Beth Finlay |

I have loved Dr. Who ever since I was little. I have watched it without fault every Saturday since I was introduced to the show by my parents who share the same love for the show. To me, Dr. Who means a relaxing family night on the sofa but recently I believe the show has gone downhill ever since Peter Capaldi replaced Matt Smith in the role of the Doctor. But, finally, the show proved to me that Peter can have a great storyline that pulls me in from the very beginning!

The episode starts with a small boy running through a battlefield and encountering a new terrifying hazard called a hand-mine, which are hands that will detect you and pull you under which is demonstrated when a soldier attempts to help the boy.

As usual, the Doctor shows up in time but the boy is revealed to be none other than Davros, the Doctor’s arch-enemy and creator of his greatest foes – the Daleks! This leads to Clara meeting Missy, the female version of the Master. Missy has the Doctor’s will. Missy and Clara then meet up with the Doctor who is playing the electric guitar in medieval England and they are then kidnapped  by a man made of snakes to Davros’ space ship which turns out to be a building on a the planet Skaro, the home of the Daleks.

They are then captured by the Daleks and the Doctor has to watch them both killed from a camera and there was nothing The Doctor could do to stop it. We are then greeted with a shot of the Doctor leaving the boy Davros to die but then we see the future Doctor pointing a Dalek gun at him!

I feel like this episode is a great start to the series that leaves you wanting more and is seasoned by the original and hilarious wit that Doctor Who is known for. It is as original as the old episodes with David Tenant and Matt Smith but still keeps the doctor’s personalities separate.

Overall I loved this episode-  it is great for young, old and new viewers alike.

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