Monthly Archives: March 2020

Home learning 30.3.20

Good morning girls and boys,

I hope you are all well and have managed to enjoy some time outside over the weekend in this lovely weather.

Mrs Graham is missing you lots. I’ve been busy doing lots of boring stuff like cleaning, who else has a mum or dad at home that is tidying everything in sight? Mani has been having lots of fun in the garden even although he is missing his big brother Lubo! At least he manages to still face time every day and Lubo likes to watch videos of Mani at bed time.

This week I would like you to continue with the work set to you in your home learning folder as well as with online games and activities. Remember a good structure for each day might look like this;

  • 1 numeracy task (i.e. a worksheet, website game)
  • 1 literacy task (i.e. diary, book review, spelling game)
  • Personal reading (roughly 15-20 minutes)
  • Exercise/fresh air (i.e online exercises, playing in the garden)
  • 1 other activity (i.e art, ICT, music)

Please remember this is only a suggested daily timetable and Mrs Graham understands that each of you is different so please don’t worry if you don’t get it all done. Please see last week’s home learning blog for different activity ideas.

This also has some really good ideas of some online activities to do that spreads across the curriculum.














Given this is the last week before the Easter hols (I know it doesn’t really feel like it) I thought it might be nice to do some easy easter activities at home, I know I will be with Mani! Some that you might want to try could be

-decorating a hard boiled egg as your favourite character.

-decorating an Easter bonnet

-make an Easter card

-Easter egg nest crispy cakes

-Write an Easter story comic strip

-create an Easter egg treasure hunt. Write out some clues that would lead someone to find eggs in your garden or at home. You could save this one for Easter Sunday and I know younger brothers and sisters as well as mums and dads will enjoy this one.

After the Easter holidays Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner plan to try as best we can to teach you while your at home. This might include giving you new spelling words or new times tables to learn. The work in your folder might run out soon so that’s why we’ll be sure to change it up a bit after the holidays to make sure your still learning and not getting bored!

Mrs McGarvey would love to see lots of what you have been up to so if you have any pictures of you learning at home or just even having fun then please send them to with your name and room 6 and we can share them on our social media pages.

In the meantime keep making lots of time for playing, having fun and relaxing during these strange times!

Again if you need anything then just let me know.

Take care always

Mrs Graham x


Hello boys and girls,

This is the first day of me being your Thursday and Friday teacher so I thought I’d send you a message to say hi and introduce myself to all the parents and carers who don’t already know me.

I hope you’re all keeping well and keeping busy too! We have been really enjoying going “rainbow spotting” to see how many rainbows we can see in all the boys’ and girl’s windows. Yesterday we counted 35! See how many you can spot and don’t forget to display yours too.

Each week, i’ll update this site with some ideas to keep your brain and body working. Parents and carers, I appreciate that this is a very demanding time for many who are working from home – please don’t worry about completing every activity – these are ideas to help and hopefully the boys and girls will be able to do lots on their own.

Keep reading!

Choose a story to read – you can find some of your book band colour on the Oxford Owl tile in your glow page. Or you can read one from your book shelf.

Draw 3 pictures showing the beginning, middle and end of the story and write a sentence or two for each.

Be a word detective! List all the 4 letter/ 5 letter and 6 letter words you can find in your book.

Help your grown ups to make lunch/ dinner or bake something. Then you could write the ingredients and instructions down using sequencing words like first, then, next, finally. 

Lego challenge: Pretend you were hired by an amusement park to create a new rollercoaster.

Have a look on Topmarks for some fab tablet friendly maths games.

Cosmic yoga on YouTube has some great yoga sessions that the whole family can get involved in. We did Moana yoga on Monday because Moana is my hero! Mr Mirner needs a bit of practise!

I hope these ideas  help to keep you busy and that you enjoy them too!

Mrs Mirner 😊

Egyptian models

Good morning all,

Hope you & your family are well and managing to keep busy at home. Mani is keeping Mrs Graham on her toes for sure. He’s been out in the garden a lot loving life so that’s been nice. Lubo is away to his granny’s house just now for a wee holiday although I think he might be missing us as he started to cry on FaceTime the other day when he saw Mani 😢.

I was so disappointed that we never got the chance for you all to show your models as they were due in on Monday there. Thank you to those who brought them in early, I managed to look at them the other day and they were amazing!

I was thinking a nice idea might be if you have any pictures of your models, or even ones of you making them, and want to share them with us then email them to with the subject title ‘room 6’ and Mrs McGarvey will pick them up and upload them onto Twitter for everyone to see. I am so sorry this is the only way we have to share all your hard work just now but Mrs Graham will try to find a way when we are back at school.

Again if there are any questions you might have then just let me know and remember to keep having fun and taking care of each other.

Mrs Graham x

Home learning w/c 23.3.20

Good afternoon girls and boys.

I hope you and your family are keeping well. Mrs Graham is missing you all already and room 6 is a very quiet place today, believe it or not I’m actually missing all the chatter!

I posted last week some ideas for activities to do at home for those already self isolating and I will copy these onto the bottom of this post too. Many of these are easy to do at home with very little resources and you can work through them in any order and at any pace.  You also have a folder of work with activities and website suggestions that you can use to learn at home as well completing any other jobs your parents and carers may organise for you.  A suggested idea of how an average day might look like is this;

  • 1 numeracy task (i.e. a worksheet, website game)
  • 1 literacy task (i.e. diary, book review, spelling game)
  • Personal reading (roughly 15-20 minutes)
  • Exercise/fresh air (i.e online exercises, playing in the garden)
  • 1 other activity (i.e art, ICT, music)

Please remember this is only a suggested daily timetable to help organise your days however as each of you and your families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get it done! Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task Mrs Graham sets you. And for parents and carers please don’t put pressure on yourselves to do it all either.

If you or your parents and carers have any questions then just let me know.

Take care of yourselves and each other and I will speak to you all soon.

Mrs Graham xx


Suggested activities

• Write a weekly diary entry telling us about what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• ‘Newsround’ find a news story that interests you online or on TV/radio and write about in in your own words. You could even draw or print off a picture too.
• Spelling practise. Use spelling words on previous week’s Blogs to practise rules. Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games. Eg get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.

• Online/APP maths games (topmarks)
• Practise ‘learn its’/times tables
• X table/division bingo games
• Buzz

• Create a PPT presentation related to an aspect of our class topic.
• Topic art project. Choose an aspect of our class topic to do a piece of art on, Could be a drawing, painting, etc.
• Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.
• Easter Art. Decorate a hard boiled egg, Easter bonnet, etc.
• Home baking.



Home learning for self isolating pupils

Hi Folks,

As a whole school we are currently planning for learning at home in the event of closure.

However in the meantime as there are a number of pupils who are currently absent or self isolating the following activities could be completed at home.


• Write a weekly diary entry telling us about what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• ‘Newsround’ find a news story that interests you online or on TV/radio and write about in in your own words. You could even draw or print off a picture too.
• Spelling practise. Use spelling words on  previous week’s Blogs to practise rules. Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games. Eg get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online/APP maths games (topmarks)
• Practise ‘learn its’/times tables
• X table/division bingo games
• Buzz


• Create a PPT presentation related to an aspect of our class topic.
• Topic art project. Choose an aspect of our class topic to do a piece of art on, Could be a drawing, painting, etc.
• Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.
• Easter Art. Decorate a hard boiled egg, Easter bonnet, etc.
• Home baking.

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves and each other. Please keep an eye on this blog as the majority of future learning is likely to be posted here however Mrs McGravey will advise of this in due course.

Mrs Graham





Homework w/c 16.3.20

Hi there,

This week Spelling, Reading, Maths and Topic homework has been issued.

Spelling: Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using a variety of active spelling strategies in preparation for a quiz in class on Friday.

Pens and Crayons (au, ew, ow):
*This is an important consolidation week that is set out within the school’s spelling planner. It requires the children to go back and revisit the above spelling rules they may have learned some time ago so to ensure they are embedded.

Pencils and Rubbers (au):

sauce, because, applaud, pause, Paul, Laura and the following common week, keep, when.

Do you want to challenge yourself? If so can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly? Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys: ‘Josie Goes on Holiday’ (whole book)
Dahls: ‘Art in the Past’ (whole book)
Rowlings: Ch 11

Please practise the following;

6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9  and counting up in 2’s, 5’s and 10s.

Triangles & Squares:
Practise the 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 x table with a particular focus on 3x and 4x. In class the children have been playing ‘Hit the button’ on the website and might enjoy playing this at home.

Final week for 3D model making as they are due on Monday 23rd March (see previous blog post), we cant wait to see them!

Homework w/c 9.3.20

Hi there,

Thank you to those who have helped with resources for our travel agents, the kids are loving it so far!

This week Spelling, Reading, Maths and Topic homework has been issued.

Spelling: Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategies in preparation for a quiz in class on Friday.

ALL GROUPS (ue, aw, oi):
*This is an important consolidation week that is set out within the school’s spelling planner. It requires the children to go back and revisit spelling rules they may have learned some time ago so to ensure they are embedded.

Do you want to challenge yourself? If so can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly? Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys: Whole book (new book)
Dahls: Ch 2
Rowlings: Ch 10


Please practise the following


6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9+ and counting up in 2’s, 5’s and 10s.

Triangles & Squares:

Practise the 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 x table with a particular focus on 3x and 4x. In class the children have been playing ‘Hit the button’ on the website and might enjoy playing this at home.


Continue with 3D models that are due on Monday 23rd March. See previous blog post.




Book Swap

Hi Parents/Carers,

As part of our class Eco Project we have decided to arrange a book swap and what better week to do it when world book day is on Friday! Throughout this week children can bring in a book, which they have read and then swap it for a different one. Books can be handed in from Tues, Wed, Thurs and the swap will take place on Friday. Thank you for your participation.

Miss Love

Homework w.c 2.3.20

Hello March!!

This week Spelling, Reading, Newsround and Topic homework has been issued.

Spelling: Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategies in preparation for a quiz in class on Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group (ue, aw, oi):

Consolidation week. Please recap on spelling words, including common words from the last 3 weeks.

Pens and Crayons Group (ss, ll, ff, kn, mb):

2nd Consolidation week. Please recap on spelling words, including common words from the last 5 weeks.

Do you want to challenge yourself? If so can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly? Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Kinneys: whole book (new book)
Dahls: ch 1 (new book)
Rowlings: Chapter 9

‘Newsround’: find a news story that interests you. You can either find it online, in a newspaper, on TV or radio. Then in your own words write what it is about and why you chose this story. You can the use the blank space in your jotter to draw a picture of it or even cut/print out the story and stick it in. We will then share our newsround stories every week with each other. Please remember to check with your parents that each news story you pick each week is appropriate.

Topic: As part of our topic I would like the children to develop a travel agent in the classroom whereby they can extend their learning of Egypt through play. I would be very grateful if anyone happens to have any brochures at home or if they happen to pass a travel agents and are able to collect some for us. Specifically ones for Egypt and the Middle East however we can really make anything work.

3D models are due on Monday 23rd March. See previous blog post.