Lately in Early Years

We’ve had a busy and active few weeks in Early Years-

We’ve made playdough (We chose to mix blue and red together to make it purple), explored colour mixing with paint to make new colours, baked some healthy pancakes, practiced washing our own dishes after meals, found lots of bugs to look at in our bug viewer & went for a trip to the beach where we found lots of things including a jelly fish, mermaids purse, various stones and shells & crabs!

Whilst by the playground we spotted a frog hopping around, Miss Laurenson helped us to release it into our pond where we watched it leap and swim.

Messy play (Gloop, Foam and paint), building with blocks and loose parts and exploring nature making ‘food’ in the mud kitchen and finding and learning about different creatures has been some of our favorite things to do lately, We’ve been very lucky to have nice weather being out and about too.