Jack Mitchell-Divers | Editor-In-Chief

St Andrew’s and St Bride’s sixth year student and Deputy Head Boy Jack Mcgleish has recently received confirmation of a once-in-a-lifetime trip to NASA Houston Space Centre.

Our reporters have been in touch with Mrs Mclean, his impromptu mentor, and Jack himself to shed some light on the scale of his achievement.

The announcement came after his successful performance during the 2017 Scottish Space School, held at Strathclyde University, in which 100 candidates were whittled down to 10 for the trip across the pond. Only the most determined individuals showing the best attitude, drive and performance were chosen to go to Houston – Jack is one of them.

Speaking about his experience at the school, Jack noted that the most rewarding part of the experience was “meeting so many new people,” which, as Mrs Mclean aptly put, is a network of contacts “you could only dream of.”
From engineers to space scientists to astronauts, Jack will certainly have many stories to listen to over dinner.

Jack also remarked that the insight into the space-engineering sector was invaluable, describing the research and industry he enjoyed hands-on experience with as “cutting edge,” and one that he would like to be a part of.

Certainly not a walk in the park, the course proved a persistent challenge to all involved. Personally, Jack told us that he found presenting ideas in front of astronauts and the engineering faculty one of the most challenging parts of the course – not something you do everyday!
He also noted that it was important to learn; not just the experiences you have proved strong at, but also from those that have challenged you.

The week-long Space School involves a host of engineering-based activities aimed at promoting STEM and encouraging personal development, and is one of Strathclyde University’s most successful outreach programmes. On applying to the school, Mrs Mclean emphasised the benefit that such outreach programmes offer, saying that;

“These are experiences that add value to you, your CV, set you apart from the competition and provide you with a support network that can be drawn upon throughout your career”

In a world with a more challenging job market that ever before, young people must take further steps than just education to sell themselves to employers. Extra-curricular clubs, summer placements and outreach programmes all offer fantastic opportunities for you to grow personally and open a variety of doors to your future – through both what you do and who you meet.

Keep an eye out for anything. Never miss a moment, never overlook an opportunity.

Jack’s trip to NASA will certainly be a once in a lifetime experience – one that he has gained through exceptional hard work and dedication.
His efforts and determination toward success characterise him as a fantastic role model – an epitome of diligence and professionalism which serves as an inspiration to those who will soon follow in his success.


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