Ritty Tomichen |Reporter

It’s that time of year again; our fourth years venture into the  world of work and receive an insight into their future prospects.

This one week programme allowed pupils ,in fourth year ,to work in a desired work place to obtain valuable skills and  of course experience which can then be transferred onto their  career choices.

The pupils had to take their own responsibility of travel to and from their work place, and also the nerving situation (for some ) to collaborate with strangers who are usually older than you. I can certainly affirm that my work experience days last year were indelible and I’m sure this years pupils thought alike.

Let’s find out how a few of them found this rollercoaster of a week:

Jeffin Saji, Gartnavel General Hospital 

What were your tasks ?

“There were many patients coming and going so it was important to be nice to them. I also had to help the doctor with very small tasks from time to time.

What was the most interesting moment ?

“While observing the surgeons operating on the eyes of different patients, it was repelling af first however after a few days in the theatre I was able to hold in the stomach churns.”

Are you considering this field of work in the future ?

“Medicine was always an interest to me, although through work experience I have witnessed the stressful lives of the doctors, nurses etc hence I am reconsidering my choices for the future.”

Three of the boys were also lucky to  undertake their work experience at Hamilton Sheriff Court as well as working with the MTM Defence Lawyers.

Febi Johnson, Acorn Park Care Home 

What have you learnt from your work experience?

“I have learned about people with different mental issues like dementia and about the nurses vital role in helping them.”

Did the staff help you accomplish your tasks?

“The staff members were very helpful and showed me what to do and how to do activities correctly.”

Your overall opinion?

“It was a very different environment from school and I did enjoy the long lunch hours!”

Other pupils: Lewis and Aiden got a chance to work at ScotRail.

From nursery’s to hospitals and engineering companies to Law firms, each and everyone of the pupils who undertook this work experience week has definitely gained a wide range of skills and abilities.

Work experience; something all universities and employees look for in an applicant, it may even be the decision breaker between two equally qualified applicants.


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