Home Learning – Topic and Interdisciplinary Learning


Access lots of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths resources at https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/curated-collections/primary-0

STEM Glasgow

More resources for STEM can be found at www.stemglasgow.co.uk

Out of the Ark Music

Free access to some music and singing resources: https://outoftheark.co.uk/ootam-at-home/

Children’s University Family Challenges

Weekly Family Learning challenges on a range of interdisciplinary themes. http://childrensuniversity.scot/learning-activities/

Fischy Music

Lots of songs and music to join in with. https://www.fischy.com/fm-online/all-songs/

Creativity Resources

Toy Box online offers lots of videos and ideas to develop pupil’s creativity: http://bit.ly/toyboxfilms

ABC Creative Music

Free access during school closure to music and singing resources.  Parents can sign up for a free account: www.abcmusichomeschool.org.uk

Coding Club

Online coding ideas and lessons: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en

Chatter Pack

A site full of different links to virtual tours and other ‘boredom busting’ activities: https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/list-of-online-resources-for-anyone-who-is-isolated-at-home

Dynamic Earth

Interactive activities and fascinating insights about the science of climate change: https://www.dynamicearth.co.uk/learning/dynamicearthonline