Euro Quiz

Congratulations to our Primary 6 pupils who competed in the Euro Quiz at Dunblane High School yesterday. They did a fabulous job and were rewarded for all their studying and hard work. They came runners up and will receive their certificates at assembly on Friday.


Well done!

Scottish Education Awards

We are extremely  proud of all the hard work our pupils, staff and parents have put into our 1+2 Languages programme. Your support, effort and encouragement has resulted in the School being shortlisted for a Scottish Education Award. To be considered for such an award is a great achievement and we will find out on the 7th of June if we have won.

Braehead Languages Café-Mandarin Episode 11

Chinese-flagCheck out our new Mandarin Podcast written and presented by Primary 5! We will be teaching you how to say what you like and dislike!



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Braehead Languages Café- Mandarin Episode 10

Chinese-flagCheck out our new Mandarin Podcast written and presented by Primary 5! We will be teaching you how to say the months of the year.




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