Monthly Archives: February 2020

Homework w.c 24.2.20

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and Topic  homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket.

Spelling: Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group (oi):
boil, spoil, coin, moist, toilet, join (common words – their, some, them, last)

Pens and Crayons Group (ff, kn, mb):
Consolidation week. Please recap on spelling words, including common words from the last 3 weeks.

Do you want to challenge yourself? If so can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly? Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys: whole book
Dahls: whole book
Rowlings: Chapter 8 ‘The Brown Hen’

Circles: Repeated addition worksheet
Squares: Multiplication worksheet
Triangles: Subtraction worksheet


3D models are due on Monday 23rd March. See previous blog post.

Room 6 Egyptian Model Homework

Hi Parents/Carers,

The children are excited to get started on a special homework project which we would love if you could support them with.

The children are being asked to design an Ancient Egyptian 3D model made from recycled and reusable materials. It could be anything from a Pyramid to a Temple to Cleopatra or the River Nile.

The models are due to be completed and brought into school on Monday 23rd March.

It would be helpful if the children could bring in a small bit of research about their model that would allow each child to talk about it to the rest of the class. There will be a small prize for all children taking part and a certificate for the winning and runner up models. I have explained to the children that while they are likely to need some help with their models it is important that they do the majority of the work themselves.

Thank you for your support with this and we look forward to seeing the models.

Mrs Graham



Homework Wk beg 17/02/20

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and Newsround homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket.

Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group(aw):

jaw, draw, hawk, crawl, awful, saw, very, took, fast, there

Pens and Crayons Group(mb):

comb, lamb, climb, crumb, dumb, green, people, which, another

Crayons and Rubbers group, can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly?

Challenge Activities – Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys:  whole book
Dahls: whole book
Rowlings: Chapter 7 ‘Grandma gets the medicine’

Newsround: find a news story that interests you. You can either find it online, in a newspaper, on TV or radio. Then in your own words write what it is about and why you chose this story. You can the use the blank space in your jotter to draw a picture of it or even cut/print out the story and stick it in. We will then share our newsround stories every week with each other. Please remember to check with your parents that each news story you pick each week is appropriate.


Circles: Learn Its
Squares: Learn Its
Triangles: Learn Its

Homework Wk Beg 03/02/20

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and Newsround homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket. All homework is due on Thursday this week as school is closed for children on Friday. 

ll homework is due on Thursday this week Spelling 

Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group(ue):

blue, glue, true, clue, Sue, blue, best, number, other

Pens and Crayons Group(kn):

knock, knee, knight, kneel, knew under, were, thing, know

Crayons and Rubbers group, can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly?

Challenge Activities – Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys:  pages 9-16
Dahls: pages 13-24
Rowlings: Chapter 5 & 6 The Cook up and Brown Paint

Newsround: find a news story that interests you. You can either find it online, in a newspaper, on TV or radio. Then in your own words write what it is about and why you chose this story. You can the use the blank space in your jotter to draw a picture of it or even cut/print out the story and stick it in. We will then share our newsround stories every week with each other. Please remember to check with your parents that each news story you pick each week is appropriate.


Circles: Learn Its
Squares: Learn Its & 3x table
Triangles: Learn Its