie-It wasn’t my best week

Ellie- I enjoyed tennis with Ellie Rose

Aaron- Outdoor PE was fun this week

Alfie- Outdoor PE was great.I played well with my partner

Ellie Rose- Playing tennis was great again. I am getting better at passing to my partner

Owen-I liked Science with Mrs Rodger.It was electrical circuits

Aaran- Tennis with Shaun was fun. We played well together


Liam, Orla, Aaron and Florence-well done !

Please remember to return slips for Robin Hood and The Legacy Dance group


The Procession is in two weeks on Saturday 1st June -please walk with us if you can 🙂



Primary 5b took part in The Multi Sports Festival

Tuesday was an exciting day for Primary 5b. They were going straight away to the sports Centre to take part in a multi sports festival with Primary 5a, Primary 4a and Primary 4b.

Everyone was dressed sporty and had their packed lunch as the festival did not finish till 2.30pm.

There were 6 different activities ranging from Basketball skills to Dance.

Every group had a leader from SKY and a staff member from Balbardie.

It was a noisy hall that Primary 5b and the other classes joined at 9.30am. The excitement was definitely building.

The team names were- Blues Baboons, Red Cheetahs and Black Panthers.

they had to have a little chant aswell-that was funny !

It was a super day…

Comments ranged from ok, fine, excellent, awesome, magic, amazing, fun, tiring, good, the best and even brilliant…

The best part of the day was one of  the Primary 4 teams won the biggest cup for their TEAM SPIRIT.

They were so excited to win it. Everyone gave them a loud cheer and applause.


Good luck, Brooke in your new school.We’ll miss you.

See you all Wednesday 🙂

Lowport day 2 (P5b)

Today was very busy at Beecraigs all morning with the instructors. In the afternoon we went to Linlithgow Palace to meet the guides from Linlithgow Primary. They took us around telling us lots of interesting facts about life in the palace under King James.

After that we walked to Mac’s the ice cream shop where we all, even Mrs Johns, Mrs Aitken and Miss Carerra had a delicious ice cream. The weather was quite sunny and we walked along the side of the loch to the park for a long play before hurrying back to the centre for tea.

Mr McCabe joined us for tea.

After tea it was the Big Quiz…Charlotte and Florence won with 31/40. Their team was called “Canoe”

We were all sooooo excited about the disco and danced and played games till after 9pm before we ate a light supper and then bed for the last time at Lowport.

Here are our comments:-

Olivia- So far the best bit has been the Forest hunt and ice cream. I got a berry blast one

Kaycee- So far the chips after swimming were great and ice cream…I had cookies and cream in my cone

Liam- There are so many good parts-swimming has been great

Brandon- I really liked The Adventure walk at Beecraigs but looking forward to the disco

Rory- I really enjoyed getting muddy at Beecraigs

Jamie- I loved Orienteering because we were running about looking for the flags and being timed on each course

Jay- My best part was going through the tunnel at Beecraigs

Shaun- My best part was getting my room at Lowport

Holly-  I loved going to Beecraigs with my friends and putting mud on my face

Eva-Visiting Linlithgow Palace was good because I liked learning more about Mary Queen of Scots

Brooke- I enjoyed putting mud on my face at Beecraigs and  swimming with my friends

Florence- My best bit was the disco because we had sweets and dancing. Charlotte and I won the quiz just before the disco. Our group was called “Canoe”

Charlotte- My best part was laughing so much with Florence at all the activities we shared

Owen- It was getting mud all over my face and camouflaging at Beecraigs

Kyle- It was building a den at Beecraigs

Dylan- The best part for me was swimming on Wednesday evening

Alistair- I enjoyed the disco. I won 3 games

Alfie- The best bit was going to Beecraigs, meeting the tutors at Lowport and sharing a room with Dylan and Alistair

Aaron- The best week and a half !

Max- Great fun during the day…Orienteering was great. I liked running about and being timed on each course

Aaran- The best part was going into the adventure part at Beecraigs

Annie- I liked walking through the river at Beecraigs

Ruby- I liked the Orienteering –it was fun. We were first back. I was partner’s with Ellie Rose

Ellie Rose- The best bit was walking in the river at Beecraigs

Orla- I enjoyed the Forest Adventure and going through the tunnels

Breakfast today was cereal, fruit, yogurt, boiled egg and toast

Dinner today was chips, salad and fish fingers followed by ice cream and mixed fruit

We have had so much fun with our friends, teachers and instructors

Thank you to everyone who came along to share in our activities Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs Mansfield, Mrs Leamy, Mr McCabe, Mrs Jamieson and Mrs McClafferty

Thanks Mrs Johns and Miss Carerra too

Good night !

Back to Balbardie Primary tomorrow after a loch walk, games and an early lunch

Lowport day 3(P5a) and Lowport day 1 (P5b)

Well as one group has their last day here another group arrives to have their exciting days and nights!

This morning both groups took part in Environmental Art at the should head over next week and see if their masterpieces are still around the grounds of the Peel…a few Van Gogh’s in the making.

Lunch was back at Lowport centre P5b ate their own packed lunch and P5a enjoyed a sandwich or roll made by the kitchen staff here at Lowport along with a piece of fruit, a chocolate biscuit and a packet of crisps. All washed down with water, juice or milk.

After that Mr Blair, Mrs Cameron, Mrs Macfarlane all headed back to Balbardie with P5a to meet family and share all their experiences.

Lowport was a great success for P5a

Thank you to the staff who helped make all activities during the day or at night a success.

Mrs Laidlaw, Mrs Knowles, Miss Garland, Mr Reid, Mr McCabe, Mrs Leamy, Mrs Spence and Mrs Palmer

And thanks Mr Blair. You were a great asset to the team.

P5b  then put their stuff in their rooms-

Mrs Aitken has her group on the ground floor, Miss Carrera has her group on the first floor and Mrs Johns has her group on the second floor.

After getting changed and having such fun making beds and putting clothes away in cupboards and drawers it was time to meet the instructors, Dave, Ian and Mike to go to the Peel for a busy afternoon of Orienteering.

The children all worked very hard to try and complete all the colour of courses but time ran out and it was tea time… homemade soup and bread followed by mince, potatoes and sweetcorn.

Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Mansfield came for tea and to go to swimming. Mrs Leamy met us at the pool.

A quick return to rooms to collect swimming stuff and a warm jacket. It was a long walk from Lowport centre to the pool at Xcite. All the group had great fun swimming and playing for an hour then it was a quick walk to The Golden Chip for a box of chips…Some had salt, some chose tomato sauce and some had brown sauce…The chips were a great success after the big swim and walk.

Then it was the short walk back to Lowport centre for a quick drink then bed..

Chat from the children:

this is fun

Can’t wait to get to my bed

I like sharing with my friends

The chips were amazing

Looking forward to the Palace tomorrow

Can’t wait to go to Beecraigs in the get really muddy!

All sleeping and so looking forward to tomorrow’s busy schedule.

Good night everyone !


Today we were at Beecraigs enjoying scrambling about and getting muddier by the minute !

Lunch was back at the centre and then in the afternoon we split into our 3 groups

Mrs Aitken’s group set off for ice cream and then a walk around the loch

Miss Carrera’s group started at the centre playing Stop the bus then a walk and ice cream

Finally Mr Blair’s group started with their walk then an ice cream finishing with a game back at the centre

Dinner was:-

Baked potatoes followed by chocolate pudding

A quiz was held just before we got our disco clothes on…

Supper was toast, jam scones and water or juice …we were so hot after all our dancing


It is such fun at Lowport

I’m not ready to go home

Can’t wait to go to bed !

It’s great being with friends

I love getting fruit when I waken up !

Nearly home day 

Day 1 at Lowport with Primary 5a

It’s arrived –Lowport P5a’s week

We arrived at the Lowport centre yesterday. We dropped our bags and then walked to the palace to get a guided walk by school children from Linlithgow Primary…we learned so much.

Afterwards we ate our own lunch outside at The Peel. Weather dry and nice

We then took part in Orienteering with the instructors from Lowport centre. We stayed in our 3 groups..Mrs Aitken, Miss Carerra and Mr Blair… We had lots of fun all around the Peel with our partner finding little flags with different letters on them depending on the colour.

Dinner was early as we were going swimming. Mr Reid, Miss Garland, Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Knowles joined us for dinner.

We had soup and bread then sausages, potatoes and mixed vegetables. The plates were full !

After that we had a long walk along the canal to the swimming pool


Zara- Orienteering with Ammie Leigh was really good fun

Ammie Leigh-Getting a chippie was really nice and it warmed me up after the swimming

Donna- Swimming is great fun and being with all my friends

Luke- Orienteering was really good fun. I was partners with Ross. Mrs Aitken said we were really fast at finding the flags

Ross- I liked Orienteering and I liked learning how to use the map beforehand

Arran- Swimming was really good fun as I was with my friends in the pool

Lucas- Swimming was great as we were all playing on the rafts

Blaire- Swimming was great as I was playing with my friends. We were in the water for ages

Jodie- I really liked searching for the flags on the Orienteering.My partner was Blaire

Erin- I really enjoyed the Orienteering as we were running about looking for the flags. I was partner with Donna. Mrs Aitken said we were quite fast

Gabriel- The best bit was swimming. Everyone was splashing each other

Rory-  I enjoyed Orienteering. My partner was Gabriel. I liked finding the flags. We were good at it!

Niamh- I liked Orienteering. It was fun. I was with Mia

Mia- I really enjoyed the visit to Linlithgow Palace. I liked one of the games that we played. Girls from Linlithgow Primary took us around and shared facts with us

Tamsyn- Orienteering was great I liked searching for the flags around the Peel. My partner was Katie

Katie- Swimming was great. We had fun in the water playing on the float. It sunk as so many of us tried to climb on !

Callum- The best part so far has been Orienteering. It was great fun working as a team. We had to stick together

Murray- I liked using the map and learned more from Dave the instructor

Ellis- I liked working with my best friend at Orienteering and using a map

Lucas- I liked Orienteering as I was running around with Evan, my partner

Evan- Swimming was fun. We played around in the water with the floats

Cameron- Orienteering was fun. We had fun running about and exploring the Peel

Kai- Swimming was good as I had lots of fun with the floats

Shelbi- I liked swimming because I was practising swimming as it wasn’t too deep

Maisie- I liked Orienteering because I got to do it with Shelbi and Lily. I had a turn holding the map. We were running around The Peel looking for the little flags

Lily- I enjoyed the Orienteering because we got lost but we always found our way back, it was tricky looking for the flags

Photos on Twitter or will be uploaded later 

Everyone having such  good time 🙂


Red Nose Day , Artefacts in the afternoon and Victorian Talks-P5b

Busy week in Primary 5b. We have heard more Victorian talks. So interesting. Well done everyone for all your hard work.

We were handling artefacts that Library services brought to school.The clothes were great to pass round.We had to wear white gloves to protect all the old items. The old car horn was really funny to listen too.

Our stories this week were all about  a new life in New Lanark…exciting to read ! Well done.

We have loved Red Nose Day where we dressed down or in red..We put lots of coins into the box for the charity. Many bought the red noses..there were funny designs this year.



Kyle- I enjoyed researching with Eva on the netbook.We researched Sir James Young Simpson

Holly- I enjoyed doing research on the netbook. I did William Morris

Charlotte- I watched some of the Victorian diaries on the netbooks.It was good fun

Dylan- I was researching Charles Darwin with Charlotte on the netbooks. It was really interesting looking for 10 facts about him

Alfie- I was researching Emily Bronte with Ellie. We found interesting facts about her

Owen- I enjoyed researching Florence Nightingale with Ruby. We worked well together

Olivia- My research was on Emmeline Pankhurst. I was researching all about her on my own

Orla- I was researching Alexander Graham Bell. One of my facts was he had 4 children


Ruby,Eva- We enjoyed hearing all about The Victorian artefacts and handling them. We had to wear white gloves

Lewis- I enjoyed listening to the talks about the artefacts. I liked seeing the old clothes and the car horn

Aaran- I enjoyed the talk from the library services team. I liked hearing the old car horn


Jamie- I enjoyed Big Maths. My score was 40/40. I was happy!

Rory- I am in TT1 and my score was 50/72. I was really happy with that score


Ellie Rose-I enjoyed Outdoor PE -my partner was Mrs Aitken then Mrs Leamy

Bryce-I was playing tennis with .It was Alfie who was my partner. We played well together

Max- I enjoyed tennis again this week

Alfie B. – I worked well with Aaron at tennis

Shaun- I loved Outdoor PE this week. My partner was Lewis. We were able to pass to each other for a few passes without dropping the ball

Noami- I enjoyed playing tennis with Owen

Leah- I enjoyed playing tennis with Brooke. We made a good team

Brooke-I was partners with Leah. We played well

Kaycee- I was partners with Charlotte. We played really well

Brandon- My partner was Liam. We played well together

Liam- My partner was Brandon. We can play well together

Ellie-  I enjoyed my tennis partner. We were good at passing to each other

Florence- I enjoyed playing tennis with Annie.We worked well together


Alistair – I enjoyed presenting my talk to the class. I spoke clearly and carefully


Jay-I enjoyed making a little model telephone at the farm today

Well done to the winning table this week

Have a super weekend, everyone !

Well done to everyone on the points for each house this week

Home Learning is due Monday and there will be no Home Learning next week as it is Lowport the following week





Primary 5b visited New Lanark on Wednesday 6th March

We had a busy week. We enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday and eating pancakes. We thought about what we could give up for Lent. We had fun on Book Week too-reading to a friend in class or a family member. We read lots of different things this week and look forward to reading some poems next weeks.

We had an amazing excursion to New Lanark. We loved everything from the arriving and walking down to the village to visiting Robert Owen’s amazing house with all the furniture from the 1800s. The Millworker’s house was tiny in comparison to his house. We loved the Annie McLeod ride learning lots about New Lanark from a child’s point of view. We walked through one of the mills and saw a machine working too.It was very noisy and huge. We tried to imagine children crawling under it when it was working-how scary ! We finished our day walking back up to the car park admiring the Falls of Clyde over the roof tops.


Aaron,Florence, Alistair, Jamie, Noami, Jackie, Brooke,Annie, Eva, Brandon, Kaycee,  Shaun, Holly, Charlotte and Liam-We really enjoyed the Annie Mc Leod ride

Alfie L., Bryce, Dylan – We enjoyed the view as we walked down to the village from the car park. We could see all the mills and the Falls of Clyde

Orla, Olivia- We enjoyed seeing Robert Owen’s writing on his desk in his house

Jay- I liked pancakes  and hot chocolate at the Farm. I made butter too

Ellie- I am looking forward to my birthday on Sunday

Alfie B. – I enjoyed Art this week. We finished off our William Morris art pieces

Aaran – I enjoyed going to New Lanark on Wednesday with the class

Max- I enjoyed going inside the mill and seeing the machine working

Rory- I enjoyed going into the mill workers’ house at New Lanark

Ruby- I enjoyed everything at New Lanark

Kyle- I enjoyed walking down to the village from the car park

Owen- I enjoyed visiting the school











Our week has been busy-P5b

We have worked very hard on our Money in Maths this week. We received a Money pack from the Bank of Scotland Museum. We even got £500 in shredded paper!

We loved going outside on one of the warm days this week. Tennis was such fun in the sun!

Our Victorian work this week was all about Florence Nightingale. We learned so many facts about her -Did you know she was home schooled by her father ?

Here are our comments of different areas of the Curriculum:- 

Jay- I loved getting my certificate for being excellent at the Farm. Miss Holwill  gave it to me

Bryce-Problem solving on Money was great this week

Ellie- This week with Mr Jeffries we were playing Basketball- I liked it

Ruby- I enjoyed having Bryce, Jay and Ellie at my table. Our table is called New Lanark

Brooke- I enjoyed playing tennis with Ellie this week. We had Outdoor PE on Wednesday because the weather was so warm

Lewis- I liked playing tennis this week with Liam-we passed well to each other

Eva-I enjoyed Maths this week especially Problem Solving on Money

Owen,Aaran, Shaun, LiamWe enjoyed preparing for Lowport- we chose our lunches and  partners

Olivia- I enjoyed Big Maths this week

Brandon- I enjoyed going to Nurture with Jay this week.  We had hot chocolate and played Monopoly

Jackie- I enjoyed Problem Solving.  I was with Brandon. The egg  question was so tricky !

Noami-I enjoyed Problem Solving Maths -it was all about Money

Holly- Problem Solving was tricky this week and we had a Money word search as a finisher

Aaron – I enjoyed completing and making a New Lanark word search

Leah- I enjoyed the Egg challenge question in Problem Solving

Jamie- I enjoyed making the New Lanark word search this morning. Leah completed it

Kaycee-I enjoyed choosing my partner for Lowport

Alistair- I enjoyed preparing for Lowport

Max- Problem Solving was fun- I was working with Rory

Kyle, Alfie B, Ellie Rose- We enjoyed PE with Mr Jeffries. It was basketball

Alfie- I enjoyed tennis with Aaron this week-it was lovely and warm outside

Orla-I enjoyed doing the Egg Challenge in Problem Solving with Charlotte

Rory- I enjoyed the Cracking value Egg Challenge with Max

Florence- I got the class certificate for Values today at the Celebration Assembly

Annie-My partner was Ruby for Problem Solving- we are both in the Squares.Mrs Aitken noticed we worked together

Charlotte- I enjoyed making a group dance with Florence, Eva and Holly. We are practising during Golden Time

Dylan- I was partnered with Bryce this week for tennis. We really played well together

Dates to remember-

Monday 4th March -photographer in school

Wednesday 6th March- Our excursion to New Lanark-packed lunch please

Wednesday 6th March- Victorian Challenge due in for Home Learning







Primary 5b’s week was short

We had a short week this week but we managed so much….

We are nearly finished Money work and we are definitely getting faster at Big Maths.

Robert Owen was introduced this week to prepare the class for their visit to New Lanark on Wednesday 6th March-not long now. We learned he moved from Newtown in Wales to take over the mills at New Lanark. His first job when he arrived there was to build a school for the children who lived in New Lanark.

We loved tennis for Outdoor PE. We are improving our passing and working with a partner. It is hard work.

Shaun- I enjoyed Big Maths because I like doing times tables. Mrs Aitken noticed I had the highest score in my group TT1.

Florence, Noami, Aaran, Jamie- We enjoyed learning about Robert Owen and New Lanark

Annie- I enjoyed Outdoor PE because I was playing tennis with Florence

Ruby- I enjoyed playing tennis with Ellie

Kyle- I enjoyed tennis yesterday. My partner was Owen

Alfie B. -I enjoyed tennis yesterday. My partner was Shaun

Ellie- I enjoyed tennis and my partner was Ruby. Mrs Aitken noticed we played well together

Liam- I enjoyed Outdoor PE -my partner was Aaron. We played well together

Bryce- My partner was Brandon.Mrs Aitken noticed we played hard shots to each other

Jay-After returning from the farm I enjoyed playing Netball. Mrs Aitken  allowed me to share my farm fun day aswell

Alfie L- I enjoyed Outdoor PE because we got to play tennis. Mrs Aitken noticed I am quite a good player

Aaron- I enjoyed playing tennis with Liam. I was better than Liam at keepie uppie with the tennis raquet  ( not sure Liam would agree!)

Orla- I enjoyed tennis with Olivia. We were both good at keepie uppie !

Max- I enjoyed playing tennis with Rory. Mrs Aitken noticed we were good at passing back to each other

Holly- Eva and I were tennis partners .We were a good team

Rory- I enjoyed playing tennis outside with Max. We were good at playing together

Alistair- I enjoyed playing tennis. I was lucky my partner was also my best friend !

Owen- I was lucky my partner was Kyle for tennis

Eva- I enjoyed tennis with my partner. It was Holly

Brandon- I enjoyed playing tennis with Bryce. Mrs Aitken noticed we played long shots and tried to return them to each other

Olivia- I enjoyed playing tennis yesterday and I was lucky to have Orla as a partner

Charlotte, Leah- We enjoyed P4s Red Nose Assembly. It prepared us for the day ( 15th March)

Jackie- I enjoyed helping tidy the chairs up after this morning’s Assembly. Mrs Leamy told Mrs Aitken and I got 500 points !

Kaycee- I enjoyed making the food wheel with Mrs Rodger in Health

Dylan- I enjoyed reading my book ” Terror at sea”

New Lanark date Wednesday 6th March-money is due NOW…thank you 

Lowport is coming soon as well…Wednesday 27th-Friday 29th March…that’s exciting 🙂

Victorian challenge is due on Wednesday 6th March…looking forward to seeing them all after that

Have a lovely weekend











Stuart Reid, author came to our school today….Report by P5b

Today we were so lucky as part of our Literacy programme to have Stuart Reid, a children’s author in to talk to the P5-P7 classes. He had all his books with him.

He read a little from all his 7 books. He was very funny and had lots of sound effects and clips to enhance his books.

He told us books are brilliant and we shouted Reading Rocks!!!

Here are our comments from a fun filled hour of Learning about reading:-

Leah- I enjoyed the author-he was so funny

Brandon, Eva- We were chosen to be cheeky chimpanzees. It was funny and we enjoyed it

Jamie-I enjoyed Brandon and Eva being cheeky chimps

Alfie, Brooke- We enjoyed doing the floss at the front when he said “Leprechaun”

Ellie Rose, Owen- We enjoyed when Stuart was doing the booger part and he had slime -it looked like a booger !

Liam, Bryce, Holly, Lewis, Dylan, Olivia, Ellie, Annie- We enjoyed everything about his visit

Kaycee- I enjoyed when Stuart Reid signed my book and Mrs Aitken took our photo

Aaron, Florence – We enjoyed the clip of the monkey falling off the branch of the tree

Jackie- I found it too noisy so I didn’t really enjoy it

Charlotte- I practically enjoyed everything but the pink poo bit was the best

Ruby- I enjoyed the other P5s throwing the sweetie false teeth at him during him reading some of a book

Orla, Kyle, Rory, Alfie- We enjoyed Mr Erskine being in a story.  He had to  pretend to be an elephant

Max- I enjoyed the clip of the little child running about with the cat

Jay- I enjoyed his sound effects especially the giant pump

Aaran – I enjoyed when he said leprechaun and Irish dancing came on the screen -Monkeys were dancing the Irish jig

Alistair- I enjoyed Stuart’s favourite word -it was jobby!!





An excellent week of Learning in P5b

What a busy week of Learning in Primary 5b.

We pretended to be chimney sweeps and made funny pictures using our photo and a sweep shape …We don’t really want to be chimney sweeps from Victorian times !

We have been practising our Times tables daily to build up our speed and accuracy.

We worked so hard on Problem solving using straws to make different sized squares. We had to work it out in our groups.

We were so excited to meet Mrs Harrison again and baby Robbie. He was so lovely. We had made cards to give to Mrs Harrison.

This morning at the Middle and Upper school Assembly we discussed internet safety. We had lots to offer to the discussion. Well done, Primary 5b!

Some of our class were so lucky and went to Glasgow with Mrs Mansfield and listen to different musicians and be introduced to a conductor. It was a very successful visit for the boys and girls of our class.


Rory, Charlotte, Aaron, Alistair, Kaycee- We enjoyed the Assembly this morning. It was about online safety


Jackie- I like Big Maths. We have been trying to beat our times table score every day

Holly, Aaran- We both enjoyed doing Big Maths this week

Leah, Dylan- We have enjoyed Guess the number this week for Big Start.Each day the number has got bigger

Jay- I have enjoyed Practical Maths this week. It has been on Time


Orla, Ellie Rose, Florence, Max- We enjoyed going to Royal Conservatoire Of Scotland with Mrs Mansfield to listen to different musicians


Brooke, Eva, Owen, Ruby, Shaun, Ellie- We loved Mrs Harrison visiting our class with baby Robbie

Olivia-  I enjoyed meeting baby Robbie yesterday

Lewis- I enjoyed making a baby card with Annie for Robbie, Mrs Harrison’s son


Jamie- I was chosen as the class Ambassador and had a meeting with Mr McCabe yesterday afternoon


Brandon- I enjoyed playing tennis with my Learning partner Florence

Liam- I was playing tennis with Owen. He was my Learning partner this week

Kyle- Outdoor PE was fun with my Learning partner, Ellie Rose

Bryce- I was playing tennis with Olivia. We played well together

Annie- Lewis and I were good partners for tennis at Outdoor PE

Alfie L.- I was playing tennis with Brooke, my Learning partner

Noami- My partner for outdoor PE was Jamie. We worked hard together


Happy weekend everyone

Good luck to all tables-who is the winning one this week ?

It was icy with 5380 points !

Congratulations to Jamie Our Learning Ambassador

Valentine’s Disco is Monday 11th February at 7.15pm…tickets from the school office = £1.50 ( a bargain !)

Please remember to hand in forms and money for our excursion to New Lanark. Our date is Wednesday 6th March.



Our new learning across the Curriculum is The Victorians

Our  new LAC is The Victorians. This week we looked at Queen Victoria and her life with Prince Albert. We made fact files about her and we drew her carefully using fine black pens.

We started watching Oliver which is of course set in Victorian Britain. We had to look out for interesting characters and clothes of the time. We also observed the setting  of the time.

We are looking forward to learning about children in Victorian Times especially the workhouse.

Here are our comments:-

Charlotte,Alistair,Liam, Brandon,Brooke,Aaran, Alfie L.- We enjoyed drawing Queen Victoria using black pen

Max,Ellie Rose, Kaycee,Orla,Ruby,Jay,Owen,Shaun,Aaron- We enjoyed watching Oliver! and we had to look at clothes and setting and characters as we were watching

Eva,Rory,Olivia,Jamie,Holly- We enjoyed making the fact file about Queen Victoria

Dylan,Florence,Bryce- We enjoyed learning about Queen Victoria and realising why it was called The Victorian Era

Kyle- I enjoyed drawing Queen Victoria and Mrs Aitken has already put mine on the wall display

Leah,Lewis,Alfie B.- We enjoyed colouring the Victorian designs….It is going on the wall when it is finished

Congratulations to Orla for being the class example of

Fairness, Passion, Trust and Respect.

Well done also to Orla and Brandon for winning a book each for their Scottish recitation-class winners 🙂

Have a super weekend !



Primary 5’s Assembly

Our Assembly was this morning. We have worked hard learning our lines and remembering where we sat in the hall. We were so excited this morning especially seeing everyone with tartan on. It was nerve wracking waiting to enter. We entered with Flower of Scotland playing.

Here are our comments:-

Eva- I enjoyed dancing my Highland fling at our Assembly with Katie.

Alfie B. – I enjoyed presenting in a group with Jamie, Liam and Eva. We spoke about Robert the Bruce.

Brandon-  I enjoyed reciting my poem A dug, A dug by Bill Keys

Annie, Ellie, Aaran- We enjoyed doing our Assembly and learning the songs

Shaun- I enjoyed presenting my lines

Ruby, Jay- We enjoyed watching the Highland dancers

Kyle- I enjoyed announcing Donald where’s your troosers

Orla- I enjoyed tea and biscuits after the Assembly with all the parents and reciting my poem with Brandon during the week

Liam -I enjoyed being Robert the Bruce

Owen- I enjoyed dressing up in a See you Jimmy hat

Ellie Rose- I enjoyed practising my words for the Tartan facts

Alistair, Rory- We enjoyed saying my words about Andy Murray

Holly,Olivia, Leah, Jamie, Dylan- We enjoyed singing the songs

Alfie- I enjoyed our Assembly today

Florence, Charlotte-  We enjoyed saying our Scottish sayings

Brooke- I enjoyed presenting about Mary Queen of Scots

Lewis- I enjoyed presenting the poets

Max- I enjoyed saying  about What Scotland means to me

Kaycee, Bryce- We enjoyed singing Donald where’s your troosers

Noami- I enjoyed singing The wee red yoyo

Jackie- I enjoyed  learning all my lines

Home Learning is due on Monday

Outdoor PE is Thursday-please remember warm clothes to wear outside

Don’t forget a ticket for the Valentine’s Disco…£1.50 each… a bargain !

Have a super weekend




O what fun we are having in P5b…

What another busy week in Primary 5b. We have had an amazing party with the other P5 class.

We had Music Appreciation using songs from Christmas time that we had to compare and listen for different instruments.

Some of us went to the Nativity this morning-it was superb!

We finished our Lost Toy stories and watched some of Annabelle’s Wish where we had to predict what would happen next.

We have been working hard on Place Value and Mental Maths.

Here are our comments:-

Owen-Music Appreciation was fun when we scored the songs out of 5

Alfie L. , Bryce, Aaron- Silent ball was fun

Liam- I liked writing The lost toy story

Max-Mental Maths -I got 10/10

Rory- Mental Maths- I got 8/10

Alfie B.- I enjoyed Mental Maths because I got a good score

Ellie, Florence, Ruby, Dylan, Charlotte, Annie, Noami, Lewis, Orla, Holly, Eva, Jamie, Ellie Rose – We enjoyed our Christmas party

Olivia- I enjoyed playing all the games at our Christmas party

Kyle- I enjoyed finding Christmas words for all the letters of the alphabet

Brandon- I liked listening to the Christmas songs and scoring them out of 5

Kaycee, Shaun, Leah- We  enjoyed seeing our little brothers in their Nativity

Jackie, Aaran-  We enjoyed watching our  little sisters at the Nativity

Alistair, Brooke-  We have enjoyed our table this week


Home Learning due in Monday

Church service Friday 21st December at 9.30am in The High Church- Hope to see you then

Holidays on Friday 21st December at 12.10pm







A short week of Learning

Although it has been a short week of Learning in P7a we have worked on lots…

Jack-I liked drawing the parrot for the Rain forest factfile

Zoe- I liked the Autumn art using pastels

Ciaran,Harvey,Rowan,Dyllan- We liked learning about large numbers and place value

Sam,Naomi,Scott,Kirsten- We liked learning about animals of the Rainforest

Kate- I liked making the fact file for the Capybara

Alanna- I liked making the factfile on the ring tailed lemur

Lennox- I enjoyed the factfile on the parrot with Cole

Yasmin- I liked doing my factfile with Lucy-we did the cockatoo

Ross,Lucy- We liked place value maths this week

Lucie- I liked making the factfile with Sophie. We were researching the tree frog

Cole- I enjoyed doing Maths this week

Paul- I liked learning about the Sloth

Ashleigh,Holly- I liked watching the movie clips on Rainforest animals

Sophie-I enjoyed French this week.We made posters

Ty- I enjoyed my factfile with Rowan. We did the macaw

Rhia- I enjoyed learning about the spider monkey

Brooklyn- I liked art

Tom- My factfile with Ross was on the armadillo

Next week will be busier as we are in all week and on Friday it is the MacMillan Coffee morning and we will be busy helping throughout the morning.

Hope you can join us any time but especially at 10.50-11.10am

Happy Weekend

Mrs Aitken





P6 Basketball Festival – Reminder

Image result for basketball P6A and P6B will attend a Basketball Festival at Bathgate Academy on the morning of Tuesday 21st March.

We expect this to be a valuable experience for our P6 pupils who will have the opportunity to have fun and compete against teams from schools in our cluster. With the festival less than a week away, please can we ask you, if you have not already done so, to return your child’s permission slip, EE2 form and £1 towards our transport to their class teacher, asap?

Thank you for your co-operation – we look forward to sharing our experience here on the school blog!


Measuring in Primary 1B

This week we have been learning about what measuring is. We have been given different units of measurement to explore the classroom and see what we can measure! We were all given different units of measurement:
Caitlin – “Max and I had blocks to measure with. We shared them”
Hamish – “Gracie and I measured lots of things in the classroom. We had rubbers”
Kyle – “Evie and I measured with counters and we did lots of measuring”
Matthias – “Lily and I had sticky notes”
Maksim – “Yesterday we explored rulers and measured things in the classroom”
Lily – “When using a ruler it is called centimeters – we write it as cm”
Caitlin – “We measured things like an iPad, a paperclip and a rubber and then we wrote down the number and cm of what it measured as”



With our buddies we were telling them what we have been learning about Scotland.
Ava – “We made tartans”
Josh – “We made a frame with strips of paper and then added more paper”
Kaiden – “We used glue and scissors”
Evie – “We used lots of paper strips
Maksim – “We glued the corners with the paper strips and then weaved through the others to make our tartan”




PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Taylor Rankin for writing a fantastic imaginative story about her weekend! Well done 🙂

Learning in P1b

Here are some of our favourite parts of our week in school…

Hamish – We’ve been learning about adding and taking away and about static electricity
Kyle – We were learning if some things float or sink
Ava – I liked learning about static electricity
Caitlin – We made mosaic pictures in Art using tiny little square paper
Zara – We were sticking balloons to our hair with static electricity
Emma – We were making a charge with rubbing the balloons on our tummies
Noah – We were learning more about 3D shapes
Kyle – We have been learning pointillism

On Wednesday we were very lucky to have somebody visit our school and tell us the story of “Hairy MacLairy”. We had fun at the storybook workshop! Here is what we did…
Rose – Some people were characters in the story and we had to look for scotch broth soup
Jacob – We had to pretend to be sleeping
Matthias – Everyone else had to sneak up and try and get the ingredients
Kyle – I found a cup and put it to my ear and it was a telephone
Reiss – We flew to Shetland! We found haggis and potatoes around the big fire
This was lots of fun and the boys and girls really enjoyed themselves.






Article 28: We have the right to an education

In P3/2 we have

we have been learning our times tables-Ross,Katie,Harris,Lily,Max,Sophie M., Grace,Dylan, Zara

we have been learning hard Maths- Mental Maths-Eva

we have been singing at Music with Mrs Innes-Rory,Niamh,Sophie S.

we have been learning to play different instruments-Eden,Archie,Isla

we have been story writing about Bonfire night-Noah

we have been enjoying Golden Time-Jess,Nina

Congratulations to :-

Secret Students-Jess and Katie

our new step 3 boys and girls

our new step 4-Ross

Pupil of the week-Nina

Talent show representative-Eva

Thank you for coming to Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday this week

ps It is not Dress down day this Friday, it is 18th November instead

Diary date

Christmas Fayre Saturday 26th November