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Stirling Council Instrumental Music Service

Changes to the offer of Music Tuition from August 2020.

In order to be able to offer tuition in all schools and to more pupils, we have increased the allocated time for each tutor in their primary schools and have lowered the starting age for some instruments, but have reduced the number of instruments available in each primary school.

In Braehead Primary School, from August 2020 we are offering  Violin and viola from p4, Bagpipes from p4 and Woodwind from p5

The application form is now available on the website and applications are open until 18th September 2020.

What is specialist music tuition? In addition to the benefits of expressive arts education within the Curriculum for Excellence, you may apply for your son or daughter to receive specialist instrumental tuition.


NB There will be no changes to pupils who currently receive tuition – lessons will continue as before. These pupils must complete an annual update form, which will be available on the Stirling Council Website soon.

Lesley McEwan
Senior Music Tutor
Stirling Council
Dumbarton Road

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