Sian Maher
As of last month, the UK Government announced their plans to ban the use of microbeads within cosmetics by 2017 as they have been found to have a detrimental effect upon the marine food chain. Microbeads are tiny particles of plastic which are used in a high number of cosmetic products such as toothpastes and exfoliates. They are rinsed straight from our bathroom drains to sewage systems which is majorly problematic to the environment. Sewage plants are unable to filter these beads correctly due to their design and so this leads to the contribution of pollution to the oceans and seas. Ultimately, this is has a huge impact upon our planet and the growth of pollution across the world as these beads are not biodegradable and effectively are impossible to remove from the marine environment.
For me, a seventeen year old girl whose everyday routine consists of exfoliating multiple times and of course brushing my teeth twice a day, this will undoubtedly result in a great shock to my system. I mean how can I go without my body scrub, my facial scrub and my favourite toothpaste? Microbeads are small beads of goodness knows what to me but they are essential in the day to day running of my life! I can’t even wash my face or brush my teeth, both of which my dermatologist and dentist say are essential, without causing irreparable destruction to the planet. Next thing I know, that little ‘bead’ of sweat dripping down my forehead in class, which was the result of not scrubbing my face, will be the cause of the slow and painful decline of our planet. All jokes aside though, think of the little baby ‘fishes’!! Next time I’m at the dentist and I am told I have too many cavities and that it looks likely that I will prematurely be receiving dentures, I’ll just blame it on the microbeads.
I am, of course, joking. Pollution and climate change are very serious issues occurring within our planet-issues which are in need of urgent attention. *Queue the intimate personal reflection like when a sad song comes on in the car and you stare out of the window pretending you’re in the music video*. You would think I would be aware of this considering my parents are a ‘waste advisor’ and a ‘recycling officer’ yet I receive daily criticism regarding what goes into what bin.
REMEMBER: when attempting to maintain dermal and dental health, just try to think of the little baby ‘fishes’!!!