Red Nose Day , Artefacts in the afternoon and Victorian Talks-P5b

Busy week in Primary 5b. We have heard more Victorian talks. So interesting. Well done everyone for all your hard work.

We were handling artefacts that Library services brought to school.The clothes were great to pass round.We had to wear white gloves to protect all the old items. The old car horn was really funny to listen too.

Our stories this week were all about  a new life in New Lanark…exciting to read ! Well done.

We have loved Red Nose Day where we dressed down or in red..We put lots of coins into the box for the charity. Many bought the red noses..there were funny designs this year.



Kyle- I enjoyed researching with Eva on the netbook.We researched Sir James Young Simpson

Holly- I enjoyed doing research on the netbook. I did William Morris

Charlotte- I watched some of the Victorian diaries on the netbooks.It was good fun

Dylan- I was researching Charles Darwin with Charlotte on the netbooks. It was really interesting looking for 10 facts about him

Alfie- I was researching Emily Bronte with Ellie. We found interesting facts about her

Owen- I enjoyed researching Florence Nightingale with Ruby. We worked well together

Olivia- My research was on Emmeline Pankhurst. I was researching all about her on my own

Orla- I was researching Alexander Graham Bell. One of my facts was he had 4 children


Ruby,Eva- We enjoyed hearing all about The Victorian artefacts and handling them. We had to wear white gloves

Lewis- I enjoyed listening to the talks about the artefacts. I liked seeing the old clothes and the car horn

Aaran- I enjoyed the talk from the library services team. I liked hearing the old car horn


Jamie- I enjoyed Big Maths. My score was 40/40. I was happy!

Rory- I am in TT1 and my score was 50/72. I was really happy with that score


Ellie Rose-I enjoyed Outdoor PE -my partner was Mrs Aitken then Mrs Leamy

Bryce-I was playing tennis with .It was Alfie who was my partner. We played well together

Max- I enjoyed tennis again this week

Alfie B. – I worked well with Aaron at tennis

Shaun- I loved Outdoor PE this week. My partner was Lewis. We were able to pass to each other for a few passes without dropping the ball

Noami- I enjoyed playing tennis with Owen

Leah- I enjoyed playing tennis with Brooke. We made a good team

Brooke-I was partners with Leah. We played well

Kaycee- I was partners with Charlotte. We played really well

Brandon- My partner was Liam. We played well together

Liam- My partner was Brandon. We can play well together

Ellie-  I enjoyed my tennis partner. We were good at passing to each other

Florence- I enjoyed playing tennis with Annie.We worked well together


Alistair – I enjoyed presenting my talk to the class. I spoke clearly and carefully


Jay-I enjoyed making a little model telephone at the farm today

Well done to the winning table this week

Have a super weekend, everyone !

Well done to everyone on the points for each house this week

Home Learning is due Monday and there will be no Home Learning next week as it is Lowport the following week





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