All posts by Mrs Gallivan

Digital Technology Workshop

On the 10th of March a Digital Technology workshop took place in the nursery.  The aim of the workshop was  –

  • To share with parents how we are taking digital technology forward within the nursery class.
  • To demonstrate how ICT resources are used within the nursery class.
  • To share with parents possible uses of digital technology at home
  • To raise parents awareness of internet safety
  • To support children with their learning in Primary 1.

Here is a copy of the presentation which was used along with the evaluation feedback from the workshop.

ICT Workshop for Parents

Digital tech evaluation

P6G in the Learning Lab

We were in the Learning Lab on Tuesday the 21st of March.  We were learning about states of matter (Solid, liquid and gasses).  We wanted to investigate how temperature altered the state of matter.

There were two groups, 1 group making scrambled eggs and the other group were melting chocolate and making toast.

When we made scrambled egg we turned liquid into solid this is an irreversible change because we could not get the liquid back.  Turing bread into toast was also an irreversible change.

When we used heat to melt chocolate into a liquid and let it cool back into a solid, we experienced a reversible change.

By Oliver



THE BIG PEDAL – 27th – 31st OF MARCH

The Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two wheels for their journey to school.

Dunblane Primary School will run the Big Pedal challenge  from the 27th – 31st of March.

On each day of the challenge schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils, staff and parents cycling or scooting to school.