Erin Mooney | 

Dare to run the maze? Spoilers inside.

On Thursday 10th September, the new Maze Runner sequel was released to cinemas across the world.  If you enjoyed watching the first Maze Runner movie, this is a must see!

After escaping from another W.C. K. D base, the teens find themselves in the middle of the Scorch, a barren landscape full of dangers.  They attempt to find out what W. C. K. D want from them and discover the harsh truth of the Flare virus that is taking so many lives.

On their travels they look for a group of resistance fighters who are against what   W. C. K. D are doing to find a cure for the Flare.  After almost being captured, the team go in search for a war group, hoping that they can put a stop to the wicked ways of W.C.K. D.

Spoiler Alert!

One of the team is not as loyal to the cause as the others.  This person summons W.C.K. D. to the camp grounds and battle commences.

As the battle continues grenades are thrown and guns fired. W.C.K. D rounds up all of the remaining resistance and…

The running time is 2 hours 12 minutes.  Some would say this is an excessive amount of time for a movie. This movie is a great action packed adventure with lots of thrills and spills, promising to keep you on the edge of your seat.


Dare to run the Maze?

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