by Rona Raju, Nyssa Rutherford and Chloe Haider | S1

As anyone who goes to St Andrew’s and St Bride’s knows, our cafeteria has a very good variety of lovely, delicious cuisine. But, in an ideal world, what else could it sell?

The Oystercatcher has been doing a bit of brainstorming and here are five of the things that we think they could try.

1. Cupcakes!

The cafeteria sells cookies, muffins, even flapjacks, but they don’t sell cupcakes. Imagine if you were a cupcake and you saw everyone being made, packaged then sold to the hungry mouths of SASB, but you didn’t even get through the first stage.

2. Toasties!

At least a hundred of these sandwiches are sold daily at the café but what if on a cold winters day (or a summer one here in Britain) you could buy a sandwich but ask for it to be toasted! (Don’t worry Paninis, we recognise your contribution, too.)

3. Lollypops!

When reporters at the Oystercatcher were thinking, they realised that when they were younger their favourite sweet or treat was getting a lollypop. Does anyone else remember when we were little and if you got your haircut or ear-pierced or even went to the dentist you always got a lollypop? So reporters at the Oystercatcher think that every Friday we should be able to buy a lollypop. (Only Fridays though. Think healthy!)

4. Pancakes!

Are you sick and tired of having to wait a year for pancake Tuesday?We know we are so what if we bring it to school and have pancake Tuesday once a MONTH?! Now we know that not everyone likes them heated, and not everyone likes them cold, so what about you get the choice. Obviously you can’t just have a plain pancake you have to have … TOPPINGS! Mmm… fresh fruit, Nutella, syrup, butter, jam, sprinkles, sugar, lemon…


5. Different Dinner Day!

The Oystercatcher has been thinking that everybody enjoyed European Day of Languages, so why not one day a month we have a different cultures favourite meal? It could vary from India, to Greek, to Australian. Not only would it be nice to taste something different and unique, but also an extremely good look for the school for trying to celebrate different cultures.






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