Homework 28/10/2019

This weeks new phonemes are ‘r’ and ‘m’. The spelling words are;
am, me and my.
Your child should have a list of the words, which you can add to the ‘box’ of previous words. Please continue to practise all the spelling words and all the previous phonemes too.
The activities suggested in the above tab can help to reinforce these at home.
New books will be issued on Monday and Wednesday.

With the chilly days now with us, can I please ask that your child is able to have a go at zipping up their jacket.
Many thanks
A Chan

Homework 21/10/2019

I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable break. This week we will continue to consolidate the phonemes and spelling words we have covered so far, giving everyone a little more practise before starting new phonemes and words next week.
New reading books will be issued on Monday and Wednesday and should be brought into school everyday.

PE – Our PE days have changed to a Tuesday and Thursday. On these days it is helpful if your child wears a polo shirt, thank you.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Chan


Just to let you know there are a couple of letters in your child’s school bag this afternoon.
One is regarding a change of PE time: PE will now be on a Tuesday and a Thursday.
The other is regarding some cooking we will be carrying out in class on Monday 21st October (first Monday after the break). We will be cooking a potato and leek soup and also make some potato wedges, using vegetables from the school garden. If you do not wish your child to taste these, please leave a message at the office.

Also if you have a reading book at home please can it be returned to school on Monday 21st October as other classes will be needing them.

Thanks and enjoy the holiday.

Mrs Chan

Homework 9.10.19

This week and the first week after the holidays will be a consolidation week so we will be revising the phonemes and spelling words issued so far. Please continue to practise each phoneme and the spelling words. Towards the end of both weeks the children will be asked to read and write each phoneme and spelling word. Some children have received purple slips which highlight any phonemes/words which they have found tricky and should be focused on during these weeks.
I have asked the children to put a list of the spelling words in their bags and these can be cut up and used as flash cards or as you choose.  If possible keep the words in a tin/box and they can be practised as we progress through the year.  At the end of each block of words, I will issue new words which can be added to the container.
Additional activities could be:

• Making the phonemes or spelling words with playdough
• Encourage them to find the phoneme in any storybook, signs or in newspapers etc.
• Draw picture of something beginning with the phoneme
• Practise formation on a whiteboard or scrap paper

Phonemes (Sounds)

a t s i p n

Spelling Words

a at the
I in it
an is and

Two reading books will be issued this week on Monday and Wednesday. Many thanks for returning them to school each day.

I look forward to meeting you on Thursday for parents night and wish you a happy holiday, when it arrives on Friday.

Mrs Chan

Homework, Parents Night and Christmas!

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend, we have a busy couple of weeks before the October break.

In school bags this afternoon please find a ‘card’ design which you can order to create cards, tags, wrapping paper etc The children worked hard to create the Christmas Tree design. If you would like to make an order, please return the form (completed) and the design back to the school by Friday 11th October (the last day of this term) at the latest.

Also in bags there is an invite to attend the Parent’s evening on Thursday 10th October. Older siblings will have the form in their bags. Please return the forms promptly.

Finally, this weeks homework:
This week we will be working on the phonemes and spelling words below. We would appreciate your help with reinforcing these at home. Please see above tab for additional ideas.

Phonemes (Sounds)


Spelling Words


We will also read 2 reading books. The first will be issued tonight and then returned tomorrow, the second will be issued tomorrow and I will collect it in on Friday. Please help your child to spend some time each night reading the book and also help them to return the book to school each day, to complete activities in class.

Thank you for your support with completing the homework and practising the phonemes and words.  The extra practise at home really helps your child retain these new words and phonemes.