
One of our core school values is inclusion and as a part of this we regularly discuss and acknowledge neurodiversity and the important role it plays in our learning community.

Each year we celebrate Neurodiversity week. Students from Primary 1 to Primary 7 learn about Neurodiversity in the form of whole class lessons, storybooks, research projects and presentations from peers.

Each year our Mission Dyslexia group and Tech Team has launched their most recent project during Neurodiversity week. Below is the stop motion animation created by the Mission Dyslexia group 2021-2022.



For the academic year 2022-2023 students from the Tech Team created a full website about Neurodiversity. Students created hand-drawn banners, researched information, sourced videos and created galleries of famous Neurodiverse people and films, books and TV shows that have Neurodiverse characters.

Please click the image below to check it out:

June Newsletter

The countdown is on! We are into the final month of session 2017-18 and are looking forward to an exciting month of learning, celebrations and good weather.

Dates to remember:

  • Saturday 2nd June    Summer Fete 10-12
  • Monday 4th June        Nursery Sports Day 2.30pm – 3.10pm
  • Friday 8th June          Nursery Sports Day 10.45am – 11.30am
  • Tuesday 5th June     Sports day option 1
  • Wednesday 6th June     Sports day option 2 and next best day thereafter
  • Monday 11th June    Digital learning event – Stirling High School 3.30pm-5.30pm
  • 14, 15 June         BHS transition days for P7s
  • 18th and 19th June    NSPCC Speak Out / Stay Safe Assembly and Workshop
  • 20,21 22 June     SHS transition days for P7s
  • 21st June                    Primary 1 Induction 2pm
  • 25th June                    Nursery Puppet Show
  • 28th June                    Nursery Rhyme Time (morning session)  10.45am – 11.30am
  • 28th June                    Nursery Rhyme Time (afternoon session) 2.30pm – 3.10pm
  • 26th June                    End of Term Service 11am (see below for more info)
  • Friday June 29th –       School closes 1pm (More information to follow)


PTA Fete is tomorrow, Saturday 2nd June 10 am to 12pm thank you to all who are working hard to prepare for this fundraising event, and a big shout out to the P7s who are ready to run and entertain us with some wonderful stalls. SEE YOU THERE!


This term Stirling Council will be recruiting for a Headteacher, the interviews are soon and we hope to announce the new post holder by the middle of the month.

We shall be welcoming some new teaching staff for next session, and sadly saying cheerio to Miss Anderson who is heading to a new job near Glasgow, Miss Bowers who is moving to Argyll & Bute, Mrs McNab is giving up full time teaching and Mrs Namor will have her hands full with a new baby. Mrs MacPhee is remaining at Riverside primary School for another two years. We wish them all well in their new adventures.


School fundraiser Marathon challenge

Thank you to everyone who sponsored our children for the Marafun day.

You all raised £2222.21 these funds are greatly appreciated as they make a difference to the resources and experiences we can offer your children.


Stirling Credit Union

Our Credit Union group is now well established and running smoothly. Thank you to the parent / grandparent volunteers who visit the school on Wednesday mornings from 9.15am to collect the children’s hard-saved pennies! Please contact the school for more information if you would like to sign up to join our Credit Union group. Remember there is no minimum amount to save every week – as much or as little as you would like.


No Dogs in the Playground 

It is frequently being brought to our attention by concerned families that there are a number of dogs being brought inside the playground in the mornings and at hometime. Please be aware that many children have allergies and/or are scared of dogs and we ask that they DO NOT come into the school grounds. If you are bringing your dog with you on the walk to/from school, please ensure that they are left securely tied up outwith school grounds. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.

Braehead Talent Show  

The Children’s Parliament will be running a school talent show for the children to participate in. Children may enter as an individual or as a group. Each class will hold auditions where the top act as voted by their peers will be entered into a final contest to be held within school on Monday 25th June. Parliament members will share more information with class teachers and pupils as required. Get rehearsing if you wish to audition!


Digital Learning Event –

Stirling High School – Monday 11th June 2018 3.30pm – 5.30pm

This free event is to celebrate the digital skills development within the nurseries and primary schools of the Stirling Learning Community. It is a drop – in session. During this informal afternoon there will be an opportunity to engage with the range of practical activities designed to raise awareness of the importance of digital learning.

Our P4/5 class has been learning coding and simple programming using Ozobots and some of their work will be shared at this event.

Our 4 Digital Leaders will also be attending this showcase event to demonstrate their coding skills using the Raspberry Pi kits. They have been attending training sessions for many weeks and are enthusiastic about sharing their learning with you at this event. More information is available at or


Speak Out / Stay Safe

The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme is visiting our school on the 18th and 19th of June to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse.This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and Channel Islands. With the help of their friendly mascot Buddy, they’ll be presenting assemblies to the children in our school as well as a workshop for P6 and P7 pupils. Through child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops their specially trained staff and volunteers will give our children information about how to keep themselves safe from harm and how to get help if they have any worries, sensitively discussing issues like bullying and sexual abuse, without using scary words or adult language. If you would like any more information about the NSPCC “Speak out. Stay safe.” Programme, including frequently asked questions, you can find it on the NSPCC website or please come into speak to us and we can provide more information. More information can also be found on our school website. If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website

School Improvement Plan

The school team are currently reviewing this year’s progress and planning for next session. These discussions between, staff pupils and families began on Thursday 10th May at 2 15pm. Mrs Samphier has also shared the suggestions and the school’s self evaluation process with the Parent Council. From this, the wider staff team are now finalising the key targets which will be illustrated on our station wall for the learners to see and shared with you in due course.

Running Club

Over the past two years there has been a highly successful running club for the children from P4 – P7. Many children have taken part and enjoyed the sessions all enthusiastically run by parent volunteers. Thank you very much to Mrs Morris and Miss Burke for their commitment and efforts to inspire our runners.


P7 transition to High Schools

Both Bannockburn and Stirling High Schools will have a selection of transition events prior to the June Transition days.

Bannockburn High School Transition days will be on Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th of June.

Stirling High School Transition days will be on Wednesday the 20th, Thursday the 21st and Friday the 22nd of June

The High Schools will issue further information in relation to these days in the coming weeks.


P7 Leavers party

The children’s party will take place on Wednesday 27th June in the school hall from 7pm – 9.30pm. Children have chosen to have a Beach Party theme and staff are currently arranging the details to ensure the children have an enjoyable and memorable evening.    


Classes for next session

Next session there will be 13 classes. We are in the process of assigning teaching staff to each class, as soon as staffing is confirmed we shall notify all the families. There will be an opportunity for children to meet their new teacher towards the end of term.


Sports day

The weather is settled and we anticipate that our school sports day will take place on Tuesday 5th June.

Parents and carers are invited to come and spectate for the afternoon of races starting at 1:30pm and we ask that:

  • You bring comfy seating/picnic blankets for yourselves
  • Position yourself between the race tracks in the spectator zone so you can view both the upper and lower primary races

For safety and equality for all, please:

  • No feeding your children!
  • Allow the staff to keep all children within their house groups so no child is lost within the spectator zone

All children are encouraged to

  • wear sporty clothes, in their house colour if possible
  • the clothing, is suitable for the weather.
  • Hats and suncream are encouraged as the children will be outside for much of the day.
  • Bring a water bottle

End of Term Service

The end of term service will be on Tuesday 26th June at 11am. Our intention is to hold the service outside at which point we would welcome all parents to attend if possible. However in the case of inclement weather we would have to ask that only Primary 7 parents attend the service which would be held in the church at 11am due to lack of space. Thank you for your understanding and fingers crossed for sunshine!

And Finally…………….

The staff team at Braehead Primary School wish all our families a very happy, healthy and safe summer and look forward to welcoming the pupils back to school on Monday 20th August 2018.

March 2018 Newsletter

Dear families,

March began with a deep snow event that closed all schools across much of the nation. The adventures and stories of building igloos and digging paths have been shared in classes and it sounds like this alternative curriculum and outdoor learning was a fun and meaningful experience for the children.

Thank you to all the friends and families who came to support Mr MacArthur prepare clear and safe access to the school on Sunday 4th March. The PTA did a marvellous job rallying the community and together we cleared the snow quickly, we even had time for a cuppa.

Recent news and events:

In December we successfully applied for funding from the Inspiring Classrooms programme. This programme pays for an author visit to your school, and provides additional funding for books or other resources. So on Monday 5th March Laura Jackson and Lyn McNicol, authors of the ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ series of books, dazzled our Primary 1 – 4 pupils with magic tricks and a super reading from one of their books.

On Wednesday 8th March P3 – P5 pupils walked to the Mayfield library, St Ninians to meet the author Gill Arburthnott. Gill described what it is like to be an author and the children asked her lots of challenging questions.

Last Wednesday Primary 1 visited Stirling Fire Station as part of their context for learning, ‘People Who Help Us’. They had a fun and very interesting day.

The P1s would like to say a big thank you to all the parent volunteers who have visited them to talk about their jobs and how they help people.

In February the school had a Validated Self Evaluation. This is a process when colleagues from Stirling Council visit the school and validate the learning teaching and assessment that takes place here. The team of 7 visitors also looked at how the school Lead the learning. The feedback included reference to:

  • Our caring and inclusive ethos where all demonstrate pride
  • Polite pupils who demonstrate confidence and an eagerness to learn.
  • Strong sense of staff teamwork and high quality professional dialogue
  • Our implementation of languages
  • Positive and trusting relationships

New House Captains and Vice Captains elected.

We would like to firstly say a huge thank you and well done to the House Captains and Vice Captains from Sept – Feb. They all did a great job and we thank them for their efforts! There have been new representatives elected and they are ready to assume their post within the school which will run to the end of the academic session.

Community Groups

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to come into school to work with the children in our Community Groups. We are currently reviewing the groups and discussing with the children as to how to move forward with this programme. Watch this space for future requests for volunteers. The more the merrier!


Ozobots are tiny robots that help teach pupils about programming in its most basic form. P4/5 have been enjoying using ozobots in their class and they are now looking forward to sharing their learning with both staff and pupils. They have even suggested sharing their work with the parents of Braehead so look out for more information on this coming after our Easter break.

Credit Union/ Junior Savers

We will be introducing the opportunity to join the Credit Union Junior Savers scheme throughout the school. Our target launch date is the week beginning 30th April although there is quite a bit of work to be done before then. We will be looking for volunteer parents to work with Credit Union staff on a weekly basis to support the implementation of this exciting scheme in our school. Look out for volunteer application letters in pupil’s bags in the next week or so. There will also be an opportunity for children and parents to all join the saving scheme – more information to follow. Thanks for your continued support.

Coming up soon:

This term we have been celebrating and promoting reading with the children taking part in a wide variety of activities in their class. We intend to have a fun week starting on Monday 26th March with plenty of exciting activities. After last year’s success and feedback we are intending to have our fun Eggshibition again. The children are being asked to decorate a boiled egg as a character from their favourite book. The children have to bring in their decorated egg for our Eggshibition on Tuesday 27th March.

Bikeability has begun with some Primary 4s, this programme will continue into next term and will be offered to the P5 and P6s.

Spring Discos  

Disco entry £2

Please note the timings are slightly different to previous discos.

Tuesday 27th March P1 and P2. Doors open at 5.45pm for 6pm – 7pm disco.

Tuesday 27th March P5 and P6. Doors open at 7.15pm for 7.30pm – 8.30pm disco

Wednesday 28th March P3 and P4. Doors open at 5.45pm for 6pm – 7pm disco.

Wednesday 28th March P7. Doors open at 7.15pm for disco 7.30pm – 8.45pm

Dates to remember:

14/3/18                        P5 and P4/5 school trip to Science centre

15/3/18                        Sports coaching for P6 Sports leaders at lunchtime

21/3/18                        P6 will have visitors from Scottish Parliament at school

28/3/18                        Whole school Easter service at the church (pupils only)

29/3/18                        School breaks up for Easter holidays. Please note school closes at 3.15pm

16/4/18 & 23/4             Rugby Tasters for P7

Staffing update:

Recruitment for a new Headteacher is in process this month. Some pupils will be involved in meeting the candidates and feeding back to the recruitment team.

Mrs Tweed has had a fall and broken her leg, she will be spending some time at home recovering and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Congratulations to:

Mrs Namor, she is expecting a baby that will be born in the summer holidays.

Keren from the nursery had a baby girl in February, they both came to visit the team and nursery boys and girls last week.

Reminders to all:

School Uniform

Parents are encouraged to send pupils to school in uniform. Maroon sweatshirts, white polo-shirts with the school badge are available. Instead of maroon we have a pale grey sweatshirt for our senior pupils in P7. If there are any difficulties in the provision of uniform please do not hesitate to contact the School.

Lunch Hall Waste

We have seen an increase in food waste at lunchtime and would appreciate your support in encouraging your child to eat all of their lunch. For packed lunches any uneaten food should be left in the lunch box to take home for your attention. This way you have a clear understanding of the food that your child is not consuming.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should only be brought to School if your child is required to contact you before or after school. If a mobile phone is lost or damaged during the School day we can not accept any responsibility. Only if absolutely necessary and a mobile phone is brought to School it must be turned off and collected in. It will be returned at the end of the school day. No other electrical devices should be brought into school.

January Newsletter

Braehead Primary School Newsletter

January 2018

Happy New Year to you all.

Last term ended with much pride and happiness. The PTA Christmas fete was very well attended and had a super community spirit, our P1-3s performed the Nativity exceptionally well to packed audiences. Their hard work and professionalism shone through each and every child. The school Christmas Service was led by the children, a special thanks goes to the P6’s who gave us an encore of their Soundstart musical ability, and on the final day of term the children enjoyed M& M’s production of Sleeping Beauty; “Best Panto ever” reported a P7 child.

This term we are all ready for new experiences and plenty of learning.

Staffing update:

We welcome to our team:

Mr French as Depute Headteacher, he has quickly resumed his role as P4-7 co-ordinator and 100 other tasks.

Mr Newton has joined the team and will be teaching P7H 2 days a week. Mrs Whelan teaches Mon – Wed and then continues as Acting Depute Headteacher.

Mrs Reid begins this week in the nursery and looks forward to getting to know all the children and families.

Key dates & events:

17/1/18        26x P5 pupils representing our school at Stirling Schools Athletics final POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER

23/1/18        Stirling schools pre level 1 Gymnastics competition

24/1/18        Stirling schools level 1,2,3 Gymnastics competition

24/1/18        P6s to Smith Art Gallery

26/1/18        Deposit due for October 2018 Dalguise trip (P6 pupils)

26/1/18        P6s perform with Scottish opera, P6 parents are invited to the afternoon show

30/1/18        P5s begin swimming twice a week until April

30/1/18        Parent coffee morning 9 15- 10am         all welcome.

6/2/18         Stirling School cross country competition, some P6 & P7 pupils will represent school

8/2/18         P7 Burns Supper 6 30pm – 9pm

19/2/18        rag bag collection led by the ECO group

2/3/18         Snapshot jotters arrive home to show your child’s learning.


Raspberry Pi is a new technology that four of our senior pupils will attend at Stirling High School to learn about. They will learn about coding and then they will then be able to lead other P6 & P7 pupils who are interested in digital learning at an afterschool club here at Braehead.

When children share with us a significant success or experience from home, sport or the community that has made them feel proud; we call this Wider Achievement. At House meetings children often share their news. The House captains will be leading an assembly on 29/1/18 and are keen to celebrate some children’s recent success. So encourage your child to bring in their certificate, medal, photograph etc. that celebrates an achievement.

Later in the term we look forward to our Book week, releasing our Lantern festival film, developing buddy reading between senior and junior pupils, and exploring more ways to record your children’s wider achievement. Bikeability will begin in February for the pupils from P4-7 and this will continue into the summer term.

As part of Stirling Councils cycle of self-evaluation colleagues from other schools are visiting us on 19th and 20th February. We have lots to share and talk about. As part of the visit they would like to meet with some parents (on Tuesday 20th at 9 15am) as well as speaking to pupils and staff. If you are available to be part of the group please contact the school office by phone, visit or email


Louise Samphier

Acting Headteacher

Kerse Road Bridge

Network Rail works at Kerse Road Bridge begin January 8


Residents and road users are being reminded that Kerse Road will be impacted by Network Rail works from Monday, January 8

A one way system will be in operation for eastbound traffic exiting the Craigs Roundabout and traffic travelling in the opposite direction will be diverted via diverted via A91, A872 Glasgow Road and A9 Burghmuir Road.

This system will remain in place until April 22 when the road will close completely until 30 October.

For more information on the works visit Network Rail website

email  or call the community relations helpline 03457 11 41 41

Information on the diversions is available on the Council website at


End of Term Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

End of Term Reminder – School closes at 1pm on Friday 30th June. Pupils can go home for lunch at 12.15. Pupils who are going home for lunch at 12.15 need not return to school.

Staffing Update

Congratulations to Mrs MacNish who was appointed as Principal Teacher at Kincardine in Menteith yesterday. In order to ensure continuity for P3/4 pupils we have managed to retain Mr Gonet on our staff and he will teach this class. Mr Gonet met his new class this afternoon.

Further congratulations to Miss Scott who was appointed as Principal Teacher at Braehead today, Miss Scott will continue to teach P1B as planned.

P5B will meet their new teacher on 22nd August.

I am sure you will join me in thanking these staff members for their contribution to supporting the pupils of Braehead Primary and wishing them every success in their future posts.


We would ask that parents collect all medicines from the school office before the end of term. Thank you.

On behalf of all staff I would like to thank you for your continued

support and wish you all a lovely and sunny summer holiday.

Yours sincerely

Mairi Breen


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