Olivia Hanlon | Editor

Role models are integral to the life of any child in the 21st Century. Who else better to look up to than your peers?

 The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) was put together to give pupils a voice; to break down barriers between staff and pupils and improve the school life and community.

They work with a variety of teams within the school: the Pupil Council, Parent Forum, Guidance Staff, Senior Management Team and are involved in much more in line with their aim to bring the school closer together.

The school is currently undertaking its 2nd year in offering roles in SLT to all S6 pupils, and this year, change to the structure and running of the team can be seen on many levels. For example, the roles available for Deputy Head Boy and Girl has doubled from 3 pupils to 6. This was due to the exceptional quality of the applicants – members of the most academically successful year in the school’s history.

Each Head/Deputy has been assigned a leadership group consisting of a senior prefect and 8 others. Each prefect team has been given a year group who’s activities they take responsibility for.

When asked what could be done to improve the school, Head Girl – Alice Glass – informed us that they were hoping to organise more social events in order to help year groups bond, making their time at school more enjoyable.

In addition to this, she also wanted to raise awareness of the Drop-In Chat; a private one-to-one session where lower school pupils have a chance to appeal to someone nearer their own age rather than the adult leaders in the school such as classroom and Guidance Teachers.
It’s safe to say that this is an exciting year for all St Andrew’s and St Bride’s pupils as our newly appointed S6 team strive to bring about the change they wish to see in this faith driven school.

It’s abundantly clear that they will be successful in improving our already flourishing school community.

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