Homework Wk beg 17/02/20

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and Newsround homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket.

Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group(aw):

jaw, draw, hawk, crawl, awful, saw, very, took, fast, there

Pens and Crayons Group(mb):

comb, lamb, climb, crumb, dumb, green, people, which, another

Crayons and Rubbers group, can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly?

Challenge Activities – Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys:  whole book
Dahls: whole book
Rowlings: Chapter 7 ‘Grandma gets the medicine’

Newsround: find a news story that interests you. You can either find it online, in a newspaper, on TV or radio. Then in your own words write what it is about and why you chose this story. You can the use the blank space in your jotter to draw a picture of it or even cut/print out the story and stick it in. We will then share our newsround stories every week with each other. Please remember to check with your parents that each news story you pick each week is appropriate.


Circles: Learn Its
Squares: Learn Its
Triangles: Learn Its

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