May 11th

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

I hope you were able to spend some time together doing some ‘nice’ activities.  Another week of ‘Home Learning’, but please remember to complete the parts which you and your child are happy to do together.  These activities are optional as I know that many of you have lots of demands on your time.

This weeks suggested activities are;


This weeks tasks are all based on a story called  ‘Wakey Wakey’.                      The story is about different animals which hibernate over the winter and wake in the spring.  The activities can be completed on any type of paper and the worksheets do not need to be printed out.

Enjoy reading the story together and maybe have a go at acting out waking up after a long sleep. There is a link to the woodland trust too, if you’d like to find out about some different animals.

Reading task

The writing task is all about the weather.  Try keeping a weather diary or maybe pretend to be a weather forecaster.

Writing task

This tasks asks you to think about the different season and identify some of  the signs of spring.

Speaking and listening task

Also try to read a story every day. This can be a book at home or you can follow the links  below to Storyline Online, Oxford Reading Owl or the free books website.  All the links are below.  If you have completed one of the activities above then  it is not necessary to follow up the story with additional questions – it is also important to read/listen for enjoyment.

If you wish to follow up a story with a discussion then the ‘Prompt cards’ can be used.  They can be found in the reading booklet issued and are also available in the reading tab above.

I’ve also added a link to

There are more books to listen to or watch and there is also a ‘hometime hub’ which has lots of creative ideas linked to stories.  This link is also in the Oxford Reading Owl and free books tab.

  • Complete page 9  from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.

  • Revise phonemes ‘c’ and ‘k ’ and ‘ck’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.
  • Continue to practise the common words. Use the tab above for ideas on ways of practising them.  Also have ago at writing short sentences using the common words.

Maths and Numeracy Activities

  • Complete page 281 of the money booklet

  • Complete page 85 of the Numbers to 20 booklet

A counting and estimating activity;

Counting and estimating

Odd and even numbers and measuring.  This is a good activity to hi light odd and even numbers. It may take a bit of practice and also some explanation about odd and even numbers.

Odd and Even numbers

Another measuring and estimating activity -it may be easier to find objects which can be used from outside.  (Pasta is bit of a precious resource just now!)


  • Complete page 85 of the Addition and Subtraction booklet

Here is the link to the top marks website too:


General Activities 

Here are some links to some additional ideas you may wish to do:

Art – creating rubbings

Researching and sharing

Role play a school

Tea party

Here is a link to the woodland trust.  They have some nice activities which can be completed outside.

Thank you so much to everyone who replied to this weeks ‘check in station’.  It is  lovely to read about what you have been up to and also know you are safe and well.  I will put up this weeks check in station up on Thursday but feel free to check in at a time which is convenient for you.

Remember the activities above are suggestions and you should only  complete  activities which you and your family have time for.  Also when possible keep activities practical as play is still important and develops a wealth of skills.

Please continue to send in photos, I love seeing what you’ve all been up to.  You can send in photos to the address below and I’ll post them on our blog in the ‘gallery’. Remember our blog is public so please don’t send photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room 1 Mrs Chan’ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.

Let me know if you have any questions, need help with anything or if any of the links don’t work.

Keep safe everyone.

Mrs Chan



2 thoughts on “May 11th”

  1. Hi Mrs Chan, this is Alfie checking in. I’ve been working super hard on my CVC words and have started learning my double phonemes. I have been working on my magnetic alphabet board and have been able to make lots of new words! Miss you all x

    1. Hi Alfie,
      You sound like you have been working very hard, well done. It’s lovely to hear from you. I hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

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