Homework w.c 24.2.20

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and Topic  homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket.

Spelling: Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group (oi):
boil, spoil, coin, moist, toilet, join (common words – their, some, them, last)

Pens and Crayons Group (ff, kn, mb):
Consolidation week. Please recap on spelling words, including common words from the last 3 weeks.

Do you want to challenge yourself? If so can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly? Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys: whole book
Dahls: whole book
Rowlings: Chapter 8 ‘The Brown Hen’

Circles: Repeated addition worksheet
Squares: Multiplication worksheet
Triangles: Subtraction worksheet


3D models are due on Monday 23rd March. See previous blog post.

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