Maths Week Scotland – Home Learning Competition

It’s Maths Week Scotland from 28th September to 1st October.  At Woodhead, the children will have lots of opportunities to engage in practical maths activities linked to real life contexts in class. We invite all pupils to participate in a Home Learning Competition during Maths Week Scotland. There are

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P4’s Mini Maths Football League

Watch this space for the results of Primary 4’s mini football league. The fixtures were arranged, the team names decided and the games played. Now we just have to record all the scores, work out the points, goals scored, goals against, goal difference and complete the finished league table.

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P4 tackle DFMs Maths Challenge Day 5

This time Primary 4 decided to take a split approach to this problem and used cubes and squared paper to work out the answer. We worked in pairs, (no Teddy today), and found the practical approach led to more correct answers. Some children took the challenge further and worked

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